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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

30+ foot object enters and exits Earth orbit via Lagrange points in orbit animations

Near-Earth object 2022 NX1 "briefly entered Earth's orbit through the L1 point" and "completed a partial orbit before exiting through L2," according to Tony Dunn from Orbitsimulator.com. It "could be of an artificial origin, launched from the Earth decades ago or a lunar ejecta," according to the IAU Minor Planet Center. Credit: Space.com / orbit animations: NASA/JPL-Caltech, Tony Dunn from [Orbitsimulator.com]((http://www.orbitsimulator.com/) / produced & edited by [Steve Spaleta](http://www.twitter.com/stevespaleta) Music: Whispering Wind by Ethan Sloan / courtesy of http://www.epidemicsound.com

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