UFOS : Videos of aliens sightings. Do not forget to suscribe it.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Remedio para los nervios y la acidez estomacal - INFUSIÓN - TE DE ALBAHACA LaRutaVerde

Remedio para los nervios y la acidez estomacal - INFUSIÓN - TE DE ALBAHACA LaRutaVerde REMEDIOS DE SALUD: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYInkrke451H9UuHSUEVXJxkXyyx0HReu PASOS PARA MEJORAR TU MENTE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLtZ64t8BnU&list=PLYInkrke451Fa0vs3jVwkEU1p7gARBYyl NOTICIAS DEL ULTIMO MOMENTO: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMZ34SK4aStJJ7SfgI6klZLBJl_p3SAPu PRONOSTICO DEL CLIMA TODOS LOS DIAS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMZ34SK4aStLyK8nxx0mMnPOoI3ZlSdpT #LaRutaVerde #Salud #Mente SUSCRIBETE A #LaRutaVerde https://bit.ly/2OOiJxw Suscríbete a Pepe En Vivo: https://www.youtube.com/user/PepeAllende?sub_confirmation=1 INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/LaRutaverdetv/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/LaRutaVerde FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/LaRutaVerde/ Suscríbete a PepeEnVivo https://bit.ly/2UmH9EA 10 PASOS PARA DESINTOXICAR LA MENTE - LaRutaVerde https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=nLtZ64t8BnU LOS 11 INCREÍBLES BENEFICIOS DEL JENGIBRE | LaRutaVerde https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdoS5-wNNDQ

The Video You Need To Watch Before You Go To AREA 51! 2019

Become a Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuBPlZTF6TGO0g58QgcgsxA/join UFO Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofmoon! Share Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! cousinsbrothersproductions@gmail.com Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone! UFO Seekers Channel Link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9mVNQu54jwGf_eNBWlCb7w

Relato de poder ver entidades espirituales y hombres sombra | Desvelado Adiccion

#Tendencias #UltimaHora Contacto: desveladoadiccion@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/desveladoadiccion Nos relatan que ella tiene la habilidad de ver entidades espirituales y sobre todo hombres sombra (Shadowman) y nos comentan las diferencias


PSYCHO SPIRITUAL ACADEMIA AND THE RH FACTOR , 8TH WAVE. FLAT EARTH RISING AND THE WORLD IS NOW NOTICEABLY SPLIT BETWEEN THOSE WHO BELIEVE AND THOSE WHO KNOW . THOSE WHO BELIEVE... WELL, THEY ACT UP . HAVE TANTRUMS. THE SYSTEM IS SECRETLY POSITIONING THE HIVE MIND TO WEAPONISE VIOLENTLY AGAINST THE ARGUMENT BECAUSE THEY CAN NOT REBUT . TRYING TO USE MATH POWERLAND AS A TRIGGER , WHILST REMOVE HIM FROM HIS OWN HYPER REAL VERSUS FAKE REVISIONIST REVOLUTION IN THE SPIRIT OF THE EXPLORER. YOU WANTED TO KNOW IF REVOLUTIONARIES SEEM COMPROMISED? OR SOLD OUT AT SOME POINT? THAT'S BECAUSE THEY WERE NEVER THE ONE WHO STARTED IT . THEY WERE INSERTED AND TOOK OVER FROM THE ONE WHO DID . WHO DOES . WHO KNOWS AND SPOKE OUT . THAT'S WHY . There was another person that started something. Something so inevitable by the wiring of DNA and circumstance . He was studied for some time so they can observe and understand if he is an asset or a liability . It was and is a fascinating action paced realism , a mass quantum debunking at rapid rate intelligent collapse every smidgeon of detail and fact stating the earth is round. "Round" stopping short there, at just an adjective. No guts to say round what? Why not say the earth is a ball. If you wish to have an adjective say spinning. As the ball is the shape and the adjective round is not. Balls are by definition round and noun . I can easily say the earth is dirty or wet as well, but those are qualities not an admission of shape . Math is in the midst of being taken out by a shadow group placing their own agents within Flat earth as the rest wake up fast they need to grab them through google like scooping them in a web with a net and then pull them in on the ship of fools for flat earth who do even more believing than the globe with an archaic throwback enclosed dome not flat at all but still needing to incorporate some curve somewhere as if heavily dosed with ball withdrawal . All to head off the real McCoy, a viking that wishes to head straight south , and head him off at the at the pass with a mass violent interruption by weaponized 9th-11th wave nutter ballers. Tell you what.... if you are not convinced after watching this, that there are waves, I am the one releasing all the revelation and or are confused whether this is staged with a budget , because it looks good and slick , and can't tell if I am real stop the video please go watch Rob Skiba, or ODD TV or Mark Sargent and the guy who lives in a military general's house in thailand doing yoga and kung fu. lest you forget... I am an artist with a camera , a hyper realist political scientist and painter, a performer, and a professional oBservation, expresser. I was born to tell you it's flat . I am the ART OF THIS . represent support . or i am done and you can have rob skiba and Odd tv and attack jews and live in a fairytale INSTRUMENT TO DEFEND YOU WHILE YOU CONDUCT BRAIN SURGERY IN PUBLIC: http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/322499248432

Girls Eyes Change Color in the Sun REACTION!

Today we are reacting to a Tiktok video of a "Girls eyes CHANGE COLOR outside!!" - The video from TikTok quickly showing how how they change, and the crazy difference between her "indoors" color and "outdoors" color! credit: @theemagicspoolbus --------- For business enquires, content submission or copyright concerns or disputes, please contact us at sandboxten@gmail.com

UFO Sightings July 31st 2019 Space Ship Something Is Going On

Never Miss A UFO Sighting Again: https://www.youtube.com/user/iufosightings?sub_confirmation=1 ©iUFOSightings. Thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/iufosightings?sub_confirmation=1 We cannot guarantee all these sightings are 100% authentic. We just have to take the sources word. In the end you be the judge! We are a family friendly channel.

Pronóstico para este jueves 1 de agosto | TV Tiempo

#TVTiempoTVN #TVNChile #Chile ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn

Las revelaciones que Laura Lucio hará sobre vida íntima de Jenni Rivera | De Primera Mano

Nuestra compañera Nelssie Carrillo entrevistó a una de las mejores amigas de Jenni Rivera, la periodista Laura Lucio hará sobre la vida íntima de la 'DIva de la Banda'. ¿Cantaba en fiestas de narcos? ¿Sufrió extorsión? ¿Cómo fue su relación con Esteban Loaiza? Entérate. No te pierdas lo mejor del espectáculo de lunes a viernes De Primera Mano a las 3 p.m. con Gustavo Adolfo Infante, Mónica Noguera y Michelle Rubalcava por Imagen Televisión Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes De Primera Mano Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookDePrimeraMano Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterDePrimeraMano O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U

Les Preuves De L'existence Des Ovnis Et D'objets Construit Sur La Lune

artiste de musique est Kevin Macleod et aller au Incompetech.com pour sa collections de musique complete... Bonjour Et Bienvenue Les preuves il sont la et je les partage avec vous. L'activité sur la lune... montre que nous sommes pas seule....Voici mes preuves Merci Beaucoup... http://myevent.com/bruceseesall

Ministro Monckeberg explica propuesta para flexibilizar la jornada laboral | MBD

"Planteamos rebajar la jornada a 41 horas a la semana, pero que además usted la pueda distribuir en el mes o en la semana con mayor flexibilidad" señaló el ministro. #MuyBuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Muy buenos días ? https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

El cochinito: ¿Cómo sobrevivir a los gastos del regreso a clases? | Sale el Sol

El regreso a clases es una de las épocas del año que puede causar mayor estrés debido a los gastos que se realizan. Daniel Urías te da algunos tips de ahorros. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿Cómo combinar colores en un outfit? | Sale el Sol

Saber combinar colores es un punto fundamental para un look de impacto. Bibi Nassar te explica cómo puedes jugar con ellos para lucir espectacular. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

La intención del día es: ¡Sé creativo! | Sale el Sol

La monotonía puede volver aburridas las cosas. Este día proponte ser creativo dándole un cambio a las cosas que cotidianamente realizas. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Novia de Luis Miguel desmiente haberse sometido a un aborto | Sale el Sol

Luego de que se rumorara que Luis Miguel obligó a su novia a abortar, ella lo desmiente. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Gerente de La Piccola Italia: "La política de la empresa es no al maltrato"

Sebastián Vanella habló con Muy Buenos Días y señaló que ellos como empresa no tenían denuncias respecto a maltratos y acoso sexual. Asimismo, indicó que crearán una gerencia de recursos humanos. #MuyBuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Muy buenos días ? https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

That's a crime!

Today Rabea Massaad and I are comparing two of my favourite Chapman Guitars - ML1 Modern V2 standard and ML1 Pro Modern. What is your favourite? Subscribe to my channel by clicking this magic button: http://bit.ly/1il3TH0 Twitter: twitter.com/robchapmanmusic Facebook: www.facebook.com/officialrobchapman Greetings I'm Rob Chapman, I am a guitarist from Brighton in the UK. I am the frontman and guitarist for Dorje, demonstrator for Andertons Music and I am also the founder/owner of Chapman Guitars. I love making videos about guitar tuition, demonstration, reviews, and studio things like coffee/pizza and Diablo.

Mujer lanzó bebida a trabajadora que la atendió | Muy buenos días

Según relata la joven que grabó el hecho, la clienta se habría molestado porque sus papas estaban frías. #MuyBuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Muy buenos días ? https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/


DO YOU WISH TO KNOW? TEAM POWERLAND MERCH WITH MORE FLAT EARTH AND EXPEDITION GEAR : https://teespring.com/stores/p-o-w-e-r-l-a-n-d?page=1 Get a PHOTO OR PAINTING SHIRT below. For every donation and have many walking around simply asking the question is this globe even REAL?! ©COPYRIGHT -MATH-POWERLAND-LLC-CARE-OF- MATTHEW-BOYLAN-ALL-RIGHTS-RESERVED-2018 PHOTO? OR PAINTING ? Hopefully you are comfortable with your self because this may trigger....;) HIGH QUALITY SCREEN PRINTS NOT TEE SPRING , CLICK 35$ +7.50 shipping 22$ shipping international here :(ALERT US IF IT DOES NOT WORK mathpowerland@gmail.com with screencap pls !!!! ) Hoodies 55$ long sleeve 40 dresses 55 ! https://mathpowerland387377243.wordpress.com/fashion-womens-mens/ TEESPRING STORE: globe experiment on public shirt test their sense of reality .23$ order HERE : https://teespring.com/stores/p-o-w-e-r-l-a-n-d custom high quality you will have to email me mathpowerland@gmail.com youtube has created a duopoly with teespring . custom slogans better quality ! I can send you the paypal donate button if link isnt working https://mathpowerland387377243.wordpress.com/fashion-womens-mens/ IF PAYPAL DONATE BUTTON IS NOW BLOCKED BY YOUTUBE . SO (NOT LOL) JUST TEXT ME OR KATY , 407 716 5617 or 7863550818 for your PHOTO OR PAINTING ? shirt and we will automatically reply and send it out !!! So what's next YOUTUBE CENSORING PHONE NUMBERS ?! $35 PHOTO OR PAINTING TEE OR ANY CUSTOM MUSCLE TANK, TEE, LADIES TANK DRESS ETC OR $20 ON SALE 2XL AND 3XL PHOTO OR PAINTING SHIRTS!! VIDEO LINK MATH POWERLAND CHALLENGING ELON MUSK IN MARCH 2012 TO BE THE FIRST FLAT EARTHER IN SPACE INA CONTEST THAT NEVER RESULTED IN A CIVILIAN SPACE FLIGHT AS I PREDICTED !! STALL TACTIC TO KEEP PEOPLE TRAINED ONA BALL BEFORE THEY ARE CHIPPED OR BEFORE WW3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrglAYyhqVY please include size, address, phrase and shipping for your country in donation description !! SUPPORT OUR LEGAL EFFORTS TO SHUT DOWN PLAGIARISM ONLINE !! (THANK YOU MY WORK ISN'T TO FEED YOUR UGLY KIDS MOUTHS , ROB SKIBA.) ART PRINTS BY THE ARTIST MATH : https://www.instagram.com/maththeartist/ TEAM POWERLAND MERCH WITH MORE FLAT EARTH AND EXPEDITION GEAR : https://teespring.com/stores/p-o-w-e-r-l-a-n-d?page=1 https://www.youtube.com/c/TheNASAchannel/live

Buscan revertir el serio abandono que vive una de sus vecinas | Carmen Gloria a tu servicio

Azdaly junto a los vecinos de una comunidad están muy preocupados por el grave abandono que sufre la señora Mireya de 91 añoso. Señalan que nadie la visita y que la única persona que se ha visto cerca es un sobrino, por lo que buscan la forma de encontrar a la familia para que se hagan cargo de ella y la cuiden. #CarmenGloriaTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de Carmen Gloria a tu servicio ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/carmengloria/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/


Los importantes beneficios de la Glutamina, un aminoacido importante para mantenernos jovenes REMEDIOS DE SALUD: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYInkrke451H9UuHSUEVXJxkXyyx0HReu PASOS PARA MEJORAR TU MENTE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLtZ64t8BnU&list=PLYInkrke451Fa0vs3jVwkEU1p7gARBYyl NOTICIAS DEL ULTIMO MOMENTO: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMZ34SK4aStJJ7SfgI6klZLBJl_p3SAPu PRONOSTICO DEL CLIMA TODOS LOS DIAS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMZ34SK4aStLyK8nxx0mMnPOoI3ZlSdpT #LaRutaVerde #Salud #Mente SUSCRIBETE A #LaRutaVerde https://bit.ly/2OOiJxw Suscríbete a Pepe En Vivo: https://www.youtube.com/user/PepeAllende?sub_confirmation=1 INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/LaRutaverdetv/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/LaRutaVerde FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/LaRutaVerde/ Suscríbete a PepeEnVivo https://bit.ly/2UmH9EA 10 PASOS PARA DESINTOXICAR LA MENTE - LaRutaVerde https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=nLtZ64t8BnU LOS 11 INCREÍBLES BENEFICIOS DEL JENGIBRE | LaRutaVerde https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdoS5-wNNDQ

Amor de lejos | Carmen Gloria a tu servicio

#CarmenGloriaTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de Carmen Gloria a tu servicio ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/carmengloria/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Russia Launches Progress 73 Cargo Mission to Space Station

Russia launched the Progress 73 mission to the International Space Station on July 31, 2019 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Credit: Roscosmos

THE IRISHMAN Teaser Trailer (2019) | Robert De Niro, Martin Scorsese Netflix Movie

The Irishman | Official Teaser 🌞 SUMMER SALE 🌞 Head to our merch store for 20% off on all items with the discount code SUMMER20 http://bit.ly/FINSHOP SUBSCRIBE to MOVIE trailers: http://bit.ly/SubFIN and RING THE 🔔 !! WATCH #BestNewTrailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN starring Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci Directed by Martin Scorsese An epic saga of organized crime in post-war America told through the eyes of World War II veteran Frank Sheeran, a hustler and hitman who worked alongside some of the most notorious figures of the 20th Century. Spanning decades, the film chronicles one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in American history, the disappearance of legendary union boss Jimmy Hoffa, and offers a monumental journey through the hidden corridors of organized crime: its inner workings, rivalries and connections to mainstream politics. LISTEN to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/SoothingBeatsFIN #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the lasted official movie trailers 2019 and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

See a Partial Lunar Eclipse From Space Station in Awesome Time-Lapse

NASA astronaut Christina Koch captured amazing imagery of the Moon as it moved right above the day/night line on Earth as seen from the International Space Station. About half way through the video a partial lunar eclipse can be seen. -- Pictures from Space! Our Image of the Day: https://www.space.com/34-image-day.html Credit: NASA

The Real Story Behind Ancient Aliens! 2019

The Real Story Behind Ancient Aliens! 2019 Kevin Burn, Giorgios Tsoukalos! Become a Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuBPlZTF6TGO0g58QgcgsxA/join UFO Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofmoon! Share Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! cousinsbrothersproductions@gmail.com Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone! Check out Dr.JRadioLIVE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAzKzA_CL5QxGrijRowPDRA

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Noche de sensualidad y erotismo en el late | No culpes a la noche

Pamela Leiva, Rafael Olarra, Pablo Herrera y Teresa Hales conversaron sobre sexualidad, revelaron cuantas parejas han tenido e incluso revelaron con qué famoso tendrían una relación. Esto y mucho más en un imperdible capítulo de No culpes a la noche. #NoCulpesALaNocheTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de No culpes a la noche ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/noculpesalanoche/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Lunar Surface Revealed Through A CGXL 1400 HD Telescope & Nikon D850

music artist Kevin Macleod goto Incompetech.com for his entire collection.. Thanks Mr Steve Towers, Francois Bedard & Mr John Mercl .... Hello and Welcome Bonjour et Bienvenue The Lunar Surface revealed in a very beautiful way and we look at greenery and green Patchy areas all over the surface of the moon. Let's go and see why China had a hard time landing inside of Sinus Iridum... Thanks...Merci http://myevent.com/bruceseesall


Más datos importantes de la Dieta Cetogénica para bajar de peso REMEDIOS DE SALUD: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYInkrke451H9UuHSUEVXJxkXyyx0HReu PASOS PARA MEJORAR TU MENTE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLtZ64t8BnU&list=PLYInkrke451Fa0vs3jVwkEU1p7gARBYyl NOTICIAS DEL ULTIMO MOMENTO: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMZ34SK4aStJJ7SfgI6klZLBJl_p3SAPu PRONOSTICO DEL CLIMA TODOS LOS DIAS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMZ34SK4aStLyK8nxx0mMnPOoI3ZlSdpT #LaRutaVerde #Salud #Mente SUSCRIBETE A #LaRutaVerde https://bit.ly/2OOiJxw Suscríbete a Pepe En Vivo: https://www.youtube.com/user/PepeAllende?sub_confirmation=1 INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/LaRutaverdetv/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/LaRutaVerde FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/LaRutaVerde/ Suscríbete a PepeEnVivo https://bit.ly/2UmH9EA 10 PASOS PARA DESINTOXICAR LA MENTE - LaRutaVerde https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=nLtZ64t8BnU LOS 11 INCREÍBLES BENEFICIOS DEL JENGIBRE | LaRutaVerde https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdoS5-wNNDQ

Pronóstico para este miércoles 31 de julio | TV Tiempo

#TVTiempoTVN #TVNChile #Chile ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn

Relato de ver a un cerdo sin cabeza diciéndoles que un familiar moriría | Desvelado Adiccion

#Tendencias #UltimaHora Contacto: desveladoadiccion@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/desveladoadiccion Nos relatan que ellos trabajaban en una granja de puercos y su esposo en una noche vieron un cerdo sin cabez que les dijo que si se iban de ahi alguien de su familia moriria en 30 dias y asi sucedio.

Lets clear the air here!

BECOME A MEMBER @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRERFUVI8WDxoN3JVzmp6UQ/join *FOR EARLY VIEWING OF SOME VIDEOS" *MEMBERS ONLY LIVE STREAMS" @ MANY MORE PERKS TO COME FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRERFUVI8WDxoN3JVzmp6UQ/join G TEAM.. Merch Store @ https://teespring.com/stores/the-g-team-merch Email us @ thegteamparanormal@gmail.com Send Fan Mail to: The G Team Paranormal Investigators PO BOX 11102 Spring Hill Florida 34610 Be sure to Subscribe to my Daughter Heather's page as well for some awesome content. @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Hy3qAT6xSmJWxE86NnTMQ "Music from Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)" Thumbnails made by Kelsi Davies@ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSODi5sR29kV3UZQdHerPtw GET YOUR CRYSTALS AND SAGE @ https://gg2treasuresrockshop.com/?fbclid=IwAR1-lNrka9eVboWxjf7jmBOO0CL3kFvwVU8553XHzQuo6coQX5KGL59lq0c Other videos to check out @ PARANORMAL ACTIVITY IN THIS HOME IS UNBELIEVABLE!! BUT IT IS REAL!! https://youtu.be/pGRRh3jQo0I ((THIS WAS WHEN WE FIRST STARTED)) DOLLS HEAD MOVES ON CAMERA @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V23VvzX8dIA&t=1551s MALICIOUS SPIRIT IN OMARS HOME @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzVYFVSptlU&t=2312s THE SCARIEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6aK-DzvRMw&t=1100s HAUNTED HOTEL (THEY KEPT US AWAKE ALL NIGHT) @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vfg3hkxYp8o&t=2824s BRUSHY MOUNTAIN PRISON PT 1 @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYlTKEueAgE&t=1s BRUSHY MOUNTAIN PRISON PT 2 @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM-MPhYIulA&t=1387s HAUNTED CABIN IN TENNESSEE MOUNTAINS @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDHVg2lY6P4&t=2s HAUNTED 1700 JAIL IN TN @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ai92Jul40s&t=3157s TEDDY BEAR MOVES ON CAMERA AT CASTLE IN TN @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2C_s4PAVJM&t=3s GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA AT CABIN IN TN @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7DFlKMYwSg&t=998s GHOST TOWN OF ELKMONT IN TENNESSEE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lurEUYLqQyk MYSTERY MANSION WITH OMAR @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nBX3riXuWA&t=7s HAUNTED DIBBUK BOX OPENING WITH OMAR @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpCQF73X4ng&t=4s HAUNTED & ABANDONED TOWN @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqMaBT7OmeI MY GRANDSON SEES HIS FATHER AT HIS GRAVE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBmUaLPu2vM THE BEST EVP EVER CAUGHT ON CAMERA @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F26Ke2QCxTU&t=2s HAUNTED CAMPGROUND (SPIRITS COME OUT AND TALK)!!! https://youtu.be/5REvCVhyFpc OMAR'S HAUNTED ROBERT THE DOLL @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPH4M5KcDdU OVERNIGHT IN A HAUNTED BRITISH PUB WITH LOU ROCK @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_29gsZhCCw THE DEVIL'S CHAIR IN LAKE HELEN FL "CASSADAGA"! @ https://youtu.be/x6cxykRfSl8 GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA FOLLOWING ME THROUGH CEMETERY @https://youtu.be/YtyUpCrv12U AMAZING TRIBUTE TO MY DECEASED SON THANKS TO OMAR @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSE-zEja88M GRIEVING MOTHER GETS SURPRISE MESSAGES FROM HER SON AT HIS GRAVE!! https://youtu.be/BgufjuGgO7U 3 WOMEN ALL NIGHT IN HAUNTED 1800'S MANSION (MAJOR PARANORMAL ACTIVITY CAUGHT ON CAMERA)!! https://youtu.be/BugBX2qUzRc MY DECEASED SON GIVES ME MANY MESSAGES AND EVEN A MESSAGE FOR MY FANS!! https://youtu.be/nJ0MlfpM9hU THE FIRST TIME I HEARD AN EVP FROM MY SON @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSaUxm9ZnZc MY DECEASED SON CAUGHT ON CAMERA SHORTLY AFTER HE DIES @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CS3QcvCvyU THE FAMOUS "MA BARKERS' HOUSE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwVX0XOZ5Ow THE FIRST TIME WE MET JAMES THE FAMS @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuSZ5iEFcy8 OMAR GOSH TV SURPRISE VISIT TO MEET A FAN!!! AWESOME!!! https://youtu.be/1rkJr4nsonc EXTREMELY HAUNTED HOME WITH A DARK PAST @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtDvD8pb6Ok HAUNTED MAY STRINGER HOUSE @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uUjpMjwj7c FUNNY BLOOPERS WHEN "THE G TEAM PARANORMAL" FIRST STARTED!! https://youtu.be/_q_hFN33OgI AMAZING EVP (HE SAYS I LOVE YOU)!!!!! https://youtu.be/5M9B-YwZsIM OUR DECEASED FAMILY COMMUNICATES WITH US...(AMAZING MESSAGES)!! https://youtu.be/o1tPLutbRds Visit Omar's Channel at https://youtube.com/user/OmarGoshTV https://youtube.com/user/TheOmarGosh Visit Heather's channel @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Hy3qAT6xSmJWxE86NnTMQ

Daniel Sheehan (07-16-19)

Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School–trained Constitutional Litigation and Appellate Attorney. For close to five decades, Dan’s work as an Federal Civil Rights Attorney, Author, Public Speaker and College and Law School Educator has helped expose the structural sources of injustice in our country and around the world. He has protected the fundamental and inalienable rights of our world’s citizens and has elucidated a compelling and inspiring vision for the future direction of our human family. Dan’s dedication to this vision and his work have placed him at the center of many of the most important legal cases and social movements of our generation. After The Karen Silkwood Case Dan and Sara founded, with father Davis, the famed CHRISTIC INSTITUTE. And Danny and Sara started their family with the birth of Danny-Paul. Dan served as Legal Counsel to Dr. John Mack, the Chair of the Department of Clinical Psychology at Harvard Medical School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Mack was a Pulitzer-Prize winning biographer who, utilizing the scientific methods of medical psychology, conducted extensive research into the phenomenon of alien abduction. In 1994, the Dean of The Harvard Medical School called Dr. Mack before a special hand-picked Faculty Committee and ordered Dr. Mack to “defend” his publication of his book Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens. A clear violation of his free speech rights and his status as a long-tenured Professor at Harvard University—as well as a highly-respected clinician—Dan successfully represented Dr. Mack before this committee, and secured his right to academic freedom. Dan’s work for – and the, later, with – Dr. Mack was not the first time Dan had come into contact with the issue of the potential of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. In 1977, Dan served as a “Special Counsel” to the United States Library of Congress’ investigation into the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence that had been expressly requested by then President Jimmy Carter. Following this work Dan was invited to present a Three-hour, closed-door seminar on the Theological Implications of Our Contact With Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence to top 50 scientists assigned to The SETI Project (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Given these experiences, Dan was in a unique position to handle legal issues surrounding the extraterrestrial intelligence debate. In 2001, Dan was invited to serve as General Counsel to The Disclosure Project, which coordinated the sworn testimony—before staff members of the United States Congress—by former U.S. Military Officers, Federal Aviation Administration officials, and NASA employees attesting to their own direct personal knowledge of Government information confirming the UFO phenomenon and the belief on the part of important agencies of our government in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Dan also served as General Counsel to the Institute for Cooperation in Space, a U.S. citizens group dedicated to banning space-based weapons and the development of any weapons intended for offensive use against potential extraterrestrial civilizations. Dan has, since that time, been invited, on numerous occasions, a speak on “The Philosophical and Theological Implications of the Human Discovery of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at the International UFO Congress and at The Mutual UFO Network. Daniel Sheehan currently lives in Santa Cruz, California with Sara and their two sons, Danny-Paul and Daegan and teaches at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Dan is the author of THE PEOPLE’S ADVOCATE for COUNTERPOINT PRESS of Berkeley, California. https://danielpsheehan.com/biography/

¿Cuál es el significado de ser una 'bruja'? | Sale el Sol

¿Alguna vez te han llamado 'bruja'? Gina Jamamillo te explica cuál es el significado social y el origen de este concepto. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿Gabriel Soto ya conoce a los papás de Irina Baeva? | Sale el Sol

Gabriel Soto confiesa si ya tuvo oportunidad de conocer a los papás de Irina Baeva y responde a las declaraciones de Martha Julia quien aseguró que el actor es el amor de su vida. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿Qué es la depresión postparto? | Sale el Sol

¿Después del parto comenzaste a tener tristeza excesiva o ansiedad? Gina Ibarra te explica en qué consiste la depresión postparto y qué medidas tomara para enfrentarla. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Xavier López 'Chabelo' confiesa tener problemas de salud | Sale el Sol

'Chabelo' responde porqué se ausentó a la presentación de la película 'El complot mongol', además confiesa si pronto regresará a la televisión. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Audios y videos reflejan el actuar de "Jill", la otra jefa de La Piccola Italia

En los registros se puede oír a a la mujer llamando la atención de los trabajadores. #MuyBuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Muy buenos días ? https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Síntomas que estas deshidratado 🥵 / LaRutaVerde

Síntomas de una deshidratación REMEDIOS DE SALUD: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYInkrke451H9UuHSUEVXJxkXyyx0HReu PASOS PARA MEJORAR TU MENTE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLtZ64t8BnU&list=PLYInkrke451Fa0vs3jVwkEU1p7gARBYyl NOTICIAS DEL ULTIMO MOMENTO: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMZ34SK4aStJJ7SfgI6klZLBJl_p3SAPu PRONOSTICO DEL CLIMA TODOS LOS DIAS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMZ34SK4aStLyK8nxx0mMnPOoI3ZlSdpT #LaRutaVerde #Salud #Mente SUSCRIBETE A #LaRutaVerde https://bit.ly/2OOiJxw Suscríbete a Pepe En Vivo: https://www.youtube.com/user/PepeAllende?sub_confirmation=1 INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/LaRutaverdetv/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/LaRutaVerde FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/LaRutaVerde/ Suscríbete a PepeEnVivo https://bit.ly/2UmH9EA 10 PASOS PARA DESINTOXICAR LA MENTE - LaRutaVerde https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=nLtZ64t8BnU LOS 11 INCREÍBLES BENEFICIOS DEL JENGIBRE | LaRutaVerde https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdoS5-wNNDQ

Hija quiere pelear herencia de su padre | Carmen Gloria a tu servicio

Verónica reclama la herencia de su padre a quien fuera la conviviente de él por 20 años. Sin embargo, algunos de los hermanos de Verónica no quieren pelear por esta herencia e incluso están dispuestos a darle su parte a la conviviente por haber cuidado a su padre cuando nadie más podía hacerlo. #CarmenGloriaTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de Carmen Gloria a tu servicio ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/carmengloria/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Después de 20 años... ¿Vienes a pedir pensión? | Carmen Gloria a tu servicio

#CarmenGloriaTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de Carmen Gloria a tu servicio ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/carmengloria/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Top 5 UFO Sightings July 30th 2019 Check This Out

Never Miss A UFO Sighting Again: https://www.youtube.com/user/iufosightings?sub_confirmation=1 ©iUFOSightings. Thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/iufosightings?sub_confirmation=1 We cannot guarantee all these sightings are 100% authentic. We just have to take the sources word. In the end you be the judge! We are a family friendly channel.

The Jersey Shore Shark Attacks | SharkFest

In 1916, a rash of shark attacks along the Jersey Shore caused panic. Today more shark attacks are causing experts to wonder if there's a link. ➡Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About Sharkfest: Put on your wetsuit to swim with the sharpest of the sea. This is the one-stop-show-shop for all things shark. No fuss, no muss, just killer episodes. About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta The Jersey Shore Shark Attacks | SharkFest https://youtu.be/QEEBS4_ovVw National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo

WHEN METEOR SHOWERS COLLIDE! Delta Aquarid and Alpha Capricornids Meteor Shower Sky Cam LIVE!!

**If you don't like the music, mute it and play what you want.** FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pkspaceimaging/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PKSpaceImaging The best way to support what we do is getting yourself one the T-shirts below. The Music In these Streams Is Provided By The Following: Kevin MacLeod: https://incompetech.com/ Monstercat: https://www.monstercat.com/ Youtube Royalty Free-Non Attribution Music: www.YouTube.com Please Keep Foul Language To Yourself. This is a science based channel. We do realize that there is a certain sect of people that believe in a Earth Other than Round or a rogue planet that doesn't exist. This is not a channel that subscribes to ANY of those theories. We do not feel the need to entertain, debate, or give an audience to anyone who believes those theories to be true. If you believe those things, congratulations. Feel free to talk about them with like minded individuals on your own channels or channels with the same beliefs as yourself. We would rather keep this channel scientific with proven data than subscribe to the pseudo-science that is pushed by so many other YouTube Channels. No matter what you believe, we wish EVERYONE the very best in this vast search for truth. Paul and I stream the moon to the world to help educate and give people a rare look at the moon that they may have never seen and to look for anomalies that otherwise would not be seen. We would be doing this whether we have 1 viewer or 1 million viewers. We do this as a service to those who, like us, are natural explorers and want to learn and converse about Earth's only natural satellite... Luna A.K.A The Moon. Scope Operation: Paul- Miami FL Celestron 4" Telescope Meade 12" 305mm LX90 Meade 10" Scope Celestron 8"HD Celestron CPC 10" Scope Celestron CPC 11" Scope Meade 12" (3800) 80mm ED Carbon Fiber For Wide Field Viewing Celestron 130mm Refractor Medium Coronado 40mm, 480 focal length Solar Scope Completely Custom Broadcasting Camera **plus some secret attachments :)** Imaging and Optics: Keith- Pennsylvania YouTube Operation, Social Media Manager NASA OnEarth Imaging software FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) Software DON 3.1 Stellarium (For cross referencing) Nasa EYES (For cross referencing) (These are not all used during streaming, some are used in Post and/or Setup)

SpaceX Falcon 9 First Stage Landing - Sonic Boom and 4 Views

SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk shared a 4 view look of the Falcon 9 rocket first stage landing after it launched the CRS-18 mission to the International Space Station. Credit: SpaceX

¿Llegó el Hombre a la Luna? Algunas Razones por las que Creemos que si Llegó

¿Llegó el Hombre a la Luna? Algunas Razones por las que Creemos que si Llegó. ¿Que piensan ustedes amigos de Planetamisterio? ¿deja tu opinión en los comentarios? Subo Contenido 3 veces por semana. Por favor... ¡suscríbete!: https://bit.ly/2Q8gpl6 ¡¡¡No olvides activar la campanilla para estar al tanto de los nuevos vídeos!!!

Whoa! What Happened? Best Of July Top UFO Sightings 2019!

LIVE Event Sharing the TOP UFO Footage For the Month of July! Thirdphaseofmoon Merch! https://teespring.com/stores/thirdphaseofmoon-merch

Monday, July 29, 2019

¿Por qué la pelea de YosStop exhibe lo peor de nuestra sociedad? | BIPOLAR

Lady "Sabritones", La "naca" de YosStop, Lady Lancha, Lady Yate, o como quieras decirle, encabezó hoy las tendencias de Twitter y diversas redes sociales por un polémico caso de una pelea con el conductor de un yate... o al menos así es como ella lo llamaba. Pero, ¿por qué un caso que pareciera tan efímero e irrelevante puede llegar a tener tanta importancia? Visita nuestro sitio web: http://www.imagentv.com/ Solo aquí encontrarás lo mejor de los programas de entretenimiento de Imagen Televisión para que no dejes de disfrutar ni un instante de nuestra programación. Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U

Naná: "Daniela Castro prometió que me vendría a visitar, pero no lo hizo" | No culpes a la noche

Eliana Hernández, una de las abuelitas más queridas de la televisión chilena, abrió las puestas de su hogar para mostrarnos cómo vive. Además, confesó que Daniela Castro, ganadora de la primera temporada de "MasterChef Chile", no cumplió con las promesas de ir a visitarla. #NoCulpesALaNocheTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de No culpes a la noche ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/noculpesalanoche/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

La fama después de MasterChef Chile | No culpes a la noche

Los carismáticos ex participantes del programa de cocina "MasterChef Chile" Yu Hui Lee, Eliana "Naná" Hernández y Andrés Cid, conocido como "Perfecto Bundy", nos visitaron para conversar de su vida actual, su paso por el programa que los lanzó a la fama y analizar las últimas polémicas de este luego de finalizar su cuarta temporada el mes pasado. #NoCulpesALaNocheTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de No culpes a la noche ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/noculpesalanoche/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Yu Hui Lee encontró el amor en Chile | No culpes a la noche

El chino que logró el segundo lugar en la tercera temporada de "MasterChef Chile" entregó detalles de la relación amorosa que mantiene con la chilena Yharin Pardo. Además, recordó su comentado pasó por la Teletón 2017 #NoCulpesALaNocheTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de No culpes a la noche ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/noculpesalanoche/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

¿Es clasista MasterChef Chile? Ex participantes responden | No culpes a la noche

Yu Hui Lee y Andrés Cid comentaron los rumores sobre la existencia de clasismo al interior de MasterChef Chile. Además, analizaron las últimas declaraciones de Christopher Carpentier, juez de "MasterChef Chile", quien dijo que no podría llevar su actual estilo de vida con menos de tres millones de pesos mensuales. #NoCulpesALaNocheTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de No culpes a la noche ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/noculpesalanoche/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn

Beneficios de la Col Morada o Repollo

Beneficios de la Col Morada o Repollo REMEDIOS DE SALUD: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYInkrke451H9UuHSUEVXJxkXyyx0HReu PASOS PARA MEJORAR TU MENTE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLtZ64t8BnU&list=PLYInkrke451Fa0vs3jVwkEU1p7gARBYyl NOTICIAS DEL ULTIMO MOMENTO: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMZ34SK4aStJJ7SfgI6klZLBJl_p3SAPu PRONOSTICO DEL CLIMA TODOS LOS DIAS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMZ34SK4aStLyK8nxx0mMnPOoI3ZlSdpT #LaRutaVerde #Salud #Mente SUSCRIBETE A #LaRutaVerde https://bit.ly/2OOiJxw Suscríbete a Pepe En Vivo: https://www.youtube.com/user/PepeAllende?sub_confirmation=1 INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/LaRutaverdetv/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/LaRutaVerde FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/LaRutaVerde/ Suscríbete a PepeEnVivo https://bit.ly/2UmH9EA 10 PASOS PARA DESINTOXICAR LA MENTE - LaRutaVerde https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=nLtZ64t8BnU LOS 11 INCREÍBLES BENEFICIOS DEL JENGIBRE | LaRutaVerde https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdoS5-wNNDQ

Programa Especial: El exilio de Hitler | Desvelado Adiccion

#Tendencias #UltimaHora Contacto: desveladoadiccion@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/desveladoadiccion Platica con Abel Basti, autor del libro "El exilio de Hitler", nos comenta que en la ciudad donde reside, Bariloche en la Patagonia, recibio cientos de Nazis que huyeron al finalizar la segunda guerra mundial y de ahi la investigaciones sobre testigos directos de que Hitler llego a Argentina y como pudo salir vivo del bunker en Alemania donde no se suicido y su escape con ayuda de la Iglesia Catolica en Italia para llegar a Argentina. Nos concluye parte de la investigacion que durante 15 años a seguido los pasos de Hitler en la Argentina y como los nazis han logrado trascender aun despues de su derrota en 1945 y sociedades secretas con esta filosofia.

Moon Dirt Smells ? 8 Facts About the Moon Landing

Close Encounters UFO Providing News about UFO, UFO Sightings, Aliens, Extraterrestrial life, Space, Science, Astronomy, Technology, Archaeology and Conspiracy Theories from Around the World. Watch Daily Updates and News from Around the Web! Email us YOUR footage and help us Continue the work with the Channel. Disclosure Coming Soon! ➨E-mail us with your ideas & footage: closeencountersufo@gmail.com ⇩⇩ SOCIAL MEDIA ⇩⇩ ----------------------------------------­------------------ FACEBOOK → https://www.facebook.com/CloseEncountersUFO/ TWITTER → https://twitter.com/CloseEncounter7 ►My Website → http://closeencountersufo.blogspot.com/ ►This article was originally published by HISTORY.COM. Read the original article → https://www.history.com/news/moon-landing-apollo-11-facts ⇩⇩ VIDEO PLAYLISTS ⇩⇩ ----------------------------------------­------------------ Planet Earth: https://goo.gl/IvZ4oU Famous UFO Cases: https://goo.gl/mf3WQA Conspiracy Theories: https://goo.gl/4LCToU UFOs and Aliens News: https://goo.gl/vAEHsM UFO Researchers & UFO Whistleblowers Interviews: https://goo.gl/cinlvz Space News: https://goo.gl/TlWAtg Science, Technology, Archaeology and Astronomy: https://goo.gl/Ibmxbg Strange, Weird and Unexplained Mysteries: https://goo.gl/dx3VPs Exploring Mars Anomalies: https://goo.gl/vcUymw ⇩⇩ COPYRIGHTS ⇩⇩ ----------------------------------------­------------------ ALL footage used is either done under the express permission of the original owner, or is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. If you noticed a video that violates your COPYRIGHTS, then please inform us and we will DELETE it.

Pronóstico para este martes 30 de julio | TV Tiempo

#TVTiempoTVN #TVNChile #Chile ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn

Así se vivió la boda de Edwin Luna y Kimberly Flores | Sale el Sol

En medio de la polémica, Edwin Luna y Kimberly Flores se juraron amor eterno. Mira quiénes fueron los famosos que asistieron. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Diana Golden aclara si Alfredo Adame le ganó batalla legal | Sale el Sol

Luego de que Diana Golden interpusiera una demanda por daño moral en contra de Alfredo Adame, la actriz revela si perdió la batalla legal. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Por qué Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo no participará en Premios Metropolitanos | Sale el Sol

Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo da la cara y explica porqué no participará en los Premios Metropolitanos luego de que Mariana Garza lo invitará personalmente. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¡Filtran fotos de Paco de la O al desnudo! | Sale el Sol

¡Como Dios lo trajo al mundo! Se filtran en internet imágenes del actor Paco de la O. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿Cómo sacar provecho de tus compras compulsivas? | Sale el Sol

Las compras que haces por impulso pueden afectar tu bienestar finaniero. Daniel Urías te da algunos consejos para sacarles provecho. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

La intención del día es: ¡Busca la luz! | Sale el Sol

Cuando sientas que has perdido la esperanza, busca la luz. No desesperes, continúa caminando y encuentra ese impulso que necesitas. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Juan "N" habría controlado cuentas en Andorra con 120 mdd | De Pisa y Corre

Reportan que Juan "N" movió alrededor de 120 mdd en cuentas de Andorra, ¿por qué se detuvo en el pasado esa investigación? ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete! No te pierdas todos los días De Pisa y Corre a las 8 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes De Pisa y Corre Facebook: http://bit.ly/DePisaYCorreFB Twitter: http://bit.ly/DePisaYCorreTw O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U

Descubren a banda delictiva que operaba cerca del metro Tacuba | De Pisa y Corre

Preparan reordenamiento del comercio en Tacuba tras descubrir una banda delictiva que operaba cerca del metro. ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete! No te pierdas todos los días De Pisa y Corre a las 8 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes De Pisa y Corre Facebook: http://bit.ly/DePisaYCorreFB Twitter: http://bit.ly/DePisaYCorreTw O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U

34 muertes diarias por armas ilegales que entraron de EUA a México | De Pisa y Corre

Han llegado a México más armas ilegales desde Estados Unidos, ¿qué se está haciendo para detener este problema? ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete! No te pierdas todos los días De Pisa y Corre a las 8 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes De Pisa y Corre Facebook: http://bit.ly/DePisaYCorreFB Twitter: http://bit.ly/DePisaYCorreTw O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U

Gerlym acusa haber sido estrangulado por su exjefe

Trabajó en La Piccola Italia, y tras el video que se viralizó en medios y redes sociales, decidió dar su testimonio. #MuyBuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Muy buenos días ? https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

UFO Sighting in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Witness states: "I was out watching fireworks in my backyard this 4th of july, when i turned around to see a black object coming down from the sky at a quick pace, when i saw it, i thought some kind of manned vehicle or a bomb was dropping from the sky, honestly i'm not sure what i thought, i was confused at just kept an eye on it." Source: http://www.ufostalker.com/sighting/102362 Read here: https://helenastales.weebly.com/blogue/ufo-sighting-in-albuquerque-new-mexico Follow ou BITMOVIO channel: https://v.bitmov.io/channel/e1814f7527764957bc7075e922939ed8 Also visit our dailymotion channel: https://www.dailymotion.com/helenastales Please support our channel: https://www.patreon.com/davidufomania ufomania-merch: https://teespring.com/ufomania-merch#pid=2&cid=2397&sid=front Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidufomania/ Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ufo.maniaII/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/maniaUFO

Pronóstico del tiempo: ¿Hay probabilidad de lluvia para esta semana?

El pasado domingo, unas gotitas sorprendieron en distintos puntos de la Región Metropolitana, pero ¿cómo estará el tiempo en los próximos días? #MuyBuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Muy buenos días ? https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

UFO Sightings July 29th 2019 Excellent Footage

Never Miss A UFO Sighting Again: https://www.youtube.com/user/iufosightings?sub_confirmation=1 ©iUFOSightings. Thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/iufosightings?sub_confirmation=1 We cannot guarantee all these sightings are 100% authentic. We just have to take the sources word. In the end you be the judge! We are a family friendly channel.

What's Driving Shark Attacks in Recife? | SharkFest

Recife, Brazil accounts for nearly 50% of recorded shark attacks in South America. It's now become known as South America's deadliest coastline. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta What's Driving Shark Attacks in Recife? | SharkFest https://youtu.be/rkcmKsoqrgk National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo

15km Alien Ship Found Below Ocean On Google Earth Map

Scott C. Waring was using an online version of Google Earth map and found this alien base that has been dragging itself along the ocean floor for thousand or millions of years. Source:​https://www.etdatabase.com/2019/07/15km-alien-ship-found-below-ocean-on.html Source map: https://www.google.com.tw/maps/@26.523543,-76.6142363,128603m/data=!3m1!1e3 Read here: https://helenastales.weebly.com/blogue/15km-alien-ship-found-below-ocean-on-google-earth-map-video Follow ou BITMOVIO channel: https://v.bitmov.io/channel/e1814f7527764957bc7075e922939ed8 Also visit our dailymotion channel: https://www.dailymotion.com/helenastales Please support our channel: https://www.patreon.com/davidufomania ufomania-merch: https://teespring.com/ufomania-merch#pid=2&cid=2397&sid=front Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidufomania/ Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ufo.maniaII/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/maniaUFO

FIFA 19 Women's World Cup Final Italy VS Brazil Ps4 Pro Live 2019 New

Hi guys and welcome to Ultimate Watchdogs channel. Arseni and Kiril here . Today we can play with Fifa 19 in female FIFA 19 Women's World Cup between ITALY and BRAZIL ..who will be the winner ? Follow our live to discover the winner....Thanks for watching ,enjoy the Live !! FIFA 19 is a soccer video game developed by EA Sports, released on 28 September 2018 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch. This is the 27th title of the famous series. De Bruyne, Dybala and Neymar official testimonials of the game. Preview: 28 September 2018 Mode: Single Player, Multiplayer Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows

STAR WARS Last Jedi Luminart 2019 New

Hi guys and welcome to Ultimate Watchdogs channel . Arseni and Angelica here . Today we can do the Unboxing of this amazing Luminar painting of the STAR WARS Last Jedi . (Produced by Paladone under license from Lucasfilm Ltd. ) Thanks for Watching ,enjoy the video !! Video by Ultimate Watchdogs Productions.

The Most Interesting Alien Abduction Case Barney And Betty Hill part 4

Under hypnosis Betty's account was similar to the events of her five dreams about the UFO abduction but there were also notable differences mainly pertaining to her capture and release The technology on the craft was different The short men had a significantly different physical appearance from that of her dreams. The sequential order of the abduction event was also different from Betty's dream account Barney's and Betty's memories in hypnotic regression were consistent with one another but contradicted some of the information in Betty's dreams Betty exhibited considerable emotional distress during her capture and examination Simon ended one session early because tears were flowing down her cheeks and she appeared distressed Simon gave Betty the post hypnotic suggestion that she could sketch a copy of the "star map" that she later described as a three dimensional projection similar to a hologram Eventually, she did what Simon suggested Although she said the map had many stars she drew only those that stood out in her memory Her map consisted of twelve prominent stars connected by lines and three lesser ones that formed a distinctive triangle. She said she was told the stars connected by solid lines formed "trade routes" whereas dashed lines were to less traveled stars. After the hypnosis sessions Simon speculated that Barney's recollection of the UFO encounter was possibly a fantasy inspired by Betty's dreams Simon thought it was the most reasonable and consistent explanation Barney rejected this idea noting that while their memories were consistent in some regards there were also portions of both their narratives that were unique to each Barney was now ready to accept that they had been abducted by the occupants of a UFO though he never embraced it as fully as Betty did.

PROOF Something Big About To Go Down?

➨Secureteam Shirts! http://secureteam.spreadshirt.com ➨Send fanmail to: Secureteam 1712 11th St. Portsmouth, OH 45662 Box 372 ➨Become a monthly supporter & get Behind-the-scenes vids, signed stickers, personal video messages from Me & Much More! https://www.patreon.com/TheSecureteam ➨E-mail me your UFO footage: TheSecureteam@gmail.com ➨Twitter: https://twitter.com/SecureTeam10 ➨Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Secureteam10 Send fanmail to: Secureteam 1712 11th St. Portsmouth, OH 45662 Box 372 Intro Music: Spellbound by Kevin Macleod Outro Music: "Dark Trap" by rh_music For business inquiries or concerns regarding footage used in this video, please contact me at: SecureteamNews@gmail.com and I'll get back to you within 48 hours. Thanks!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Did Time Exist Before The Universe?

Bonus Videos, "The Nature of Itself," & "Chemicals of Reality," Premium Videos Available @ http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries Narrated by Jack Daniel www.jackdanielvo.com The "Nature of Itself Trailer" Background Music: Seven Lions, Tritonal, Kill the Noise - Horizon (feat. HALIENE)

Noche esotérica en el late | No culpes a la noche

Alvaro Santi, Cristóbal García Huidobro y Marcial Sánchez revisan la historia de "Nostradamus" y la Virgen de Fátima, además de sus profecías. #NoCulpesALaNocheTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de No culpes a la noche ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/noculpesalanoche/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Relato de tener una hija que habla con la naturaleza y esta le dio un mensaje | Desvelado Adiccion

#Tendencias #UltimaHora Contacto: desveladoadiccion@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/desveladoadiccion Nos relatan la experiencia de que su hija al fotografiarla se ve siempre una luz y un tipo de seres pequenos y a parte su hija la da miedo por que habla con la tierra con la naturaleza; hablamos con la hija y nos comenta que ella pide perdon a la madre tiera por las cosas que ella mira que hacen los demás


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Saturday, July 27, 2019


**If you don't like the music, mute it and play what you want.** FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pkspaceimaging/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PKSpaceImaging The best way to support what we do is getting yourself one the T-shirts below. The Music In these Streams Is Provided By The Following: Kevin MacLeod: https://incompetech.com/ Monstercat: https://www.monstercat.com/ Youtube Royalty Free-Non Attribution Music: www.YouTube.com Please Keep Foul Language To Yourself. This is a science based channel. We do realize that there is a certain sect of people that believe in a Earth Other than Round or a rogue planet that doesn't exist. This is not a channel that subscribes to ANY of those theories. We do not feel the need to entertain, debate, or give an audience to anyone who believes those theories to be true. If you believe those things, congratulations. Feel free to talk about them with like minded individuals on your own channels or channels with the same beliefs as yourself. We would rather keep this channel scientific with proven data than subscribe to the pseudo-science that is pushed by so many other YouTube Channels. No matter what you believe, we wish EVERYONE the very best in this vast search for truth. Paul and I stream the moon to the world to help educate and give people a rare look at the moon that they may have never seen and to look for anomalies that otherwise would not be seen. We would be doing this whether we have 1 viewer or 1 million viewers. We do this as a service to those who, like us, are natural explorers and want to learn and converse about Earth's only natural satellite... Luna A.K.A The Moon. Scope Operation: Paul- Miami FL Celestron 4" Telescope Meade 12" 305mm LX90 Meade 10" Scope Celestron 8"HD Celestron CPC 10" Scope Celestron CPC 11" Scope Meade 12" (3800) 80mm ED Carbon Fiber For Wide Field Viewing Celestron 130mm Refractor Medium Coronado 40mm, 480 focal length Solar Scope Completely Custom Broadcasting Camera **plus some secret attachments :)** Imaging and Optics: Keith- Pennsylvania YouTube Operation, Social Media Manager NASA OnEarth Imaging software FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) Software DON 3.1 Stellarium (For cross referencing) Nasa EYES (For cross referencing) (These are not all used during streaming, some are used in Post and/or Setup)