UFOS : Videos of aliens sightings. Do not forget to suscribe it.


Friday, July 31, 2020

Cuenta Pública 2020: Revisa el mensaje del Presidente Sebastián Piñera | TVN Chile

A partir de las 20:00 horas, el Mandatario presentó el tercer balance anual de su actual gestión centrado en los próximos 20 meses de Gobierno y un plan económico para reactivar el país, luego del estallido social y en medio de la pandemia. ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn

Josefina Montané | Gente de la Tierra - T1E6 - Capítulo final

La serie documental invita a reconocidas personalidades a vivir una experiencia única en sus vidas, al viajar a territorio mapuche en la región de La Araucanía, para conocer de cerca la cultura de este pueblo.

Pronóstico del tiempo: Sábado 1 de agosto | TV Tiempo

Revisa el pronóstico para tu ciudad. Precipitaciones entre las regiones de O'Higgins y Magallanes. #TVTiempoTVN #TVNChile #Chile ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn

Top 10 Dark Alternate Versions of the Hulk

Top 10 Dark Alternate Versions of the Hulk Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd: http://bit.ly/2eI6p18 Bruce Banner, the scientist who was exposed to extreme amounts of gamma radiation that altered his DNA structure due to gamma rays and trauma passed down by his father that caused him to become a giant green monster of incredible power known as the Hulk whenever he starts to get angry. That is a pretty grim origin story I won’t lie but did you know there are other Hulks out there with equally dark and even darker pasts? Today on Top 10 Nerd, we bring you our list of the Top 10 Dark Alternate Versions of the Hulk. Top 10 Dark Alternate Versions Of Captain America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN8tUT0AUMA #top10 #captainamerica #nerd #top10nerd #alternateversions #marvel #comicsexplained #alternateversion #mcu Follow Top 10 Nerd on instagram: https://instagram.com/top10nerdofficial For business inquiries please contact top10nerdchannel@gmail.com Channel Producer: Landon: https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/?hl=en Hosted By: Jack Stevens: https://www.instagram.com/jackfstevens/ Edited By: Paul Dzioba: https://www.instagram.com/pashka_to

NASA Astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley Are Coming Home!

On Aug. 1, NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley will depart the International Space Station on SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft after a more than 60-day stay. The mission, which is part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program, marks the first crewed test flight of the spacecraft. Continuous coverage of their departure begins Aug. 1 at 5:15 p.m. EDT and you can watch here on YouTube: https://youtu.be/13OkD0C_TWU

LIVE Ariane 5 Launch: VA253

Arianespace will orbit galaxy 30 / Mission Extension Vehicle-2 for INTELSAT and BSAT-4b for MAXAR and Broadcasting Satellite System Corporation (B-SAT) as a final customer For its fifth launch of 2020, Arianespace will orbit two telecommunications satellites (Galaxy 30 and BSAT-4b) and one life extension vehicle (Mission Extension Vehicle-2 or MEV-2) using an Ariane 5 launch vehicle from the Guiana Space Center. With this 253rd Ariane mission, Arianespace once again serves the ambitions of leading satellite operators by contributing to the improvement of life on Earth. Thanks for watching - why not support this channel and help us grow. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCakgsb0w7QB0VHdnCc-OVEA/join Subscribe For More Videos Like This: http://www.youtube.com/user/ouramazingspace?sub_confirmation=1 See my latest videos : https://www.youtube.com/user/ouramazingspace/videos Bringing you the BEST Space and Astronomy videos online. Showcasing videos and images from the likes of NASA,ESA,Hubble etc. Join me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spaceisamazing Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmazingSpace2 Google+ : http://goo.gl/1WCBn9 Music by Keving Macleod http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/

Perseverance rover and its tumbling booster spotted by robotic telescopes

Gianluca Masi from the Virtual Telescope Project captured imagery of the spacecraft carrying the Perseverance rover and the Ingenuitry Mars helicopter. The booster that launched the mission can be seen tumbling in space. -- NASA: Mars rover Perseverance in 'safe mode' after launch, but should recover (https://www.space.com/mars-rover-perseverance-safe-mode-after-launch.html) Credit: Gianluca Masi / Virtual Telescope Project / mash mix by Space.com's Steve Spaleta(http://www.twitter.com/stevespaleta)

¿Joven hace galletas con las cenizas de su abuela? | Sale el Sol

Una chica en #California decidió hacer unas galletas para sus compañeros, pero lo que no sabían es que contaban con un ingrediente bastante peculiar, tiempo después se supo que aquel ingrediente extraño eran las cenizas de su abuela, ¿tú qué hubieras hecho? No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿La religión frenó la despenalización del aborto en Veracruz? | Sale el Sol

#PamelaCerdeira explica detalladamente el problema en #Veracruz sobre el tema del aborto y si es posible que la religión influya en este debate. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Ritual para dormir según Paulina Mercado | Sale el Sol

Nuestra queridísima #PaulinaMercado te confiesa su secreto para poder conciliar el sueño paso a paso, algo que seguramente te servirá. Compártenos tus resultados. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿A qué edad puedo congelar mis óvulos? | Sale el Sol

La #DrJulieSalomon te explica a que edad es más recomendable congelar tus óvulos por si no tienes planes de embarazarte, o si es normal que se te escape un poco la orina. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿Cómo te irá en el amor según tu horóscopo? | Sale el Sol

Nuestro querido #MarioVannucci te revela cómo te irá en el amor este fin de semana según tu signo. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Así recuerda Rocío Sánchez Azuara a su hija a casi un año de su partida | Sale el Sol

La conductora #RocíoSánchezAzuara revela su sentir sobre la pérdida de su hija a casi un año. Revela que no ha sido fácil pero debe salir adelante ya que se lo prometió. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Ninel Conde aclara que pasó con la carta que le mandó al Presidente | Sale el Sol

'El Bombón Asesino' #NinelConde recibió varias preguntas a través de sus redes sociales en las que se les cuestionaba sobre su hijo, su nueva pareja y qué pasó con la carta que le mandó al Presidente. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Relive the historic SpaceX Demo-2 launch with this awesome highlight reel

The historic SpaceX Demo-2 mission launched on May 30, 2020. Relive the excitement in this new highlight reel from SpaceX and NASA. -- SpaceX, NASA watch weather for historic astronaut splashdown on Sunday (Aug. 2): https://www.space.com/spacex-crew-dragon-splashdown-weather-demo-2.html Credit: NASA/SpaceX

10 Weirdest Animals That Actually Exist

From a giant moth with tentacles to ants with a giant shield for a head, here are 10 of the weirdest and coolest animals on Earth! Follow us on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/katrinaexplained/ Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Check out these videos you might like: Unbelievable Animals SAVING Other Animals! 🐯https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxehUWvMr38 LARGEST Animals Ever Discovered! 🐙https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yj7F_tPYsU Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives! 🐻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mllqeVSsIl0 From a giant moth with tentacles to ants with a giant shield for a head, here are 10 of the weirdest and coolest animals on Earth! 10. Mantis Shrimp The mantis shrimp is a fierce and complex creature! While they aren’t even that big, they pack an enormous punch. There are about 550 species of mantis shrimp, ranging from less than an inch to over 1 foot! 9. Frilled Shark This shark doesn’t look like a typical shark because it has adapted to living life in the deep dark sea. As some scientists have noted, the Frilled Shark looks like a creature you would find in a national history museum! Yet, it's very much alive in the modern world, which has led people to calling it a "living fossil" or a "prehistoric shark", both of which are accurate. 8. Bald Uakari Most primates don’t strike us as particularly weird. While they can be intimidating, they’re pretty close to humans. But bald uakaris (Cacajao calvus) can be pretty scary-looking. These South American primates have completely bald heads (hence their name) and blazing red faces. Native to the Amazonian rain forests of Peru, Brazil and Colombia, they have a long coat of hair that can be reddish brown to orange and typically grow to about 2 feet long and weigh from 4 to 7 lb (1.8 - 3-2 Kg). 7. Tardigrade The tardigrade is one of the most fascinating creatures on the planet. Affectionately called the ‘water bear’ since so many people think it’s cute, you can only pretty much see them under a microscope. They live just about anywhere, but mostly in damp or wet environments such as in or around lakes. Their diet is based on fluids. 6. Turtle Ants Scientists estimate that there are somewhere around one million billion ants currently on earth, divided into around 12,000 species. Given their diversity, it’s no surprise that there are some that stand out from the rest. But even with this expectation, turtle ants stand out! You can find Turtle ants in hot semi-tropical environments such as Brazil in the trees. 5. Ground Pangolin Most of the time, when we think scales, we think reptiles or fish but the ground pangolin (called Temminck's or the Cape pangolin) is the only creature with scales that is entirely warm-blooded, and the only mammal covered with scales (along with other pangolins). 4. Platypus The platypus’ odd appearance has been confusing people for centuries. It has a beaver’s paddled tail, a rotund body covered with fur, and duck-like features such as a flat billed face and webbed feet. And they lay eggs. What kind of creature is this? It’s a venomous mammal! People thought this animal was a hoax for years! 3. Creatonotos Gangis A few years ago, a video went viral of an enormous moth that looks like it has tentacles growing out of its back! Or like a moth getting attacked by a centipede or something, like pulsating back legs. This thing looks like something out of a horror movie. But it’s actually real! 2. Ribbon Worm The ribbon worm is perhaps the strangest worm you can find. There are more than 1,000 species of ribbon worms that can be found mostly in the ocean and they are infamous for their method of attacking victims. 1. Viperfish The viperfish (Chauliodus sloani) is one of the strangest looking creatures in the world; not only that, but it is also one of the deadliest predators in the deep sea. Because they are so fast and live in such a harsh environment, very few have ever been spotted. But of those we have seen, the images are striking. #strangest #weirdest #animals #creatures #wildlife #nature #world #earth #bizarre #animal #creature #mysterious #originsexplained #top10

¿Alejandro Fernández planeaba que sus hijos se dedicaran a la música? | Sale el Sol

En entrevista con #AlejandroFernández, 'El Potrillo' revela si esperaba que sus hijos #AlexFernández y #CamilaFernández se dedicaran a la música y seguir con el linaje de la familia. Además lamenta la crisis económica que viven actualmente los mariachis. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Intención del día: Elígete a ti mismo | Sale el Sol

La personas más importante en tu vida debes ser tu mismo, y no es egoísmo, pero analiza que si tú estás bien la gente que te ama estará bien. Cuídate, elígete, valórate y disfruta estos #MinutosDeCafé. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Could Sea Breezes Increase Shark Attacks? | When Sharks Attack

Meteorologist Joe Merchant explores how the sea breeze could increase the likelihood of a shark attack along the coast. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe ➡ Get more SharkFest: https://on.natgeo.com/2kISTAt About SharkFest: Put on your wetsuit to swim with the sharpest of the sea. This is the one-stop-show-shop for all things shark. No fuss, no muss, just killer episodes. About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Could Sea Breezes Increase Shark Attacks? | When Sharks Attack https://youtu.be/jnAcA85ZAQM National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo

DOLLHOUSE Trailer - EXCLUSIVE (2020) Nicole Brending satirical puppet-animation Film

Check out the Exclusive Trailer for Dollhouse: The Eradication of Female Subjectivity from American Popular Culture, a hilarious satirical puppet-animation feature from director/writer/producer, Nicole Brending. 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN The disturbingly entertaining feature charts the rise and fall of fictional child pop star Junie Spoons as her life story (and the ensuing disasters) unfold, as told by those who knew her. releasing on digital platforms August 11, 2020 (Amazon, inDemand, FlixFling, Fandango, Vimeo on Demand) http://rocksaltreleasing.com/doll-house.html 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

BATMAN: DEATH IN THE FAMILY Trailer (2020) DC Interactive Movie

Five fascinating tales from the iconic DC canon, including the first interactive film presentation in WBHE history, come to animated life in DC Showcase – Batman: Death in the Family. 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN WBHE’s first-ever venture into interactive storytelling that allows fans to choose where the story goes through an innovative navigation guided by the viewer’s remote control. In the new animated presentation, the infamous murder of Batman protégé Jason Todd will be undone, and the destinies of Batman, Robin and The Joker will play out in shocking new ways as viewers make multiple choices to control the story. And while Batman: Under the Red Hood provides a baseline, the story also branches in new directions and features several characters previously unseen in the original film. starring the voice talents of Bruce Greenwood, Vincent Martella and John DiMaggio, Zehra Fazal and Gary Cole Produced, directed and written by Brandon Vietti on Blu-ray and Digital starting October 13, 2020 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

HONEST THIEF Trailer (2020) Liam Nesson Action Crime Thriller

Watch the trailer for Honest Thief starring Liam Neeson as a Reformed Bank Robber Whose Second Chance is Taken From Him 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN Wanting to lead an honest life, a notorious bank robber (Liam Neeson) turns himself in, only to be double-crossed by two ruthless FBI agents. written and directed by Ozark co-creator Mark Williams starring Liam Neeson, Kate Walsh, Anthony Ramos, Jai Courtney, Robert Patrick, Jeffrey Donovan and Jasmine Cephas Jones releasing October 9, 2020 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Doctor ofrece peligrosos lavados intestinales y las falsas diseñadoras | Maestros del engaño - T1E2

En este segundo capítulo, presentamos el caso de Jorge Melo, quien ofrece un invasivo tratamiento de lavado intestinal llamado 'Electromelocolon' sin supervisión de un médico real, ya que él no lo es. Además, conocimos a Darinka Ilic, quien realiza servicios como diseñadora de ambientes junto a su madre Verica, pero se ha descubierto que cobran un porcentaje por adelantado y no terminan sus trabajos.


Suscribete a LaRutaVerde: https://bit.ly/3cm95O6 Desarrolla tu mente: https://bit.ly/33EPVih Videos sobre la mente: https://bit.ly/39c7Cah Tutoriales de la mente: https://bit.ly/398UF14 Beneficios naturales: https://bit.ly/399ouOQ Videos sobre Naturismo: https://bit.ly/3ab3Ejz 10 Consejos de grandes lideres: https://bit.ly/2WvjNwh

Moon Surface Close Up LIVE! w/ Jupiter and Saturn 7-30-20

#The Moon #LiveTelescope #LiveStream **If you don't like the music, mute it and play what you want.** FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pkspaceimaging/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PKSpaceImaging The best way to support what we do is getting yourself one the T-shirts below. The Music In these Streams Is Provided By The Following: Kevin MacLeod: https://incompetech.com/ Monstercat: https://www.monstercat.com/ Youtube Royalty Free-Non Attribution Music: www.YouTube.com Paul and I stream the moon to the world to help educate and give people a rare look at the moon that they may have never seen and to look for anomalies that otherwise would not be seen. We would be doing this whether we have 1 viewer or 1 million viewers. We do this as a service to those who, like us, are natural explorers and want to learn and converse about Earth's only natural satellite... Luna A.K.A The Moon. Scope Operation: Paul- Miami FL Celestron 4" Telescope Meade 12" 305mm LX90 Meade 10" Scope Celestron 8"HD Celestron CPC 10" Scope Celestron CPC 11" Scope Meade 12" (3800) 80mm ED Carbon Fiber For Wide Field Viewing Celestron 130mm Refractor Medium Coronado 40mm, 480 focal length Solar Scope Completely Custom Broadcasting Camera **plus some secret attachments :)** Imaging and Optics: Keith- Pennsylvania YouTube Operation, Social Media Manager NASA OnEarth Imaging software FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) Software DON 3.1 Stellarium (For cross referencing) Nasa EYES (For cross referencing) (These are not all used during streaming, some are used in Post and/or Setup)

Pronóstico del tiempo: Viernes 31 de julio | TV Tiempo

Revisa el pronóstico para tu ciudad. Se mantendrán las nubes y subirán las temperaturas máximas en la zona central

Capítulo 30 de julio: Arrendadora no la deja vivir en paz | Carmen Gloria a tu servicio

Juanita arrienda un departamento hace tres años y alega que Antonia, dueña del inmueble, no la deja vivir tranquila. #CarmenGloriaTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de Carmen Gloria a tu servicio ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/carmengloria/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

22 de julio: Mueren los hijos de Sadam Husein | Momentos TVN

22 de julio de 2003. Uday y Qusay Husein, los dos hijos mayores del ex dictador iraquí murieron a manos del ejército de Estados Unidos.

Top 10 Dark Alternate Versions Of Captain America

Top 10 Dark Alternate Versions Of Captain America Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd: http://bit.ly/2eI6p18 Captain America, the true embodiment of the American spirit and dream. Although Steve Rogers is the picture perfect hero that we all have come to know and love, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some truly dark and even evil Captain Americas out there in the Marvel Universe. What is going on all you nerdy folk out there, my name is Jack and welcome back to Top 10 Nerd. Join me today while we go over some alternate versions of Captain America that are definitely not as lighthearted and trustworthy as our loveable 616 Steve Rogers. Today on Top 10 Nerd, we explore some of these alternates with our list of the Top 10 Dark Alternate Versions Of Captain America. Top 10 Dark Alternate Versions Of Batman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE5HihEWpt4 #top10 #captainamerica #nerd #top10nerd #alternateversions Follow Top 10 Nerd on instagram: https://instagram.com/top10nerdofficial For business inquiries please contact top10nerdchannel@gmail.com Channel Producer: Landon: https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/?hl=en Hosted By: Jack Stevens: https://www.instagram.com/jackfstevens/ Edited By: Paul Dzioba: https://www.instagram.com/pashka_to

Este sábado en "Mierda Mierda": Andrés Pérez y el teatro de la transición | 14:30 horas

Se abre el telón a la realidad del teatro chileno contemporáneo, con personajes que dejan huellas imborrables e historias que trascienden más allá de los escenarios.

PINOCCHIO Trailer (2020) Roberto Benigni Live-Action Movie

Watch the trailer for Pinocchio, a live-action adaptation of the beloved fairytale, starring Roberto Benigni and directed by Matteo Garrone 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN In this live-action adaptation of the beloved fairytale, old woodcarver Gepetto (Roberto Benigni), fashions a wooden puppet, Pinocchio (Federico Ielapi), who magically comes to life. Pinocchio longs for adventure and is easily led astray, encountering magical beasts, fantastical spectacles, while making friends and foes along his journey. However his dream is to become a real boy, which can only come true if he finally changes his ways. directed by Matteo Garrone starring Roberto Benigni In UK Cinemas August 14, 2020 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

TOUCH Trailer (2020) Aleksandra Szczepanowska Romantic Thriller Movie

Watch the trailer for Touch, a romantic thriller movie written and directed by NY city director Aleksandra Szczepanowska who completed the challenge to make an American film entirely in China. 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN Fei Fei, a married Caucasian western woman meets Bai Yu, a Chinese blind masseur. When they come together in an intense love affair they find the demons they've created implode in a clash of violent impulses. Written and directed by Aleksandra Szczepanowska Stars: Aleksandra Szczepanowska, Jun Yang, Jiangwei Yuan 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

Watch NASA's Perseverance Rover Launch to Mars!

Was there once life on Mars? Our Perseverance rover aims to find out! On Thursday, July 30, watch our new robotic astrobiologist launch on a seven-month journey to the Red Planet. Launching on board will be the most sophisticated set of tools ever sent to Mars, with the hope Perseverance will uncover the planet’s secrets. Tune in to our live launch broadcast starting at 7 a.m. EDT. Teams are targeting 7:50 a.m. EDT for liftoff of Perseverance atop United Launch Alliance's Atlas V rocket from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Don’t forget to set a reminder to join us in the #CountdownToMars – you won’t want to miss this historic mission take flight! Learn more about the mission: https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/mission/overview/

¡Cristian Castro revela que José Alberto Castro golpeaba a su mamá y abuelita! | Sale el Sol

El cantante #CristianCastro confirma que sí hubo una pelea con #VerónicaCastro pero que fue de 'manera respetuosa' y nunca fue con afán de dañarse, además revela que hay una mujer en su vida que actualmente lo acompaña. Además reveló que José Alberto Castro golpeaba a su mamá y a su abuelita. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¡Maluma interrumpió una boda! | Sale el Sol

El reggaetonero #Maluma interrumpió una boda, pero con el motivo de su nuevo video musical llamado #Hawái. Este joven se ha vuelto en un ídolo de la música latina a sus 26 años de edad. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Intención del día: Valora a tus amigos | Sale el Sol

Un verdadero amigo siempre estará con nosotros, este día festejamos el #DíaInternacionalDeLaAmistad. Comparte todos tus logros y fracasos con esas personas que llenan tu vida de luz y siempre aprovechen los #MinutosDeCafé. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

CHEMICAL HEARTS Trailer (2020) Lili Reinhart Teen Romance Movie

Don't miss the trailer for Chemical Hearts, an unapologetic, coming of age story involving a hopeless romantic and a young woman with a mysterious past. 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN Seventeen-year-old Henry Page (Austin Abrams) has never been in love. He fancies himself a romantic, but the kind of once-in-a-lifetime love he’s been hoping for just hasn’t happened yet. Then, on the first day of senior year, he meets transfer student Grace Town (Lili Reinhart) and it seems all that is about to change. When Grace and Henry are chosen to co-edit the school paper, he is immediately drawn to the mysterious newcomer. As he learns the heartbreaking secret that has changed her life, he finds himself falling in love with her —or at least the person he thinks she is. a film by Richard Tanne starring Lili Reinhart and Austin Abrams Available on Prime Video August 21, 2020 Based on the novel by Krystal Sutherland 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

9 Most Amazing Recent Discoveries

From new winged dinosaurs to finding buried treasure, here are 9 amazing discoveries!! Follow us on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/katrinaexplained/ Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Check out these videos you might like: Unbelievable Animals SAVING Other Animals! 🐯https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxehUWvMr38 LARGEST Animals Ever Discovered! 🐙https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yj7F_tPYsU Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives! 🐻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mllqeVSsIl0 9. Prehistoric Circle Near Stonehenge While Stonehenge is one of the most famous monuments in the world, there is a lot that we still don’t know about it and new discoveries are being made every year. As part of the ongoing Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project, scientists recently discovered an ancient ring of deep trenches near Stonehenge and encircling the Neolithic village of Durrington Walls. 8. Bat-Winged Dinosaur In May 2019, paleontologists from China announced the discovery of Ambopteryx, a dinosaur genus with leathery, bat-like wings that existed over 160 million years ago. The creature’s name, Ambopteryx longibranchium, means “both wings” in Latin. In the words of paleontologist Jingmai O’Connor, who specializes in ancient birds, this creature probably resembled “a creepy-looking dinosaur squirrel.” 7. An Exploded Star Every atom that’s found on our planet originated in a star when it ejected matter in its dying stages, but some material is much newer than others. In 2016, an amazing discovery was made in the Pacific ocean. About 2.6 million years ago, a supernova exploded around 300 light years away from earth. As our solar system passed through the resultant debris, tiny particles of dust fell through the earth's atmosphere and into the oceans. 6. Fenn Treasure A long-hidden hoard of valuables with an estimated value of between $1 and $2 million, known as the Fenn Treasure, was finally discovered earlier this year. I just put it in our video of treasures that haven't been found yet too!! 5. Champagne-Scented Orchid In 2017, botanists in Northern Madagascar’s Mahajanga province encountered a champagne-scented orchid species with large, beautiful petals. The little-known flower is just one of many species of lovely-smelling orchids, and wildflowers in general, that are found throughout Madagascar, which is known for its unique plant and animal life. 4. Mohawk Dinosaur While working in southern Argentina, paleontologists uncovered the fossilized remains of Bajadasaurus pronuspinax, a giant, herbivorous dinosaur species that boasted a mohawk-like arrangement of spikes along its head and body. The researchers described their findings in a 2019 scientific report published in the online journal Nature. 3. Prehistoric Mine Underwater archaeologists working in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo recently discovered a prehistoric ocher mine in a flooded cave complex. The mine dates back somewhere between 10,000 and 12,000 years, making it the oldest mine ever discovered in the Americas, according to Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). 2. Van Gogh Drawing For over a century, an unidentified Vincent van Gogh drawing sat in a privately owned collection, more-or-less collecting dust as it was passed down from one generation of owners to the next. 1. Blue Whale Graveyard In 2011 along the Pan-American Highway in northern Chile’s Atacama region, paleontologists began excavating a remarkable collection of what eventually amounted to over 40 ancient marine mammals. The fossilized remains were originally discovered by highway workers embedded in sandstone, roughly two-thirds of a mile (1.2 km) from the ocean and 120 feet (36.6 meters) above sea level. #amazing #recent #discoveries #finds #archaeology #buried #artifacts #ancient #mysterious #originsexplained #top10

Launch of Nasa Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover

NASA TV Coverage of the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Launch Time: 7:50 am ET / 12:50 UK time Thanks for watching - why not support this channel and help us grow. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCakgsb0w7QB0VHdnCc-OVEA/join Subscribe For More Videos Like This: http://www.youtube.com/user/ouramazingspace?sub_confirmation=1 See my latest videos : https://www.youtube.com/user/ouramazingspace/videos Bringing you the BEST Space and Astronomy videos online. Showcasing videos and images from the likes of NASA,ESA,Hubble etc. Join me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spaceisamazing Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmazingSpace2 Google+ : http://goo.gl/1WCBn9 Music by Keving Macleod http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/

Blastoff! NASA's Perseverance rover launches to Mars

A United Launch Alliance Altas V rocket launched the Mars 2020 Perseverance from Space Launch Complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on July 30, 2020. -- Live Updates (https://www.space.com/news/live/mars-perseverance-rover-updates) Credit: NASA

Blastoff! NASA's Perseverance rover launches to Mars

A United Launch Alliance Altas V rocket launched the Mars 2020 Perseverance from Space Launch Complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on July 30, 2020. [Live Updates](https://www.space.com/news/live/mars-perseverance-rover-updates) Credit: NASA

NASA Perseverance Launch - Weather is currently 'go'

The weather looks good about a half hour prior to launch of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket carrying NASA's Perseverance rover. It is scheduled to launch at 7:50am EDT. -- Watch the launch live here: https://www.space.com/17933-nasa-television-webcasts-live-space-tv.html Credit: NASA

Xiao Mi Note 9 PRO Best to buy ? Guarda prima di comprare , pregi e difetti 2020 New

Bentornato sul nostro canale sono Fabry e oggi in questo nuovo episodio andremo a provare il nuovo Xiao mi readme note 9 pro , pregi e difetti prima di comprare!! Mi raccomando iscrivetevi al canale per aiutarci a crescere un saluto da Fabry.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Como hacer una TORMENTA de IDEAS

Suscribete a LaRutaVerde: https://bit.ly/3cm95O6 Desarrolla tu mente: https://bit.ly/33EPVih Videos sobre la mente: https://bit.ly/39c7Cah Tutoriales de la mente: https://bit.ly/398UF14 Beneficios naturales: https://bit.ly/399ouOQ Videos sobre Naturismo: https://bit.ly/3ab3Ejz 10 Consejos de grandes lideres: https://bit.ly/2WvjNwh

¿Dieta Keto o Vegetariano en este 2020?

Suscribete a LaRutaVerde: https://bit.ly/3cm95O6 Desarrolla tu mente: https://bit.ly/33EPVih Videos sobre la mente: https://bit.ly/39c7Cah Tutoriales de la mente: https://bit.ly/398UF14 Beneficios naturales: https://bit.ly/399ouOQ Videos sobre Naturismo: https://bit.ly/3ab3Ejz 10 Consejos de grandes lideres: https://bit.ly/2WvjNwh

El hombre que SALTÓ DESDE EL borde DEL ESPACIO en caída libre!

¿Aún no estás suscrito a nuestro canal?, hazlo siguiendo este enlace, muchas gracias!: http://goo.gl/5me6zx Síguenos en: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lahoramuertaempieza/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lahoramuertaempieza/ Sitio Web: http://www.lahoramuertaempieza.com Contacto: contacto@lahoramuertaempieza.com

Moon Surface Close Up LIVE! w/ Jupiter and Saturn 7-29-20

#The Moon #LiveTelescope #LiveStream **If you don't like the music, mute it and play what you want.** FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pkspaceimaging/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PKSpaceImaging The best way to support what we do is getting yourself one the T-shirts below. The Music In these Streams Is Provided By The Following: Kevin MacLeod: https://incompetech.com/ Monstercat: https://www.monstercat.com/ Youtube Royalty Free-Non Attribution Music: www.YouTube.com Paul and I stream the moon to the world to help educate and give people a rare look at the moon that they may have never seen and to look for anomalies that otherwise would not be seen. We would be doing this whether we have 1 viewer or 1 million viewers. We do this as a service to those who, like us, are natural explorers and want to learn and converse about Earth's only natural satellite... Luna A.K.A The Moon. Scope Operation: Paul- Miami FL Celestron 4" Telescope Meade 12" 305mm LX90 Meade 10" Scope Celestron 8"HD Celestron CPC 10" Scope Celestron CPC 11" Scope Meade 12" (3800) 80mm ED Carbon Fiber For Wide Field Viewing Celestron 130mm Refractor Medium Coronado 40mm, 480 focal length Solar Scope Completely Custom Broadcasting Camera **plus some secret attachments :)** Imaging and Optics: Keith- Pennsylvania YouTube Operation, Social Media Manager NASA OnEarth Imaging software FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) Software DON 3.1 Stellarium (For cross referencing) Nasa EYES (For cross referencing) (These are not all used during streaming, some are used in Post and/or Setup)

En Argentina te pagan $500 por dia, y en Rusia que pasa ?

Seguime en mi canal principal El Nuevo Amanecer https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxwWUF4NiXO6KZlQD0zcu2g SEGUIME EN INSTAGRAM @NUEVOAMANECER__ (2 guiones bajos) https://www.instagram.com/nuevoamanecer__/?hl=es-la Music by Music by Kevin MacLeodis subject to a license of Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artista: http://incompetech.com/

Live from Haunted Bed & Breakfast

BECOME A MEMBER @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRERFUVI8WDxoN3JVzmp6UQ/join *FOR EARLY VIEWING OF SOME VIDEOS" *MEMBERS ONLY LIVE STREAMS" @ MANY MORE PERKS TO COME FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRERFUVI8WDxoN3JVzmp6UQ/join G TEAM.. Merch Store @ https://teespring.com/stores/the-g-team-merch Email us @ thegteamparanormal@gmail.com Send Fan Mail to: The G Team Paranormal Investigators PO BOX 5784 Spring Hill Florida 34611 Be sure to Subscribe to my Daughter Heather's page as well for some awesome content. @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Hy3qAT6xSmJWxE86NnTMQ "Music from Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)" GET YOUR CRYSTALS AND SAGE FROM JULIE & MARK @ https://gg2treasuresrockshop.com/?fbclid=IwAR1-lNrka9eVboWxjf7jmBOO0CL3kFvwVU8553XHzQuo6coQX5KGL59lq0c Other videos to check out @ PARANORMAL ACTIVITY IN THIS HOME IS UNBELIEVABLE!! BUT IT IS REAL!! https://youtu.be/pGRRh3jQo0I ((THIS WAS WHEN WE FIRST STARTED)) DOLLS HEAD MOVES ON CAMERA @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V23VvzX8dIA&t=1551s MALICIOUS SPIRIT IN OMARS HOME @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzVYFVSptlU&t=2312s THE SCARIEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6aK-DzvRMw&t=1100s HAUNTED HOTEL (THEY KEPT US AWAKE ALL NIGHT) @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vfg3hkxYp8o&t=2824s BRUSHY MOUNTAIN PRISON PT 1 @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYlTKEueAgE&t=1s BRUSHY MOUNTAIN PRISON PT 2 @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM-MPhYIulA&t=1387s HAUNTED CABIN IN TENNESSEE MOUNTAINS @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDHVg2lY6P4&t=2s HAUNTED 1700 JAIL IN TN @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ai92Jul40s&t=3157s TEDDY BEAR MOVES ON CAMERA AT CASTLE IN TN @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2C_s4PAVJM&t=3s GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA AT CABIN IN TN @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7DFlKMYwSg&t=998s GHOST TOWN OF ELKMONT IN TENNESSEE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lurEUYLqQyk MYSTERY MANSION WITH OMAR @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nBX3riXuWA&t=7s HAUNTED DIBBUK BOX OPENING WITH OMAR @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpCQF73X4ng&t=4s HAUNTED & ABANDONED TOWN @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqMaBT7OmeI MY GRANDSON SEES HIS FATHER AT HIS GRAVE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBmUaLPu2vM THE BEST EVP EVER CAUGHT ON CAMERA @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F26Ke2QCxTU&t=2s HAUNTED CAMPGROUND (SPIRITS COME OUT AND TALK)!!! https://youtu.be/5REvCVhyFpc OMAR'S HAUNTED ROBERT THE DOLL @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPH4M5KcDdU OVERNIGHT IN A HAUNTED BRITISH PUB WITH LOU ROCK @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_29gsZhCCw THE DEVIL'S CHAIR IN LAKE HELEN FL "CASSADAGA"! @ https://youtu.be/x6cxykRfSl8 GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA FOLLOWING ME THROUGH CEMETERY @https://youtu.be/YtyUpCrv12U AMAZING TRIBUTE TO MY DECEASED SON THANKS TO OMAR @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSE-zEja88M GRIEVING MOTHER GETS SURPRISE MESSAGES FROM HER SON AT HIS GRAVE!! https://youtu.be/BgufjuGgO7U 3 WOMEN ALL NIGHT IN HAUNTED 1800'S MANSION (MAJOR PARANORMAL ACTIVITY CAUGHT ON CAMERA)!! https://youtu.be/BugBX2qUzRc MY DECEASED SON GIVES ME MANY MESSAGES AND EVEN A MESSAGE FOR MY FANS!! https://youtu.be/nJ0MlfpM9hU THE FIRST TIME I HEARD AN EVP FROM MY SON @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSaUxm9ZnZc MY DECEASED SON CAUGHT ON CAMERA SHORTLY AFTER HE DIES @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CS3QcvCvyU THE FAMOUS "MA BARKERS' HOUSE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwVX0XOZ5Ow THE FIRST TIME WE MET JAMES THE FAMS @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuSZ5iEFcy8 OMAR GOSH TV SURPRISE VISIT TO MEET A FAN!!! AWESOME!!! https://youtu.be/1rkJr4nsonc EXTREMELY HAUNTED HOME WITH A DARK PAST @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtDvD8pb6Ok HAUNTED MAY STRINGER HOUSE @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uUjpMjwj7c FUNNY BLOOPERS WHEN "THE G TEAM PARANORMAL" FIRST STARTED!! https://youtu.be/_q_hFN33OgI AMAZING EVP (HE SAYS I LOVE YOU)!!!!! https://youtu.be/5M9B-YwZsIM OUR DECEASED FAMILY COMMUNICATES WITH US...(AMAZING MESSAGES)!! https://youtu.be/o1tPLutbRds Visit Omar's Channel at https://youtube.com/user/OmarGoshTV https://youtube.com/user/TheOmarGosh Visit Heather's channel @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Hy3qAT6xSmJWxE86NnTMQ

Retiro 10% de AFP y pensión de alimentos: Aprenda a hacer el trámite (Parte 2)

Carmen Gloria, junto con el magistrado del 4° Juzgado de Familia, Pedro Maldonado, responden todas las consultas acerca de la posible retención del 10% de las AFP si existe una deuda en la pensión de alimentos.

Pronóstico del tiempo: Jueves 30 de julio | TV Tiempo

Revisa el pronóstico para tu ciudad. Bajarán las temperaturas en la zona central y habrán lluvias desde Ñuble hasta Aysén.

Top 10 Craziest Moments In The Arrowverse EVER

Top 10 Craziest Moments In The Arrowverse EVER Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd: http://bit.ly/2eI6p18 The Arrowverse which began with the cw's green arrow adaptation has since ballooned into a massive universe ft The Flash, Batwoman, Supergirl, Black Lightning and more. Since its inception, we've been blessed with so many amazing and crazy moments! So today on Top 10 Nerd, we bring you our list of the Top 10 Craziest Moments In The Arrowverse EVER. More Nerdy TV Show Lists - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIchBwv-U1Q&list=PLAMbBBDmODpkPbpjDPBY7Fftwtm9vK-mK&index=2&t=0s #top10 #top10nerd #arrowverse #greenarrow #flash #dc #dcomics #top10dc #top10list #top10videos #batwoman #cw #nerd #topten #toptennerd Follow Top 10 Nerd on instagram: https://instagram.com/top10nerdofficial For business inquiries please contact top10nerdchannel@gmail.com Channel Producer: Landon: https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/?hl=en Hosted By: David Raff: https://www.instagram.com/thedavidraff/ Edited By: Marlene de Leon: http://instagram.com/marlenejoanne

¿Emilio L pisará la cárcel? | Sale el Sol

El exdirector de Pemex se declaró no responsable de las acusaciones en su contra. Fue vinculado a proceso por el delito de operaciones de recursos de procedencia ilícita. #PicandoLaNoticia en #SaleElSol🌞 No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¡Mariscos y queso asadero! ¡Prueba lo mejor de esta combinación! | Sale el Sol

#Sajid se lanzó a este lugar para darle gusto al gusto, pues probó la combinación de mariscos con queso asadero. ¿Te animas a probar? No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿Cómo usar de manera correcta tu liquidación? | Sale el Sol

El director de 'Cooltura Financiera', Daniel Urías te explica las mejores opciones a considerar cuando recibas tu liquidación. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¡Hombre mete droga a un cine! | Sale el Sol

Lo más común es que la gente meta comida al cine, pero este hombre se pasó de la raya, pues notaron que traía un sombrero bastante extraño para posteriormente descubrir ¡que traía cocaína! No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿Cuáles serán las nuevas medidas sanitarias en los restaurantes? | Sale el Sol

Nuestras queridas #TalinaFernández y #PaulinaMercado nos cuentan cómo se llevarán de ahorA en adelante las medidas sanitarias dentro de los restaurantes. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿Se pueden usar los brackets a los 50 años?

El odontólogo Arturo Arciniega te habla sobre los #MitosYRealidades sobre el uso de brackets: si es posible usarlos a los 50 años o si los dientes pueden moverse tras usarlos. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!


Arrival: 4K Soyuz approach and docking with the International Space Station

This video was taken originally by the crewmembers aboard the Soyuz TMA-16M spacecraft which docked to the International Space Station at 9:33 p.m. EDT March 27, 2015. Using AI software, it has been upscaled to 4K revealing more detail of this spectacular approach and arrival at the ISS. NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonauts Mikhail Kornienko and Gennady Padalka arrived just six hours after launching from Baikonur, Kazakhstan, completing four orbits around the Earth before catching up with the orbiting laboratory. The vehicle docked to the Poisk module (also known as the Mini-Research Module 2) on the space-facing side of the Russian Service Module. The spinning object in view is an antenna that is part of the automatic rendezvous and docking system known as KURS. Thanks for watching - why not support this channel and help us grow. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCakgsb0w7QB0VHdnCc-OVEA/join Subscribe For More Videos Like This: http://www.youtube.com/user/ouramazingspace?sub_confirmation=1 See my latest videos : https://www.youtube.com/user/ouramazingspace/videos Bringing you the BEST Space and Astronomy videos online. Showcasing videos and images from the likes of NASA,ESA,Hubble etc. Join me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spaceisamazing Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmazingSpace2 Google+ : http://goo.gl/1WCBn9 Music by Keving Macleod http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/

¡Mario Bautista habla por primera vez de sus acusaciones por supuesto abuso sexual! | Sale el Sol

Tras semanas en silencio, el cantante #MarioBautista rompe el silencio y afirma estar más tranquilo luego de que el asunto se haya cerrado de manera legal y creyó innecesario hablar antes para no crear más polémica. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿El esposo de Grettell Valdéz fue detenido en Suiza? | Sale el Sol

Hace poco se dio a conocer la noticia de que Leo Clerc, el esposo de #GrettellValdez, fue detenido en #Suiza, esto debido a que se le acusa de fraude, lavado de dinero y una deuda de cerca de 39 millones de pesos. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Luis Enrique Guzmán explica por que despidió al chofer de Silvia Pinal | Sale el Sol

#LuisEnriqueGuzmán, hijo de #SilviaPinal revela las razones por las que despidió al chofer de su mamá, pues asegura que esta persona se dedicaba a vender notas a diversos medios de comunicación. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Ricky Martin revela lo difícil que es ser gay en la 'Era de Trump' | Sale el Sol

El cantante puertorriqueño #RickyMartin revela las dificultades al ser abiertamente gay, estar casado con árabe y más mientras vive en #EstadosUnidos mientras #DonaldTrump gobierna este país No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Intención del día: Cuida a los animales | Sale el Sol

Es importante cuidar a todas las especies con las que compartimos el planeta, no importa el tamaño o el aspecto, debemos aprender a convivir en todos los aspectos. ¡Cuida a los animales! No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!


Watch the trailer for Happy Happy Joy Joy: The Ren & Stimpy Story, a documentary about the meteoric rise and contentious fall of the envelope-pushing 1990s cult cartoon series. 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN In the early 1990s, the animated show Ren & Stimpy broke rating records and was a touchstone for a generation of fans and artists. Creator John Kricfalusi was celebrated as a visionary, but even though his personality suffused the show, dozens of artists and network executives were just as responsible for the show’s meteoric rise. As Kricfalusi’s worst impulses were let loose at the workplace and new allegations about even more disturbing behavior have surfaced, his reputation now threatens to taint the show forever. Directed by: Ron Cicero & Kimo Easterwood Releasing: August 14 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

STILL HERE Trailer (2020) Johnny Whitworth Crime Thriller Movie

Watch the trailer for Still Here, a crime thriller movie starring Johnny Whitworth and Maurice McRae 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN In STILL HERE, when twelve-year-old Monique Watson disappears from home, her father Michael Watson (McRae) refuses to give up even as the media and police make little effort in solving the case. The assignment lands in the hands of journalist Christian Baker (Whitworth), who at first pursues a false lead, turning the entire case upside down. Filled with guilt, Christian helps Michael in the search for his daughter, while facing resistance from the community, the police, and his own publication. Written and Directed by: Vlad Feier Starring: Johnny Whitworth, Maurice McRae, Zazie Beetz, Afton Williamson In Selects Theaters August 28 | On VOD September 4 #StillHereMovie 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

10 Creepiest Sea Creatures In Our Oceans

From a real-life spaghetti monster to a vampire squid, prepare to feast your eyes on the most frightening fish and creepiest sea creatures in the world! Follow us on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/katrinaexplained/ Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Check out these videos you might like: Unbelievable Animals SAVING Other Animals! 🐯https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxehUWvMr38 LARGEST Animals Ever Discovered! 🐙https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yj7F_tPYsU Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives! 🐻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mllqeVSsIl0 10: The Blackdragon Fish I bet you had no idea there are real-life dragons swimming around below the ocean, waiting to bite your leg off. But it’s true! Though, they aren’t really waiting to bite your leg off. Your chances of running into a blackdragon fish are pretty low to almost none But if you ever did, I guarantee this freaky fish would scare the swimming trunks straight off you. 9: Vampire Squid The vampire squid has gotten a little bit of a bad rap. It’s scientific name, (Vampyroteuthis infernalis), means the vampire squid from hell. With a name like that, it sounds pretty scary!! Is it going to come and suck your blood? Nope. It just looks that way!! When it gets angry or disturbed, the vampire squid puffs itself out, stretching so that it appears to be wearing Count Dracula’s red cape due to the webbing between its tentacles. 8: Monkfish You may have actually eaten this fish without knowing it. Also known as an angler fish, this poor fish is ugly, but tasty! This creepy fish lives at the bottom of the ocean in the sand and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and depths, from shallow shores to 3,000 feet deep. 7: Spaghetti Monster I am undecided about this sea creature. I can't tell if it is creepy, disturbing, or just plain weird. All I know is that the spaghetti monster literally looks like a giant bowl of spaghetti that was turned over in the water! One look at it makes you think of the cult religion that took the internet by storm with their devotion to one such deity. 6: The Giant Isopod The giant isopod is so creepy that some people think it's cute like a little alien. In fact, the giant isopod looks suspiciously like a certain prehistoric Pokémon. With its big eyes, cool pink shell, and little wriggling legs, the giant isopod is a big creepy crawly, reaching up to 2.5 feet long. 5: Goblin Shark There is no sea creature roaming the ocean today that is more infamously creepy than the ancient goblin shark. It’s the only surviving relative of a 125-million-year-old lineage. From the goblin shark’s thin, claw-like teeth to its weird elongated mouth and what looks like a flattened horn on the top of its goblin head, this thing is unnerving to say the least, hence its name goblin! They weren’t known for being pretty! 4: Fangtooth Fish Fangtooth fish may be one of the creepiest fish ever, but at least they only grow 7 inches long. Fangtooth also live quite deep in the sea, away from human toes and fingers that it might otherwise want to bite off. The fangtooth resides as far as 16,400 feet beneath the sea. And now that I have assured you of your safety, let's talk about how truly weird the fangtooth fish is. 3: Barreleye Fish More than a fish, this looks more like some sort of robotic submarine, somehow mixed with a dolphin and a jellyfish? I don’t know! It doesn’t look real! The barreleye fish has the strangest human-like eyes and a completely transparent head with two glowing green marbles inside of it that almost look like two separate brains. This thing is really bizarre. 2: The Sarcastic Fringehead First of all, nothing that lives in a hole, a hollow, a crevice, or a fissure is going to look anything less than creepy. But the sarcastic fringehead lives in the cracks and hollows of reefs like a troll fish with a bad attitude. This tough fish is very aggressive and territorial. 1: Northern Stargazer While its name sounds kind of nice, the northern stargazer is known for looking straight up as it lies in wait, hiding on the ocean floor. It’s kind of like the Thing from the Swamp. It has lifeless, beady eyes and what appears to be triangular eyebrows. It lays hidden under the sand, perfectly camouflaged and then when an unsuspecting little fish swims by, it will create a vacuum to suck its prey in. #creepiest #fish #sea #ocean #creatures #animals #underwater #deep #world #wildlife #originsexplained #top10

THE PALE DOOR Trailer (2020) Western Horror Movie

Watch the first trailer for the western horror film The Pale Door from Scare Package co-creators Aaron B. Koontz and Cameron Burns centered on a group of cowboys whose perfect scores yields a hellish reward. 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN The Dalton gang finds shelter in a seemingly uninhabited ghost town after a train robbery goes south. Seeking help for their wounded leader, they are surprised to stumble upon a welcoming brothel in the town’s square. But the beautiful women who greet them are actually a coven of witches with very sinister plans for the unsuspecting outlaws - and the battle between good and evil is just beginning. directed by Aaron B. Koontz starring Devin Druid, Zachary Knighton, Noah Segan, Stan Shaw, Pat Healy, Bill Sage, Melora Walters, Natasha Bassett In theaters, ONDemand and Digital: August 21, 2020 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

See a Chinese rover tested on simulated Martian terrain

China converted a lunar rover testing facility with simulated Martian terrain to test Mars rovers. The Tianwen-1 rover is currently en route to Red Planet after launching on July 23, 2020. Credit: Space.com / footage courtesy: China Central Television (CCTV) / produced & edited by [Steve Spaleta](http://www.twitter.com/stevespaleta)

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Top 15 Scary Videos That Will Keep You Wide Awake

Last Week's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdAsPBX9qTc Narrated by Chills: https://www.youtube.com/chills15 Follow Top15s on Twitter: http://bit.ly/Top15sTwitter Follow Chills on Instagram: http://bit.ly/ChillsInstagram Follow Chills on Twitter: http://bit.ly/ChillsTwitter Subscribe to Chills on Reddit: http://bitly.com/ChillsReddit In this top 15 list, we take a look at the most scary videos that will keep you wide awake tonight because they are so freaky. Ranging from ghostly events to explorations gone wrong. Enjoy our analysis of these entries. Sources: https://pastebin.com/zBRr6hG9 Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0

¿Eres del tipo de inteligencia naturalista? y por que podría salvarte la vida

Suscribete a LaRutaVerde: https://bit.ly/3cm95O6 Desarrolla tu mente: https://bit.ly/33EPVih Videos sobre la mente: https://bit.ly/39c7Cah Tutoriales de la mente: https://bit.ly/398UF14 Beneficios naturales: https://bit.ly/399ouOQ Videos sobre Naturismo: https://bit.ly/3ab3Ejz 10 Consejos de grandes lideres: https://bit.ly/2WvjNwh

¡Toñita le responde a Myriam por decir que no quería volver a verla! | Las 5 DPM

¡Mariana Zepeda y Arjé Díaz nos presentan lo mejor de la semana en Las 5 DPM! 5. ¿Qué pensaron los hijos de #AnaBárbara cuando le pidieron matrimonio? https://youtu.be/OE7_Y57182I 4. ¿Ferdinando Valencia tiene problemas con la ANDA para pagar su cuenta de hospital de su hijo? https://youtu.be/eipt3r7Ex00 3. ¡Supuesta víctima de #Kalimba sostiene violación y amiga que estuvo con ella la desmiente! https://youtu.be/wl-gZDwm8tg 2. ¿#RaúlSandoval cree que #MyriamMontemayor es una mentirosa? https://youtu.be/SBlLke7B44A 1. ¡#Toñita responde a Myriam después de decir que no quiere volver a verla! https://youtu.be/Cn43I36eBSY Visita nuestro sitio web: http://www.imagentv.com/ Solo aquí encontrarás lo mejor de los programas de entretenimiento de Imagen Televisión para que no dejes de disfrutar ni un instante de nuestra programación. Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U