The National Space Society (NSS) is presenting the International Space Development Conference® 2021 (ISDC® 2021) virtually on June 24-27, 2021. June 26th Schedule: 9:00 AM PDT Anita Gale, NSS Chief Executive Officer, National Space Society Board of Directors 9:02 AM Steve Jurvetson, Managing Director & Founder, Future Ventures with Bruce Pittman, National Space Society Board of Directors Presenting of NSS Space Pioneer Award to Steve Jurvetson 9:20 AM How Humans Will (Or At Least Should) Explore Mars Dr. Pascal Lee, Mars Institute, SETI Institute, NASA Ames Research Center 9:45 AM Human-Machine Collaboration in Aquanautics for Astronautics Stephen Daire, CEO, Protean Industries, NSS Space Ambassador 9:50 AM Ocean and Space Exploration Parallels Dr. David Gallo, Senior Advisor for Strategic Initiatives, RMS Titanic, Inc. with Dr. Anthony Paustian, NSS Director of Branding and Communications 10:25 AM NSS Chris Pancratz Activist of the Year Award, 2021 Greg Autry, NSS Vice President of Space Development, National Space Society Board of Directors presented by Anita Gale, NSS Chief Executive Officer, National Space Society Board of Directors 10:40 AM Lunar Settlements and Education Dr. Sandra Häeuplik-Meusburger, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) and Sabrina Kerber, UAV Pilot & Analog Astronaut, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) 10:55 AM Economics in Space Jim Plaxco, NSS Space Ambassador 11:00 AM Ceres Megasatellite as Alternative to Planetary Living Dr. Pekka Janhunen, Research Manager, Finnish Meterological Institute 11:15 AM MMAARS Training NextGen Anslig Astronauts to be Super Spaceheros Dr. Susan Ip-Jewell, CEO/Co-Founder of MMAARS, Inc, (Mars-Moon Astronautics Academy & Research Science) 11:25 AM CubeSats Kevin L. Simmons, CEO, BLUECUBE Aerospace, NSS Space Ambassador 11:45 AM Phil Plait, The Bad Astronomer with Geoffrey Notkin, President Emeritus, National Space Society, National Space Society Board of Governors Presenting of NSS Space Pioneer Award to Phil Plait 12:10 PM Space Policy: Space Solar Power - Is It Finally Time to Harness the Sun? Brett Jones (VP Communications and Digital Media, Beyond Earth Institute), Jonathan G. Thorvilson (Motivator, Beyond Earth Institute) and Tony DeTora (VP of Policy Coherence & Co-Founder, Beyond Earth Institute) 12:30 PM SPS in 2021 John C. Mankins, Mankins Space Technologies, Inc., National Space Society Board of Directors 12:45 PM Space Solar Power and Ancillary Services Beaming Mission Development Gary Barnhard, CEO, Xtraordinary Innovative Space Partnerships, Inc., National Space Society Board of Directors 1:00 PM Revisiting O’Neill's Work Dr Richard James Soilleux, British Interplanetary Society 1:35 PM The Origins of the Pro-Space Movement Mark Hopkins, NSS Chief Executive Officer Emeritus, National Space Society Board of Directors 1:45 PM The Scientific Feasibility of Space Settlement Hannah Rens, Systems Engineer, Boeing Space, Defense, and Security, National Space Society Board of Directors 2:10 PM Moonbase Design Stevan Akerley, NSS Space Ambassadors Program Director 2:30 PM The Outposts Program Jeffrey Manber, CEO, Nanoracks with David Dressler, NSS Conference Coordinating Committee Chairman 2:45 PM The Next 20 Years in NewSpace Steve Jurvetson, Managing Director & Founder, Future Ventures with Rod Pyle, Editor-in-Chief, Ad Astra Magazine 3:10 PM Space Settlement Design Competition Presenting: Colin Houts, John Mo, Margaret Yu and Adam Moss 3:25 PM Q&A 4:25 PM END To learn more about the event go to:
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