UFOS : Videos of aliens sightings. Do not forget to suscribe it.


Friday, December 4, 2020

Glowing eyes at right, plus bush-layers throughout & video to follow color enhanced for sideXcompare

Check out the next video and side x side them on your computer, I shortened the 1st 40sec off the next. Those Glowing too the right at ending of the ravine is a good focus of them playing around with such that energy. please take focus off of me or how I'm involved & just put the subject 1st of your ficus, learn a few steps from me personally by asking questionson my latest video's & make the Question short 1 step at a time because All I Do is get you to understand they do leave Track mark and once your on this level then the climb will be easy if you trust the man with the title Tracker in his channel name. cheers all. Ian Armstrong. Supernatural Earth Beings Tracker Channel. .

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