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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Meet NASA's Michelle Tomey Colizzi, Mars 2020 Aeroshell Vehicle Lead – Behind the Spacecraft – Live

Get to know some of the diverse team of engineers and scientists working on NASA's next Mars rover, Perseverance. NASA-JPL engineer Michelle Tomey Colizzi is ensuring the Perseverance rover can endure a lot of extreme environments on its way to the Red Planet. Join our conversation to find out how she is focusing on the aeroshell, a capsule that will keep the rover safe during travel. We'll be taking your questions live from the chat. The team is on track to launch Perseverance in July 2020 and land in Mars' Jezero Crater in February 2021. For more information on the Mars 2020 mission, go to: https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/ Chats are moderated. Inappropriate language or posts that harass other individuals will be removed. • Be courteous • Use respectful language • Protect your private information • No spam, sexually explicit or discriminatory material • Stay on topic

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