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Saturday, August 29, 2020

10 Creepy Animals That Make Great Parents

Hi everybody! From arachnids that carry the weight of the world on their shoulders to mothers that engage in light cannibalism, here are ten creepy animals that make great parents. Follow us on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/katrinaexplained/ Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Check out these videos you might like: Unbelievable Animals SAVING Other Animals! 🐯https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxehUWvMr38 LARGEST Animals Ever Discovered! 🐙https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yj7F_tPYsU Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives! 🐻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mllqeVSsIl0 10. Mouthbrooding Fish Mouthbrooding fish go to extreme lengths to protect their young! Mouthbrooding is where parents keep eggs and even newly hatched fish called fry in their mouths for safe keeping! 9. Wolf Spiders Wolf spiders are solitary creatures that roam around at night looking for prey. They are big and hairy and will stalk their victims, overpowering them with their strong bodies. There are hundreds of species of wolf spider that live all over the world. While they have many interesting characteristics, scientists are mostly fascinated by their unique parenting habits. 8. Sea Lice The sea louse is not a particularly well-liked creature. Sea lice are little crustacean parasites which peruse through the ocean waters looking to suck the life out of fish. They tend to eat mucus, epidermal tissue, and blood of host marine fish and are a complete nuisance with no real purpose. 7. Vultures No one really wants to see a vulture on the road; these animals are known for their haunting appearance and, shall we say, less than appetizing diet which consists of decaying animal flesh. The most populous vultures in the world are black and turkey vultures, which tend to hang out with one another. 6. Blood sucking ants If you hear the name ‘blood sucking ant’, then you know it’s probably not a friendly creature. Technically, they’re known as Adetomyrmant, and they’re pretty rare; they’re an endangered species of ant that hails only from Madagascar. They’re also well known for their gigantic stingers; relative to the size of their bodies, this is the biggest stinger of any ant on the planet! 5. Caecilians Although caecilians look like big worms, they’re actually amphibians more closely related to frogs. You can find these strange critters inside of the world’s rainforests, even though they tend to hang out below the dirt. However, their similarity to worms is not this amphibian’s only strange feature. Caecilian mothers are known for their extreme child rearing practices; they allow their children to eat a little bit of them. 4. Stegodyphus Lineatus The Stegodyphus is a kind of spider, and while their bodies evoke creepy images of skulls, and trigger arachnophobia, they’re actually excellent with their children. Almost too much. These spiders were first discovered in 1873, and can be found in semi-arid regions of Israel, other parts of the Mediterranean and certain parts of Asia and Africa. 3. Giant Pacific octopus Giant Pacific octopuses are both bigger and older than every other species of octopus on the planet! And that’s saying a lot, given how large octopuses can get. On average, these beasts max out at 16 feet long (4.8m) and weigh 110 pounds (49.8 kg), but the biggest one that scientists have ever caught was 30 feet long (9.1 m) and weighed over 600 pounds (272 kg)! 2. Poison dart frog Although they might look cute and tiny at first glance, poison dart frogs are actually dangerous. Their bright, colorful exterior bodies hint at what they carry on top of it; super deadly poison. Thankfully, most predators in the environments where they live have taken note of this fact and tempered their expectations of a tasty snack accordingly. 1. Scorpions When you think of creepy crawlers, scorpions are probably among the first creatures to come to mind. But did you know that they’re some of the most devoted parents in the animal kingdom? For one thing, a mother scorpion has a thankless job; transporting up to 100 baby scorpions at a time on her back.

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