UFOS : Videos of aliens sightings. Do not forget to suscribe it.


Monday, August 31, 2020


Te has preguntado quien es el "dueño" de tu mente, aquí 5 pasos para volver a ser libre y adueñarte de tu vida. Suscribete a LaRutaVerde: https://bit.ly/3cm95O6 Desarrolla tu mente: https://bit.ly/33EPVih Videos sobre la mente: https://bit.ly/39c7Cah Tutoriales de la mente: https://bit.ly/398UF14 Beneficios naturales: https://bit.ly/399ouOQ Videos sobre Naturismo: https://bit.ly/3ab3Ejz 10 Consejos de grandes lideres: https://bit.ly/2WvjNwh

31 de agosto: Rosa de Inglaterra | Momentos TVN

El 31 de agosto del 1997 la princesa Diana y su novio egipcio Dodi Al-Fayed se estrellaron en un túnel junto al río Sena. Posteriormente se confirmó la muerte de Lady Di producto de las heridas y de una hemorragia pulmonar. De igual forma, se informó el fallecimiento de Al-Fayed y el chófer que los llevaba.

30 de agosto: Pinochet es designado como aspirante para el Plebiscito | Momentos TVN

Un 30 de agosto de 1988, Augusto Pinochet fue designado como aspirante para el Plebiscito de sucesión presidencial. A pesar de que el nombramiento de Pinochet como candidato único no sorprendió, si polarizó a los chilenos de la época.

29 de agosto: Katrina | Momentos TVN

El 29 de agosto de 2005 el huracán azotó la costa atlántica de Estados Unidos. Fue uno de los cinco más destructivos que han afectado al país norteamericano.

28 de agosto: El poder de un sueño | Momentos TVN

El 28 de agosto de 1963, desde las escalinatas del monumento a Lincoln, durante la marcha en Whashington por el trabajo y la libertad, Martin Luther King pronunció un conmovedor discurso que quedó en la historia.

Beto Acosta | Zoom, grandes momentos del deporte - T1E14

El goleador fue el invitado a este episodio de Zoom, donde recordó los mejores momentos de su recordado paso por Universidad Católica.

Recordamos la "Noche de los paraguas felices" | Zoom, grandes momentos del deporte - T1E13

La lluviosa jornada que marcó el camino de Chile hacia Francia 98´ fue el hito recordado en este capítulo de Zoom.

Yo elijo local: Conoce a "Kachibú" | Carmen Gloria a tu servicio

Carmen Gloria, junto a Desafío Levantemos Chile y el Banco de Chile, presentan el emprendimiento de Daniela Berríos llamado "Kachibú", el cual consiste en realizar pañales reutilizables para infantes. #CarmenGloriaTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de Carmen Gloria a tu servicio ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/carmengloria/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Don't be scared Homie, were all in it together.

I don't care what your issues are all about, because these issue in total out weighs everything we know about, So we'd better get are necessary survival knowledge obtain fully on all Earth Being's side effects. Ian Armstrong. Survivors club. .

Capítulo 31 de agosto: Quiere el divorcio | Carmen Gloria a tu servicio

Karen quiere que su esposo Raúl le de el divorcio, mientras que él asegura estar enamorado de ella aún, después de 25 años de estar separados. #CarmenGloriaTVN #TVNChile #Chile Más contenido de Carmen Gloria a tu servicio ➡ http://www.tvn.cl/programas/carmengloria/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

17 Videos De Tik Tok Definitivos Que Te Harán Desinstalarlo

¡SUSCRÍBETE y activa la campanita! https://bit.ly/30jaIIu ¡HAZTE MIEMBRO y disfruta de ventajas adicionales! https://bit.ly/3feGdrb Top Terror te presente nuevos videos extraños y terroríficos de Tik Tok. Esta plataforma últimamente ha sido testigo de increíbles avistamientos paranormales, y en ese video, te traigo 17 de las mejores evidencias. Canales de Tik Tok mencionados: 17) @gisegalvis 16) @gabevidales 15) @noxiouslyseth 14) @johnodonnell_22 13) @lexibruner04 12) @applesarehealthy101 11) @estefannia1998 10) @aliyahlia 9) @user9107592993806 8) @allienr_ 7) @kittyk38 6) @gpag0 5) @mr.buddypants 4) @_.brooklyn.marie._ 3) @michaelo666 2) @johnvasquez54 1) @miketrejo13 Nota: La intención del video no es comprobar ni desmentir la veracidad de los clips mostrados. Solo son expuestos con el único fin de entretener, cada uno deberá tener su opinión de los videos, bajo sus propios criterios. For copyright, credits or business: top5terror@gmail.com Aportes o sugerencias: evidenciastopterror@gmail.com Videos Anteriores: 10 Videos De Terror Que Recordarás Por Mucho Tiempo: https://youtu.be/OneE-vz2n78 5 Tik Tokers Misteriosos Y Aterradores Que Están Dando Que Hablar: https://youtu.be/-DwhS0L1MTs MUSIC: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0

Última entrevista de Manuel 'El Loco' Valdés | De Primera Mano

En esta entrañable entrevista uno a uno, la última que don Manuel #ElLocoValdés dio a un medio de comunicación, habló de su estado de salud, su lucha contra el cáncer, sus hijos, así como de la pérdida de sus hermanos y de su esposa... Visita nuestro sitio web: http://www.imagentv.com/ Solo aquí encontrarás lo mejor de los programas de entretenimiento de Imagen Televisión para que no dejes de disfrutar ni un instante de nuestra programación. Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U

Pronóstico del tiempo: Martes 1 de agosto | TV Tiempo

Revisa el pronóstico para tu ciudad. La zona central estará nublada y el sur amanecerá soleado. #TVTiempoTVN #TVNChile #Chile ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn

Ellos lo DEMOSTRARON: 🔴 Científicos nos prueban que EL ALMA NO MUERE sino que REGRESA AL UNIVERSO

¿Aún no estás suscrito a nuestro canal?, hazlo siguiendo este enlace, muchas gracias!: http://goo.gl/5me6zx Síguenos en: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lahoramuertaempieza/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lahoramuertaempieza/ Sitio Web: http://www.lahoramuertaempieza.com Contacto: contacto@lahoramuertaempieza.com

Top 10 Super Villains Who Have Changed The Most - Part 2

Top 10 Super Villains Who Have Changed The Most - Part 2 Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd: http://bit.ly/2eI6p18 New Channel | Top 10 Central DARK: https://bit.ly/32k64cW Being a villain is really a matter of perspective. As time changes and characters grow and evolve, their perspectives change and someone who could have originally come across as a villain, might reform and feel that their energies are best served elsewhere. Not just that but villains who stay villains might be seen themselves through a new lens or perspective. A new writer or a new form of media may choose to portray them in a different light, changing how we see them and how they go about their daily business. This isn’t just true for super villains either but can happen to any character in a good story. Today on Top 10 Nerd, we bring you our list of the Top 10 Super Villains Who Have Changed The Most - Part 2. Top 10 Super Villains Who Have Changed The Most - Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_Wh2PavMJE #top10 #supervillains #comicbooks #list #thanos #top10nerd #comics #dcvillains #mcu #movies Follow Top 10 Nerd on instagram: https://instagram.com/top10nerdofficial For business inquiries please contact top10nerdchannel@gmail.com Channel Producer: Landon: https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/?hl=en Hosted By: Amanda McKnight: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vampx13 Edited By: Claudia Leung: https://www.instagram.com/claudzleung/

Parents on protection alert & human's think of nothing in their corner to bother about.

Partridge or father watching over young chicks. Ian Armstrong.

Así se desarrollan los llamados de emergencia durante la cuarentena en Quinta Normal | BDAT

Un equipo del Buenos Días a Todos recorrió las calles de la comuna para registrar cómo se han atendido las emergencias policiales en la zona. #BuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Buenos días a todos ➡ https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Detienen a 58 personas tras fiesta clandestina en San Miguel | Buenos días a todos

Tras el llamado de vecinos del sector a personal de Carabineros debido a ruidos molestos, 40 mujeres y 18 hombres fueron detenidos tras el "carrete" en pleno toque de queda. #BuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Buenos días a todos ➡ https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Barriga por Transición: "Hay que tomar las medidas de resguardo y responsabilidad individual" | BDAT

La edil de Maipú, Cathy Barriga, se refirió al paso de su comuna a la fase de Transición del plan "Paso a Paso" para el desconfinamiento. #BuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Buenos días a todos ➡ https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

¿Cómo se viene el tiempo para septiembre a lo largo del país? | Buenos días a todos

El meteorólogo Iván Torres entregó su pronóstico del tiempo en el Buenos Días a Todos para este mes entrante. #BuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Buenos días a todos ➡ https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Niña salió volando con su cometa por el fuerte viento | Buenos días a todos

El hecho ocurrió en un tradicional festival de volantines en Taiwán. Afortunadamente la menor resultó ilesa. #BuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Buenos días a todos ➡ https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

Fase 3 de Transición: Lo que se puede y no se puede hacer | Buenos días a todos

El doctor Sebastián Ugarte explicó el detalle de las distintas fases del plan "Paso a Paso" dispuesto por el Gobierno en camino hacia el desconfinamiento. #BuenosDíasTVN #TVNChile #MatinalTVN #Chile Más contenido del Buenos días a todos ➡ https://www.tvn.cl/programas/muybuenosdias/ ¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en https://www.tvnplay.com SUSCRÍBETE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TVN Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tvn.cl Twitter https://twitter.com/tvn Instagram https://instagram.com/tvn/

10 Unique Objects Worth A Fortune

From the feather of an extinct bird to a cursed gemstone weighing more than you, here are 10 unique objects worth a fortune! Follow us on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/katrinaexplained/ Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Check out these videos you might like: Unbelievable Animals SAVING Other Animals! 🐯https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxehUWvMr38 LARGEST Animals Ever Discovered! 🐙https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yj7F_tPYsU Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives! 🐻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mllqeVSsIl0 10. Extinct Huia Bird Feather The most expensive single feather ever sold comes from the Huia bird, a species that has not been seen since 1907 and is largely considered to be extinct. Native to the North Island of New Zealand, they were hunted for their skin to make mounted specimens as decor and their long tail feathers were also used to decorate hats and things. These birds were black with a metallic green hue, red cheeks, and males had a beautiful, long curved beak. 9. Jade In 2010, the New York Times reported the surprising news that the value of jade had surpassed that of gold in China among the country’s newly-rich citizens taking advantage of newfound opportunities for upward mobility. Over a ten-year period, the cost of jade multiplied tenfold, ultimately skyrocketing to $3,000 per ounce. 8. Million Dollar Parking Spot Anyone who’s driven in a busy city knows that finding a parking spot is often a serious hassle at best, and a complete nightmare at worst. For this reason, some people are willing to shell out big bucks for their right to occupy a space in what’s considered prime parking spot real estate. Such was the case in late 2019 in Hong Kong, which boasts some of the world’s most expensive real estate and faces an imminent housing crisis as the average person struggles desperately to keep up with the ever-increasing cost of living. 7. The World’s Most Expensive Photograph A seemingly unimportant and visually understimulating photo taken by photographer Andreas Gursky sold for an astounding $4,338,500 in late 2011. The image, titled Rhein II, features bland scenery consisting of green grass and grey strips of water and sky. It fetched the shockingly high price at a Christie’s auction, leaving critics to wonder exactly why someone would pay so much money for such an uneventful photograph. 6. Perfect Pink Diamond Ring A diamond ring nicknamed the “Perfect Pink” sold for $23 million in 2010 at a Christie’s auction in Hong Kong, making it the most expensive diamond ever sold in Asia. The sale occurred amid a spiking demand for colorful stones throughout Asia, according to The Jewelry Loupe, which also pointed out that diamonds have no problem selling for high prices in the first place. 5. Pablo Picasso Masterpiece Garçon à la pipe, or “Boy With a Pipe,” is a 1905 Pablo Picasso painting of a Parisian boy with a garland of roses and a pipe in his left hand. In 2004, an anonymous bidder paid $104 million (£58m) for the masterpiece at a Sotheby’s auction in New York City, earning it the distinction of the world’s most expensive painting at the time. The piece vastly defeated its own all-time-high pre-sale estimate of $70 million (£39.3m), going for a hammer price of $93 million (£51.9m) before commission and other associated fees. 4. Bahia Emerald The Bahia Emerald is a massive, 180,000-carat gemstone that miners unearthed inside the Carnaiba Mine in Brazil in recent years. At 4.3 feet (1.3 meters) tall and 794 pounds (341.1 kg), it’s valued at around $309 million. 3. The Card Players Painting French painter Paul Cézanne played an imperative role in bridging the gap between 19th-century Impressionism and 20th-century Cubism, according to Mental Floss. But his arguably most celebrated accomplishment is a series of five paintings called The Card Players. 2. ANTILIA Billionaire industrialist Mukesh Ambani is perhaps less known for his business ventures than he is for his $2 billion, 400,000-square-foot (37,161 meters2) mansion in Mumbai, India. The home is named Antilia after the mythical Atlantic island Antillia, a 15th-century island that reportedly sat west of Portugal and Spain before mysteriously disappearing from existence. 1. Yacht History Supreme Dubbed the world’s most expensive yacht ever built, the History Supreme made international headlines in 2019, nine years after a Malaysian businessman reportedly purchased it for a jaw-dropping $4.8 billion. Robert Kuok, the richest man in Malaysia and the second-richest man in Southeast Asia, supposedly purchased the 98.4-foot (30 meters) vessel in 2011.

¿Cómo hacer que mi perro no tenga miedo de usar un bozal? | Sale el Sol

¿Tu perro tiene miedo de usar el bozal? Checa estas increíbles técnicas para que no tema más, premialo siempre y hazle saber que no debe temer. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Cristian Castro reacciona a la muerte de su padre 'El Loco' Valdés | Sale el Sol

Así reaccionó #CristianCastro ante la muerte de su padre #ElLocoValdés, quien mandó un emotivo mensaje a la familia Valdés, además agradeció a su madre #VerónicaCastro por siempre estar enamorada de él, ¿la actriz dará alguna declaración sobre esto? No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Así recordaron a Itatí Zucchi, madre de Itatí Cantoral y Roberto Cantoral Jr. | Sale el Sol

Tras la lamentable muerte de #ItatíZucchi, se realizó una misa virtual para conmemorarla, en la que su sobrina de Itatí Cantoral dedicó unas palabras para su abuelita. Descanse en paz. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

¿Cómo reaccionó la familia Valdés ante la pérdida de 'El Loco'? | Sale el Sol

Tras la muerte del cómico #ElLocoValdés su familia más cercana estuvo presente en una funeraria y son ellos quienes nos dicen cómo reaccionaron ante esta pérdida y como lo recuerdan. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Tras meses de luchar por su salud, Ceci Romo perdió la vida | Sale el Sol

Tristemente la actriz #CeciRomo falleció, estuvo varios meses luchando para mejorar su salud, desafortunadamente estaba ya muy débil para seguir luchando. Descanse en paz, Ceci Romo. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Intención del día: Cada próximo nivel de tu vida, exigirá un tú diferente | Sale el Sol

Cada vez que en tu vida lográs concluir una meta, significa que se necesita un nuevo tú, con mejor actitud y vibra para conseguir tu siguiente meta. No te pierdas todos los días Sale el Sol a las 9 a.m. por Imagen Televisión. Visita también nuestra página www.imagentv.com O en las redes de Sale el Sol Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mJSv1f Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q0z1H0 O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U ¡Déjanos tus comentarios, da like, comparte y suscríbete!

Touchdown! SpaceX 'rocket cam' captures first stage landing in Florida

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket first stage landed at the private spaceflight company's Landing Zone-1 (LZ-1) in Florida after launched Argentina's SAOCOM-1B and 2 other ride share satellites. Credit: SpaceX

Blastoff! SpaceX launches SAOCOM-1B for Argentina

A used two-stage SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched the SAOCOM-1B satellite on Aug. 30, 2020 from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The rocket also carried two rideshare satellites, GNOMES-1 and Tyvak-0172, Credit: SpaceX

Why Now is the Golden Age of Paleontology | Nat Geo Explores

With advancements in technology and access to areas once considered unreachable, the field of paleontology is experiencing a golden age of discovery. Roughly 50 new dinosaur species are found each year, giving us a closer look at their prehistoric world like never before. Our previous understandings of how dinosaurs looked and evolved are being revolutionized, especially in regards to evidence that modern birds descended from dinosaurs. But while it’s exciting to see how incredibly far paleontology has come from the previous generations, it’s equally as thrilling to imagine what new discoveries lie just ahead. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe ➡ Watch all clips of Nat Geo Explores here: https://bit.ly/NGExplores About Nat Geo Explores: From National Geographic Media, Nat Geo Explores breaks down the worlds of Science, History, and Animals. In each episode, scientists and historians explain in fascinating detail everything from the connection between germs and diseases to how anxiety impacts our brains. About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Why Now is the Golden Age of Paleontology | Nat Geo Explores https://youtu.be/ng9zG6a0DVs National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo

Las plagas en la antigüedad por Sergio Alejo Gómez

Las plagas en la antigüedad por Sergio Alejo Gómez Bienvenidos a un nuevo directo. Esta semana Ángel Portillo y un servidor, recuperando la esencia del proyecto venimos a hablaros sobre un tema muy interesante: las plagas en la antigüedad. Así que preparaos para lo que se avecina... Si vas a COMPRAR en AMAZON no te olvides de entrar a través de nuestro enlace de AFILIADOS. A tí te saldrá a precio AMAZON y asi AYUDARAS A MANTENER DIVULGADORES DEL MISTERIO. SIN PAGAR UN EURO MAS EN TUS COMPRAS AMAZON https://www.amazon.es/?&tag=divulgdelmist-21&camp=4586&creative=670922&linkCode=ur1&adid=1FRXAXSJ7GG2X3DQS9FC& Y si tienes dudas, pregúntanos divulgadoresdelmisterio@gmail.com Siguenos en: https://www.divulgadoresdelmisterio.net/ https://www.facebook.com/divulgadoresdelmisterio.net https://twitter.com/DDMisterio https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-audioteca-divulgadores-del-misterio_sq_f1157431_1.html https://itun.es/i6Ld7Vm

WE ARE WO WE ARE Official Trailer (2020) Luca Guadagnino HBO Series

Watch the official trailer for We Are Who We Are, a new coming-of-age story from Luca Guadagnino, starring Chloë Sevigny. 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN We Are Who We Are is a about two American teenagers who live on an American military base with their parents in Italy. The series explores typical teenage drama themes including friendship, love and overall confusion — only in this little slice of America in Italy. Luca Guadagnino will serve as the showrunner, director, executive producer and writer Starring Chloë Sevigny, Kid Cudi, Jack Dylan Grazer, Alice Braga, Spence Moore II, as well as newcomers Jordan Kristine Seamon, Faith Alabi, Francesca Scorsese, Ben Taylor, Corey Knight, Tom Mercier and Sebastiano Pigazzi Releasing on HBO Max, September 14 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

THE DOORMAN Trailer (2020) Ruby Rose, Jean Reno Movie

Her second chance, is their last hope... Watch the trailer for The Doorman, an action-thriller movie starring Ruby Rose and Jean Reno. 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN In this punishing action-thriller starring Ruby Rose, a former Marine turned doorman at a luxury New York City high-rise must outsmart and battle a group of art thieves and their ruthless leader — while struggling to protect her sister’s family. As the thieves become increasingly desperate and violent, the doorman calls upon her deadly fighting skills to end the showdown. Directed by Ryûhei Kitamura Starring Ruby Rose, Jean Reno, Rupert Evans and Aksel Hennie. Premiering on Digital and On Demand October 9 and on Blu-ray and DVD October 13 #TheDoorman 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

Sunday, August 30, 2020


La mejor receta para un plan de vida, va más allá de una estrategia, es un camino , un compromiso , mucha disciplina, amor e intuición. Aquí te comparto los puntos más importantes. Importante ver el video completo y de preferencia hacer apuntes o ver el video varias veces. Suscribete a LaRutaVerde: https://bit.ly/3cm95O6 Desarrolla tu mente: https://bit.ly/33EPVih Videos sobre la mente: https://bit.ly/39c7Cah Tutoriales de la mente: https://bit.ly/398UF14 Beneficios naturales: https://bit.ly/399ouOQ Videos sobre Naturismo: https://bit.ly/3ab3Ejz 10 Consejos de grandes lideres: https://bit.ly/2WvjNwh

Pronóstico del tiempo: Lunes 31 de agosto | TV Tiempo

Revisa el pronóstico del tiempo para tu ciudad. Se nublará parte de la costa central y bajarán temperaturas máximas.

SpaceX : SAOCOM 1B Polar Orbit Highlights - Launch, Landing, Deployment

SpaceX is targeting Sunday, August 30 at 7:18 p.m. EDT, or 23:18 UTC, for Falcon 9’s launch of the SAOCOM 1B mission, which will carry the SAOCOM 1B spacecraft to orbit in addition to two rideshare payloads, Tyvak-0172 and PlanetiQ’s GNOMES-1. The mission will lift off from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. This mission marks SpaceX’s first launch to a polar orbit from the East Coast, and the first polar launch from Florida in decades. Falcon 9’s first stage previously launched Dragon to the International Space Station for SpaceX’s 19th and 20th commercial resupply missions, and it also supported launch of SpaceX’s ninth Starlink mission. Following stage separation, SpaceX will land Falcon 9 on Landing Zone 1 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. SAOCOM 1B will deploy approximately 14 minutes after launch, GNOMES-1 and Tyvak-0172 will deploy approximately 61 and 62 minutes after liftoff. You can watch the launch webcast here, starting about 15 minutes before liftoff. #SpaceX #SAOCOM1b #SpaceXlanding 00:00 Launch: 00:26 Landing : 07:40 Satellite Deployment: 14:33

Top 10 Dark Spider-Man Villains

Top 10 Dark Spider-Man Villains Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd: http://bit.ly/2eI6p18 New Channel | Top 10 Central DARK: https://bit.ly/32k64cW When it comes to Spider-Man villains you might not always think that they are the darkest by comparison to other heroes. After all let’s not forget that Spider-Man was originally a teenager fighting crime while tossing out witty one-liners. And yet as time has gone on, Peter Parker himself has gotten ever more broody. And the Spider-Verse has expanded to include lots of other Spider-folks and their own villains. As such we have seen some most established villains turn dark and new ones introduced who come with their own dark history. Today on Top 10 Nerd, we bring you our list of the Top 10 Dark Spider-Man Villains. Top 10 Dark Alternate Versions Of Spider-Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg2xEgK93LI #top10 #spiderman #alternateversions #top10nerd #toptennerd #evilspiderman Follow Top 10 Nerd on instagram: https://instagram.com/top10nerdofficial For business inquiries please contact top10nerdchannel@gmail.com Channel Producer: Landon: https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/?hl=en Hosted By: Amanda McKnight: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vampx13 Edited By: Dylan Lamovsek: https://twitter.com/uptownduck00

Princess Diana's Funeral | Being The Queen

Queen Elizabeth II and the royal family prepare for the funeral of Princess Diana, who died after a tragic car accident on August 31, 1997. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Princess Diana's Funeral | Being The Queen https://youtu.be/5w0U_igM_hE National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo



10 Most Incredible Recent Archaeological Discoveries

Hi everybody! From a long lost water cult to temples that have been hidden under river sand for years, here are 9 incredible recent archaeological discoveries. Follow us on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/katrinaexplained/ Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Check out these videos you might like: Unbelievable Animals SAVING Other Animals! 🐯https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxehUWvMr38 LARGEST Animals Ever Discovered! 🐙https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yj7F_tPYsU Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives! 🐻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mllqeVSsIl0 9. Oldest Known Work Of Art If you thought the Lascaux cave paintings were the oldest works of art in the world, like most of us, then surprise!! Scientists recently discovered a cave painting in Indonesia that’s been dated back to approximately 44,000 years ago, which makes it the oldest known work of art on the planet. 8. Aztec Sacrifices Recently in 2019, archaeologists discovered sacred offerings on what was once an Aztec ritual platform. Their incredible find may finally lead to an Aztec emperor’s tomb. So far none have ever been uncovered. 7. Temple From A ‘Water Cult’ Researchers recently uncovered the remains of a temple from 3000 years ago in Peru which they think was used by a prehistoric Cult of Water for fertility ceremonies. This would place its construction square in the middle of the stone age. But interestingly, this discovery marks the first stone age temple discovery in the region; it was located in the Huaca El Toro archaeological site in Oyotùn, Peru, nestled in between two rivers which are inside of the Zaña Valley, and it’s the only one of its kind in the area. 6. Emperor Nero’s ‘Sphinx Room’ In 2018 conservationists, who were working on the restoration of Emperor Nero's palace in Rome, found something completely unexpected- a secret underground chamber. Inside was a series of colorful animal frescoes, which depicted images of panthers, centaurs, and a sphinx. 5. Ancient Humans In Idaho In 2019, archaeologists uncovered the remnants of human activity from around 16,600 years ago… in Idaho, no less! These discoveries shed new light on how humans must have travelled in prehistory, indicating where they went as they explored the Americas. They discovered these remnants at Cooper’s Ferry, an archaeological digging site that’s located around the Salmon River in Cottonwood, Idaho. 4. Romulus’ Tomb Archaeologists recently discovered a tomb from millennia ago that the ancient Romans thought of as the burial chamber of Romulus, the mythical founder of Rome! While most researchers don’t think that Romulus ever actually existed, it’s clear that the tomb was revered as if it was his. As the legend goes, Romulus, along with Remus, his twin, were the sons of Rhea Silvia and the god of war himself, Mars. 3. USS Nevada We all know that Navy ships are durable and hard to sink. But there may be one ship among all of the Navy’s fleet that stood above the rest for decades. The USS Nevada made it through World War II, even though it was built in 1912. It made it through a number of other insane trials and tribulations as well, surviving nuclear and ammunition tests. 2. Megalithic Monument When you hear about the Neolithic age, you probably think about the megalithic structures of Europe, which are pretty popular. But structures in Middle Eastern countries from the same period are less well known, even though they are equally impressive. In 2020, archaeologists added yet another one of these to the list; deep inside Dûmat al-Jandal, an ancient oasis which contains a number of ruins in Saudi Arabia, they discovered a large triangular platform in the middle of nowhere. 1. Temple of Nageswara Swamy Recently, villagers in a tiny Indian village unearthed a remarkable discovery; the remains of a well-preserved temple that had been lost to time since the 1850s. It was found in Perumallapadu, which is a village in the Nellore district of India. In about 1850 AD, the village was rendered unlivable, because the nearby Penna River was rising and kept flooding the village. When everyone moved away, the sand dunes engulfed the temple whole.

Ancient Egypt's Celebration of the Dead | Lost Treasures of Egypt

Archaeologists are searching for the tomb of Amenhotep III and in the process they find pottery from the ancient Egyptian celebration of the dead. New Episodes Premiering Tuesdays at 8/7c on NGC (Check your local listings for more) ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About Lost Treasures of Egypt: An immersive, action-packed and discovery-led series following International teams of Egyptologists as they unearth the world's richest seam of ancient archaeology - Egypt's Valley of the Kings. For a full season of excavations and with unprecedented access to the teams on the front line of archaeology, we follow these modern-day explorers as they battle searing heat and inhospitable terrain to make the discoveries of a lifetime. Using innovative technology and age-old intuition in their quest to uncover the secrets of these ancient sites, can the team's discoveries re-write ancient history? About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Ancient Egypt's Celebration of the Dead | Lost Treasures of Egypt https://youtu.be/vb0gJi_QOrA National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo


Check out our compilation of the best movie releases September 2020 you can't miss in Theaters, on Digital, DVD, Blu-Ray or OnDemand. What will you be watching this month? 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN 00:13 Mulan - On Disney +, September 4 01:14 The Owners - On Demand, September 4 03:19 Ava - On Demand, September 25 05:28 I Used to go Here - Releasing on September 2020 07:24 Lost Girls & Love Hotels - On Digital and On Demand, September 18 09:16 Robin's Wish - On Digital and On Demand, September 1 11:32 Antebellum - On Demand, September 18 13:32 The Bay of Silence - September 28 15:50 Blackbird - In theaters and on demand, September 18 17:50 This Is Paris - On YouTube Originals, September 14 19:39 Stuntwomen - On Digital, September 22 22:03 Rent-A-Pal - In Theaters and VOD, September 11 #SeptemberReleases2020 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

WONDER WOMAN "No Man's Land Battle" | Gal Gadot, Patty Jenkins Movie

Watch the clip ""No Man's Land Battle"" for Wonder Woman, the movie directed by Patty Jenkins starring #GalGadot! 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, Diana, an Amazonian warrior in training, leaves home to fight a war, discovering her full powers and true destiny. Directed by Patty Jenkins Starring Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Connie Nelson #WonderWoman #GalGadot 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Schwimmhall 360°

Pankow Schwimmhalle, an indoor swimming pool complex with one big pool, one little, a sauna and all the changing rooms, showers and swim-related accessories you’d expect.

Live from haunted Farmhouse

BECOME A MEMBER @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRERFUVI8WDxoN3JVzmp6UQ/join *FOR EARLY VIEWING OF SOME VIDEOS" *MEMBERS ONLY LIVE STREAMS" @ MANY MORE PERKS TO COME FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRERFUVI8WDxoN3JVzmp6UQ/join G TEAM.. Merch Store @ https://teespring.com/stores/the-g-team-merch Email us @ thegteamparanormal@gmail.com Send Fan Mail to: The G Team Paranormal Investigators PO BOX 5784 Spring Hill Florida 34611 Be sure to Subscribe to my Daughter Heather's page as well for some awesome content. @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Hy3qAT6xSmJWxE86NnTMQ "Music from Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)" GET YOUR CRYSTALS AND SAGE FROM JULIE & MARK @ https://gg2treasuresrockshop.com/?fbclid=IwAR1-lNrka9eVboWxjf7jmBOO0CL3kFvwVU8553XHzQuo6coQX5KGL59lq0c Other videos to check out @ PARANORMAL ACTIVITY IN THIS HOME IS UNBELIEVABLE!! BUT IT IS REAL!! https://youtu.be/pGRRh3jQo0I ((THIS WAS WHEN WE FIRST STARTED)) DOLLS HEAD MOVES ON CAMERA @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V23VvzX8dIA&t=1551s MALICIOUS SPIRIT IN OMARS HOME @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzVYFVSptlU&t=2312s THE SCARIEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6aK-DzvRMw&t=1100s HAUNTED HOTEL (THEY KEPT US AWAKE ALL NIGHT) @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vfg3hkxYp8o&t=2824s BRUSHY MOUNTAIN PRISON PT 1 @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYlTKEueAgE&t=1s BRUSHY MOUNTAIN PRISON PT 2 @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM-MPhYIulA&t=1387s HAUNTED CABIN IN TENNESSEE MOUNTAINS @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDHVg2lY6P4&t=2s HAUNTED 1700 JAIL IN TN @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ai92Jul40s&t=3157s TEDDY BEAR MOVES ON CAMERA AT CASTLE IN TN @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2C_s4PAVJM&t=3s GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA AT CABIN IN TN @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7DFlKMYwSg&t=998s GHOST TOWN OF ELKMONT IN TENNESSEE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lurEUYLqQ HAUNTED DIBBUK BOX OPENING WITH OMAR @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpCQF73X4ng&t=4s HAUNTED & ABANDONED TOWN @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqMaBT7OmeI MY GRANDSON SEES HIS FATHER AT HIS GRAVE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBmUaLPu2vM THE BEST EVP EVER CAUGHT ON CAMERA @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F26Ke2QCxTU&t=2s HAUNTED CAMPGROUND (SPIRITS COME OUT AND TALK)!!! https://youtu.be/5REvCVhyFpc OMAR'S HAUNTED ROBERT THE DOLL @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPH4M5KcDdU OVERNIGHT IN A HAUNTED BRITISH PUB WITH LOU ROCK @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_29gsZhCCw THE DEVIL'S CHAIR IN LAKE HELEN FL "CASSADAGA"! @ https://youtu.be/x6cxykRfSl8 GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA FOLLOWING ME THROUGH CEMETERY @https://youtu.be/YtyUpCrv12U AMAZING TRIBUTE TO MY DECEASED SON THANKS TO OMAR @https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSE-zEja88M GRIEVING MOTHER GETS SURPRISE MESSAGES FROM HER SON AT HIS GRAVE!! https://youtu.be/BgufjuGgO7U 3 WOMEN ALL NIGHT IN HAUNTED 1800'S MANSION (MAJOR PARANORMAL ACTIVITY CAUGHT ON CAMERA)!! https://youtu.be/BugBX2qUzRc MY DECEASED SON GIVES ME MANY MESSAGES AND EVEN A MESSAGE FOR MY FANS!! https://youtu.be/nJ0MlfpM9hU THE FIRST TIME I HEARD AN EVP FROM MY SON @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSaUxm9ZnZc MY DECEASED SON CAUGHT ON CAMERA SHORTLY AFTER HE DIES @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CS3QcvCvyU THE FAMOUS "MA BARKERS' HOUSE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwVX0XOZ5Ow THE FIRST TIME WE MET JAMES THE FAMS @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuSZ5iEFcy8 FUNNY BLOOPERS WHEN "THE G TEAM PARANORMAL" FIRST STARTED!! https://youtu.be/_q_hFN33OgI AMAZING EVP (HE SAYS I LOVE YOU)!!!!! https://youtu.be/5M9B-YwZsIM OUR DECEASED FAMILY COMMUNICATES WITH US...(AMAZING MESSAGES)!! https://youtu.be/o1tPLutbRds Visit Heather's channel @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Hy3qAT6xSmJWxE86NnTMQ

Sabine Moussier y Jorge Peralta: sus hijos, cómo lo sacó de la cárcel y más | El minuto que cambió

A la luz del tiempo #SabineMoussier comparte cómo fue para ella la relación con el padre de sus hijos #JorgePeralta y el cómo a pesar de estar separados, hizo todo lo posible para sacarlo de la cárcel... ¿Qué la motivó a hacerlo? Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

Humberto Zurita en 'El minuto que cambió mi destino'

No te pierdas la presencia del actor #HumbertoZurita en 'El minuto que cambió mi destino' el próximo sábado 9 pm por el 3.1 de Imagen Televisión Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

¿Sabine Moussier está atrapada en una relación con un hombre que no ama? | El minuto que cambió

¡Impactantes las revelaciones que hizo #SabineMoussier al decir que está 'atrapada' en una relación con un hombre que conoció por su maquillista. ¿La persigue? ¿Sigue a las personas con quien está? ¿Terminará con esa relación? Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

Sabine Moussier el 'El minuto que cambió mi destino' | Programa completo

Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

¿Sabine Moussier sacó a Jorge Peralta de la cárcel por amor a él o por amor a sus hijos?

¿Por qué razón #SabineMoussier dio todo por sacar al padre de sus hijos de la cárcel? ¿Terminó su relación con un maravilloso hombre por ayudar a Jorge Peralta? Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

Sabine Moussier: Lyme, caídas, cirugías, enfermedades y más... | El minuto que cambió

#SabineMoussier comparte los momentos más difíciles de su vida al decubrir que tenía #Lyme, enfermedad que detectaron gracias a la ayuda de la mamá de #Thalía. Todo sobre sus cirugías plásticas, las caídas que la hacían salir y entrar en silla de ruedas de los foros... Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

Sabine Moussier y su relación con Jorge Peralta, ¿siguió enamorada de él? | El minuto que cambió

#SabineMoussier habla de cómo fue la relación con #JorgePeralta, ¿hubo violencia cómo se rumoraba? Ella abre su corazón y revela sus #MinutosQueCambian... Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

¡Cuando Sabine Moussier descubrió a su verdadero padre a los 30 años! | El minuto que cambió

#SabineMoussier revela cómo su madre le contó la verdad sobre quién era ella, su verdadero nombre y quién era su verdadero padre biológico. ¿Qué hizo cuando lo encaró? ¿Aún le habla? Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

¡Sabine Moussier revela la primera propuesta indecorosa que recibió! | El minuto que cambió

¡Sabine Moussier revela la primera propuesta indecorosa que recibió! Le hicieron creer que haría un comercial de zapatos y ésto fue lo que descubrió... Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

¡Las agresiones que vivió Sabine Moussier de su primer esposo y su suegro! | El minuto que cambió

¡Las agresiones que vivió Sabine Moussier de su primer esposo y su suegro! Un periodo lleno de celos, ¡donde hasta le escogían su ropa interior! Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

¡La emotiva despedida de Sabine Moussier de su 'papá real' con Alzheimer! | El minuto que cambió

¡La emotiva despedida que tuvo Sabine Moussier de su 'papá real', pues años después supo que él era su padre biológico, quien padecía alzheimer! Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

¿Cuántos hermanos tiene en realidad Sabine Moussier? | El minuto que cambió mi destino

#SabineMoussier comparte la historia de su familia y cómo se enteró que tenía muchos hermanos y hermanas... Visita nuestro sitio web: www.imagentv.com Visita las redes de El minuto que cambió mi destino Facebook: http://bit.ly/2sRqHwy Twitter: http://bit.ly/2shZV1S O en nuestras redes de Imagen Televisión Facebook: http://bit.ly/2psCu3R Twitter: http://bit.ly/2pxLq4U Visita los canales de Gustavo Adolfo Infante : YouTube: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteYT Facebook: http://bit.ly/GustavoAdolfoInfanteFB

Pronóstico del tiempo: Domingo 30 de agosto | TV Tiempo

Conoce el pronóstico para tu ciudad. Llega el calor: sol primaveral en la zona centro.

We can only see what people allow us (IMPORTANT VIDEO)

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Top 10 Alternate Versions of Polaris

Top 10 Alternate Versions of Polaris Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd: http://bit.ly/2eI6p18 New Channel | Top 10 Central DARK: https://bit.ly/32k64cW Polaris is the daughter of Magneto and has been around in the comics, here and there since 1968 when she made her first appearance in X-Men issue #49. She’s had a long history and has pulled off some impressive feats both with and without her father, Magneto. Currently in the newest X-Factor comics she is trying to find her own sense of self, separate from her dad, and trying to navigate all she’s been through and what type of person exactly her experiences have made her. While she isn’t usually the top 10 first thought of mutants, Polaris has become loved by fans in her own right and is considered to be at Alpha level when it comes to her magnetic abilities. Welcome back, nerd squad. It’s finally time for us to shine a spotlight on Lorna Dane, aka Polaris. #polaris #top10 #alternateversions #top10nerd #toptennerd #top10alternateversions #marvel #xmen #mutant #lornadane #magneto More Top 10 Nerd Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bgth_ipQVKo Follow Top 10 Nerd on instagram: https://instagram.com/top10nerdofficial For business inquiries please contact top10nerdchannel@gmail.com Channel Producer: Landon: https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/?hl=en Hosted By: Amanda McKnight: Twitter: https://twitter.com/vampx13 Edited By: Dylan Lamovsek: https://twitter.com/uptownduck00 Sources: What If #77 (1989 - vol 2) Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #1 (2015) A-Babies vs X-Babies (2012) Uncanny X-Men #378 (1963 - vol 1) https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Lorna_Magnus_(Earth-58163) https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Lorna_Dane_(Earth-295) https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Lorna_Dane_(Earth-1298)

The Strange Case Of Kelsie Schelling

►TWITTER: http://bit.ly/Top5U ►FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/TheRealTop5U ►SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/Top5unknowns Previous Videos: https://youtu.be/NB1ld7vvX3E https://youtu.be/s82Qv6ShyNE Written By: Shel Narrated By: Ty Notts

Descubren una figura de hace 3.000 años idéntica a un personaje del Angry Birds!

Angry Birds es uno de los videojuegos de estrategia de más éxito, apareció por primera vez en 2009. Desde entonces ha triunfado como aplicación de móvil , en las consolas, e incluso se han hecho juegos de mesa, una serie de dibujos animados y más de una película. Pero realmente tiene once años? Hay quien sospecha, sin embargo, que el videojuego puede que no tenga"sólo" 11 años de historia, sino varios, unos 3.000 años más. .......................................................................................................................... ¿Qué te ha parecido el vídeo? 😊 Envíanos tus comentarios.🚀 Estaremos encantados de recibir material original (avistamientos, objetos encontrados, misterios no resueltos, vídeos caseros de fenómenos paranormales ) ☄️para que puedas disponer para su posterior análisis en nuestro canal y desvelarlo para todo el mundo. 🤯 .......................................................................................................................... Nos ha acompañado la música de: 🎵 Eternal Space by Hazy https://soundcloud.com/hazy_music Music provided by https://www.plugnplaymusic.net

How It's Made: Saunas

Stream Full Episodes of How It's Made: https://www.sciencechannel.com/tv-shows/how-its-made/ Subscribe to Science Channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribeScience Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScienceChannel Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScienceChannel Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ScienceChannel/

GOD of WAR @ PS4 Live

Bentornato sul nostro canale , in questo nuovo episodio vedremo Kratos combattere per difendere il figlio Atreus dalla possibile minaccia di un semi-Dio Vikingo . Un combattimento difficilissimo uno dei piu' cruenti che il Dio abbia mai affrontato . Editori: Capcom, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe Sviluppatori: Ready at Dawn, SIE Santa Monica Studio, Sony Online Entertainment, Javaground #Best#ps4#games

Kratos Incredibile Combattimento all'ultimo Sangue |GOD of WAR @ PS4 Live

Bentornato sul nostro canale , in questo nuovo episodio vedremo Kratos combattere per difendere il figlio Atreus dalla possibile minaccia di un semi-Dio Vikingo . Un combattimento difficilissimo uno dei piu' cruenti che il Dio abbia mai affrontato . Editori: Capcom, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe Sviluppatori: Ready at Dawn, SIE Santa Monica Studio, Sony Online Entertainment, Javaground #Best#ps4#games

10 Creepy Animals That Make Great Parents

Hi everybody! From arachnids that carry the weight of the world on their shoulders to mothers that engage in light cannibalism, here are ten creepy animals that make great parents. Follow us on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/katrinaexplained/ Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Check out these videos you might like: Unbelievable Animals SAVING Other Animals! 🐯https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxehUWvMr38 LARGEST Animals Ever Discovered! 🐙https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yj7F_tPYsU Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives! 🐻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mllqeVSsIl0 10. Mouthbrooding Fish Mouthbrooding fish go to extreme lengths to protect their young! Mouthbrooding is where parents keep eggs and even newly hatched fish called fry in their mouths for safe keeping! 9. Wolf Spiders Wolf spiders are solitary creatures that roam around at night looking for prey. They are big and hairy and will stalk their victims, overpowering them with their strong bodies. There are hundreds of species of wolf spider that live all over the world. While they have many interesting characteristics, scientists are mostly fascinated by their unique parenting habits. 8. Sea Lice The sea louse is not a particularly well-liked creature. Sea lice are little crustacean parasites which peruse through the ocean waters looking to suck the life out of fish. They tend to eat mucus, epidermal tissue, and blood of host marine fish and are a complete nuisance with no real purpose. 7. Vultures No one really wants to see a vulture on the road; these animals are known for their haunting appearance and, shall we say, less than appetizing diet which consists of decaying animal flesh. The most populous vultures in the world are black and turkey vultures, which tend to hang out with one another. 6. Blood sucking ants If you hear the name ‘blood sucking ant’, then you know it’s probably not a friendly creature. Technically, they’re known as Adetomyrmant, and they’re pretty rare; they’re an endangered species of ant that hails only from Madagascar. They’re also well known for their gigantic stingers; relative to the size of their bodies, this is the biggest stinger of any ant on the planet! 5. Caecilians Although caecilians look like big worms, they’re actually amphibians more closely related to frogs. You can find these strange critters inside of the world’s rainforests, even though they tend to hang out below the dirt. However, their similarity to worms is not this amphibian’s only strange feature. Caecilian mothers are known for their extreme child rearing practices; they allow their children to eat a little bit of them. 4. Stegodyphus Lineatus The Stegodyphus is a kind of spider, and while their bodies evoke creepy images of skulls, and trigger arachnophobia, they’re actually excellent with their children. Almost too much. These spiders were first discovered in 1873, and can be found in semi-arid regions of Israel, other parts of the Mediterranean and certain parts of Asia and Africa. 3. Giant Pacific octopus Giant Pacific octopuses are both bigger and older than every other species of octopus on the planet! And that’s saying a lot, given how large octopuses can get. On average, these beasts max out at 16 feet long (4.8m) and weigh 110 pounds (49.8 kg), but the biggest one that scientists have ever caught was 30 feet long (9.1 m) and weighed over 600 pounds (272 kg)! 2. Poison dart frog Although they might look cute and tiny at first glance, poison dart frogs are actually dangerous. Their bright, colorful exterior bodies hint at what they carry on top of it; super deadly poison. Thankfully, most predators in the environments where they live have taken note of this fact and tempered their expectations of a tasty snack accordingly. 1. Scorpions When you think of creepy crawlers, scorpions are probably among the first creatures to come to mind. But did you know that they’re some of the most devoted parents in the animal kingdom? For one thing, a mother scorpion has a thankless job; transporting up to 100 baby scorpions at a time on her back.

Delta IV Heavy rocket launch aborted in final moments

The launch of a Delta IV Heavy rocket carrying the classified NROL-44 U.S. spy satellite was aborted moments before liftoff. Full Story: https://www.space.com/spy-satellite-nrol-44-delta-iv-heavy-launch-abort.html Credit: United Launch Alliance

101 Facts About Hong Kong

Greetings motherfactors! Today we're heading over to Asia and the country of China, where you'll find the best food, the prettiest lights, and less expectedly, the longest escalator in the entire world. That's right, we're off to the province of Hong Kong. So kick back and relax on 101 Airways as we learn 101 Facts About Hong Kong! ► Subscribe to 101 Facts Here: http://bit.ly/1MtNBJD ► Follow 101 Facts on Twitter: https://twitter.com/101Facts1 ► Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/101factsyt/?hl=en

ULA NROL-44 Last Second Hot Fire Abort! Delta IV Heavy

So this morning launch of ULA's Delta IV heavy almost happened. The launch was aborted literally at the last second. This mission – NROL-44 was to launch a payload for National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) , supporting US national security The launch had already been scrubbed the night before. After that abort ULA said the issue was with a critical ground pneumatics control system With the launch rescheduled for 24 hours later, everything was looking good – and the countdown had entered its final phase. With the commentator even declaring “Liftoff....” as T-0 was reached. Before announcing they had had a hot fire abort. ULA released a tweet saying, rhe launch of a United Launch Alliance #DeltaIVHeavy carrying the #NROL44 mission for the National Reconnaissance Office was scrubbed today due to an unexpected condition during terminal count at approximately three seconds before liftoff. They went on to say that it would take at least 7 days for another launch attempt TORY BRUNO – CEO of ULA said The bird is in good shape. This was an automatic abort during the ignition sequence. Cause appears to have been in the ground system. System functioned as intended to protect the vehicle and payload. Whether the failure detected tonight was connected to yesterday's abort isn't clear and they could be two completely separate issues. But , from a ULA perspective, their systems worked as they should. They detected an anomaly and they shut down the launch automatically – with the rocket and its payload being protected, which of course is their priority. Of course, the spectacular fireball that occurs before the launch of a DELTA IV Heavy can surprise some people and could give the impression of problem in itself. However, this is perfectly normal for this launch system and the rocket is designed to be protected from the fire and heat. The fireball occurs as hydrogen is pushed through the engines a few seconds before being mixed with oxygen – as that hydrogen leaves the engine it rises up the side of the rocket and is ignited once the engines fire. Thanks for watching - why not support this channel and help us grow. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCakgsb0w7QB0VHdnCc-OVEA/join Subscribe For More Videos Like This: http://www.youtube.com/user/ouramazingspace?sub_confirmation=1 See my latest videos : https://www.youtube.com/user/ouramazingspace/videos Bringing you the BEST Space and Astronomy videos online. Showcasing videos and images from the likes of NASA,ESA,Hubble etc. Join me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spaceisamazing Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmazingSpace2 Google+ : http://goo.gl/1WCBn9 Music by Keving Macleod http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/

BROIL Trailer (2020) Timothy V. Murphy Horror Movie

Family is served. Watch the trailer for Broil, a horror movie starring Timothy V. Murphy and Jonathan Lipnicki! 🔴 Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date - http://bit.ly/SubFIN After a violent incident with a school nemesis, 17-year-old Chance Sinclair is sent to live with her draconian grandfather at his lavish estate, where she soon uncovers a dangerous ancient family secret. Suddenly caught between warring factions of the family, her only hope for survival may well come from a killer-for-hire with a fortuitous stroke of culinary genius. Directed by Edward Drake Starring Jonathan Lipnicki, Avery Konrad, Timothy V. Murphy #Broil 👕 Get cool merch from our online shop: http://bit.ly/FINSHOP 🎥 Watch the Best New Trailers: http://bit.ly/TrailerFIN 😂 Watch Funny Bloopers: http://bit.ly/EXBLOOPERS 🎵Listen to our Chill-Out Music Channel: http://bit.ly/ChillOutMusicZoneFIN 📺 Watch the latest Indie Trailers: http://bit.ly/FINIndie #FilmIsNow is the best channel to catch the latest official movie trailers and movie clips and spots, featurettes, behind the scenes, interviews and other great original content. The FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.