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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Large Wolf-like Creature: Waheela

The Waheela is a wolf-like creature that is reportedly found in the Northwest Territories of Canada. It has also been reported in areas of Michigan and Alaska. (31 Days of Halloween) Day 1: Jinn - https://youtu.be/-K3a3L6KtpQ Day 2: Ghouls - https://youtu.be/3a3CJTGqBQE Day 3: Revenants - https://youtu.be/FVR8xLCxLM4 Day 4: Banshee - https://youtu.be/onLBW8kT8Rw Day 5: Ruslaka - https://youtu.be/6dbCpY4JcrA Day 6: Will-o'-the-wisp - https://youtu.be/_zI-D4eVXt0 Day 7: Kappa - https://youtu.be/sUyAYDdQLIc Day 8 : Sea Monk - https://youtu.be/uZ6hrA2S6gg Day 9 : Monopod - https://youtu.be/npKDUAb97kY Day 10: Aswang - https://youtu.be/WvSp7DGKCs4 Day 11: Golem - https://youtu.be/cjlaWSfDqCk Day 12: Hellhound - https://youtu.be/qOb1-e5rztU Day 13: Sirens - https://youtu.be/WD3wDV_4S2w Day 14: Nymphs - https://youtu.be/ckI_1mtVQDI Day 15: Flatwoods Monster - https://youtu.be/rrUPJY9v6oo Day 16: Kraken - https://youtu.be/iPnFxSNFlDM Day 17: Leshy - https://youtu.be/JUs7ybzkdVw Day 18: Kludde - https://youtu.be/onlgCwChUEI Day 19: Changeling - https://youtu.be/qkOIipM7tvI Day 20: Guy Fawkes - https://youtu.be/j413xQkbceQ Day 21: Succubus - https://youtu.be/GR8IMfwn7SI Day 22: Goblin - https://youtu.be/vRBYwtK6Mq0 Day 23: Chupacabra - https://youtu.be/fFl7WFA3G6Y Day 24: Yowie - https://youtu.be/Z_wQTgbZS9g Day 25: Man Eating Tree - https://youtu.be/CuLiUtfDeso Day 26: Waheela - https://youtu.be/6Z5IsegggSw --------- For business enquires, content submission or copyright concerns or disputes, please contact us at sandboxten@gmail.com

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