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Monday, July 1, 2019

Victor Camacho (06-18-19) Forbidden Archaeology & Possible ET Origins

Victor Camacho is a researcher and host of the well-known Spanish language radio program “Los Desvelados” (The Unveiled), which airs nationally in the U.S. and Mexico. He has been featured on programs about UFOs on the Discovery Channel, the Travel Channel, the History Channel and the SyFy Channel. He was born in Mexico but has been working in U.S. media for 31 years. He is Director of the Desvelado Network, based in Salt Lake City, where his radio show, which has been on the air for 23 years, is produced. Almost every night, Victor discusses topics related to UFOs, the paranormal, forbidden archaeology, conspiracies and more. Los Desvelados has created a unique niche for itself, captivating listeners nightly in major cities across the U.S. and Mexico. Victor has undertaken numerous trips throughout Mexico to research possible ancient alien sites. He has found artifacts that indicate ET beings may have visited our planet in ancient times. These strange artifacts belong to an unknown culture so old that it may have given rise to the rest of the pre-Hispanic cultures we are more familiar with. The artifacts have engravings that could be an alien language. Victor visited the area where these enigmatic pieces were found and he’s seen the remains of an ancient settlement that seems to be from an advanced civilization. He has spoken with the people who found these enigmatic pieces and met a collector who has more than 1,200 related artifacts. In Teocaltiche, Jalisco he investigated reports of sightings of UFOs with strange flying characteristics that seemingly violate many of the laws of physics. He has seen ancient clay pieces that show UFO-shaped craft and strange insectoid-type beings. Victor will show us exclusive footage of a winged being, or Mothman, taken near this town in the highlands of Jalisco. “We faced in Mexico the discovery of strange artifacts belonging to an unknown culture that could have given origin to the rest of the pre-hispanic cultures we know. These rocks tell the story of beings that inhabited this planet and left their knowledge in a stone library that could change the history of mankind as we know it.

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