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Monday, July 1, 2019

The Unique Oliver's Castle Video Caught UFO Orbs While Drawing Crops Circles

There are many reports of UFO balls of light or UFO discs or columns of UFO light being observed over fields in which crop formations are subsequently found Balls of light usually varying from egg-size to football-size are often observed flying over crop circles already present sometimes weaving back and forth as if inspecting the crop circle formation In one videotape shot in daytime On August 11th, 1996 Mr. John Whaley. claimed that he was ringing to report a new formation in the area of Oliver's Castle He also claimed he witnessed and was able to video strange ufo balls of light hovering over the same field the morning the crop circle formation appeared the video footage showing a crop circle forming within seconds as mysterious balls of light swirl above a Wiltshire field has many people convinced the phenomenon is not a hoax after all The recording was taken near the ancient hill fort of Oliver’s Castle near Devizes, Wiltshire, and has split crop circle researchers as it whether it is an elaborate stunt or genuine proof of the paranormal In several instances crop circles seem to have appeared in direct response to the wishes of individuals or groups of individuals or to comments made by them The forces or intelligences behind the phenomenon. seem to be aware of or influenced by what certain people are saying and thinking He was camping this night near Oliver's Castle Hoping to get some interpretation of crop circles Which spread widely at that time Many of crop circles appeared in the area where he camping.

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