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Sunday, March 3, 2019

This Doesn't Make Any Sense...

Description: Hey guys! Welcome back to your favorite entertainment channel on YouTube – the Supreme! Today. I’m your host Matty Willz, and today – just like every other day – we’ve got a brand new video lined up for you. We’ll be exploring some of the most mysterious event and strange happenings on earth – with today’s title – This Doesn’t Make Any Sense! 10 Wolf Moon So we’ll kick things off with pretty rare event that just went down in early 2019, and was present for viewing for billions of people – in both North and South America. It’s called the Super Blood Wolf Moon – and it happens when the moon passes through the Earth’s shadow while it’s already in its Super Moon state – and that occurs when the moon is at its closest point in orbit to the earth, giving it a much larger appearance. The Blood refers to the shade the moon tends to turn when it finds itself in the earth’s shadow, and the Wolf is a derivative of some Native American languages – that refer to full moons in January – as Wolf Moons. So, now that you know how the Super Blood Wolf Moon gets its nam 9 Lenticular Clouds So, how many of you smarty arty’s out there knows what a Lenticular cloud is? Well, for those of you wo don’t – and don’t worry, I didn’t know either just a few minutes ago – but Lenticular clouds are stationary clouds that form in the air with the wind and temperatures meet at just the right temperatures. They’re unique because they barely move – and sometimes can give off the appearance of an alien spacecraft – or some other type of UFO. Pretty unique, to say the least – and when you catch them forming over the top of a mountain then you’re really in for a rare sight! 8 The Black Sun So up next on today’s episode of earthly events that just really don’t make much sense – we have an annual event in Denmark that is as unexplainable as anything else – and it’s called The Black Sun. This ominous title refers to what the sky looks like once a year when a natural migration of thousands of birds causes them to, literally, black out the sun. According to some experts, this is one of the most magnificent natural phenomena occurring anywhere on the planet. Thousands and thousands of starlings – what some scientists even say could be up to a million - take to the air to move to warmer temperatures in France, Britain, Belgium and Netherlands. They claim it only lasts about 20 minutes, but still – can you imagine never seeing this event, or even knowing of its existence – and then just out of nowhere you see this! Crazy. 7 What is that UFO Dropping? So I have a quick question for you. What would you do if you saw an alien aircraft in real life? I’m not just talking about some ufo that nobody really know what it is… I’m talking about an actual alien aircraft, that when you see it – you have no doubt at all about what it could be? Well just in November of 2018, that’s exactly what happened to some locals in Everett, Washington. Check this out. This apparent alien aircraft – or ufo, if you aren’t a believer – is flying relatively low over the ground. Not far into the clip you can see – what appears to be – something being dropped off from the airship. 3 different somethings, as a matter of fact. What in the heck could that be? As we always ask, if any of you who live in or around Everett, Washington in the United States has any clue at all what this could be – or even if you’ve seen or heard anything specific just because you live in the area 6 The Weird Milwaukee Light Show 5 ?? 4 ?? 3 ?? 2 ?? 1 ?? Background Music: [No Copyright Music] Mystery - GoSoundtrack Ending Song: [No Copyright Music] Missing Someone (Vlog Music ) - Dj Quads : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-c-gGRYKUs For Copyright Issues, Please Feel Free to E-mail me: Top5Supreme@Hotmail.com _ Thank you SOOO Much for watching this video! Give it a like if you liked this video, share it with some of your friends and of course, do not forget to subscribe for the Best Lists!

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