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Monday, February 4, 2019

This Unbelievable Event Cannot Be Explained...

Description: Well hello Supreme fans! Welcome back to your favorite entertainment channel on YouTube – The Supreme! If you’ve been here before – then welcome back! If you haven’t, then strap in because we’ve prepared an extra special episode for you today, title – This Unbelievable Event Cannot Be Explained! Want to become part of the Supreme Team? Make sure to subscribe down below with notifications ON so you don’t miss anything we post each day! Let’s get rollin! 10 The Charlie Chaplin Time Traveler So up first today we have a very interesting case of something that just resurfaced at a local news station not too long ago – and it involves something so strange, that you have to check it out. Charlie Chaplin, born all the way back in 1889 over in London, was famous for his character named The Tramp, of all things. An absolute star of the silent film era, something very mysterious was discovered in one of his films. Check it out. Keep your eye on the righthand side of the screen, and keep in mind that this movie was filmed all the way back in the year 1928. Do you notice anything strange? How about the woman in the hat apparently clasping onto a cell phone as she walks behind the zebra? 9 The Shoe Shopping Vampire So up next we have some more strange video footage that really has zero explanation, and to be completely honest with you – I don’t know that anyone could ever explain what you’re about to witness here. This kid dressed in all black is a vampire. Don’t believe me? Check this out. How else can you explain him walking directly in front of this mirror – without casting a reflection. Nothing. The previous customer, which you can see here – walks the same path and clearly shows up in the glass. But the second person doesn’t. Is that not one of the ringing characteristics that define what a vampire is? I think we all know that the answer to that is yes. Creepy, right? And we’re just getting started. 8 The Benjamin Bennet Videos So, there are weird videos out there on the internet. I know that’s not really breaking news, but, I’m just saying… there are. But not many weirder than a channel called Sitting and Smiling – hosted by a guy named Benjamin Bennett. The premise of the channel – as best I understand – is to perform the endurance art simply known as sitting and smiling. Benjamin turns on his video camera while he sits, smiles and stares at the camera – for 4 hours! Yeah, you heard me right! Four - hours! Then there are episodes where some very, very strange events occur. There are videos where he cries without warning, but never seems to break concentration or character. There’s another episode where someone breaks into his home… 7 Max Headroom, the First Troll So up next on today’s list we have another blast from the past, as this video originated all the way back in the year 1987. On November 22nd someone took over the broadcast of WTTW Channel 11’s television station in Chicago, Illinois. The person in the video of the pirated station was wearing a Max Headroom – a British tv character – mask. He was mostly saying things that were incoherent, but a few years ago someone did try to decipher and subtitle the video. Anyway, is this not the very first documented trolling event? And not to mention that this happened all the way back in the 80s, where the internet wasn’t a thing and broadcasting a television signal was a huge deal that required a lot of equipment and electricity. So, who would’ve done this? And more importantly – for what? 6 The Ghost Trapped in an X Box 5 ?? 4 ?? 3 ?? 2 ?? 1 ?? Background Music: [No Copyright Music] Mystery - GoSoundtrack Ending Song: [No Copyright Music] Missing Someone (Vlog Music ) - Dj Quads : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-c-gGRYKUs For Copyright Issues, Please Feel Free to E-mail me: Top5Supreme@Hotmail.com _ Thank you SOOO Much for watching this video! Give it a like if you liked this video, share it with some of your friends and of course, do not forget to subscribe for the Best Lists!

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