Description: Well hello folks! Welcome back to your favorite entertainment channel on YouTube – the Supreme! Let me ask you a quick question – what’s the biggest discovery ever found on earth? And I’m not talking about the common, regular things that you may see in the news – I mean, what’s something major, that people need to be talking about – that was recently found here on our planet? Well, if you don’t know the answer to that question, that’s why we made today’s video – This is the Biggest Discovery Found on Earth Up to Date! 10 The Glacier of 2000 Secrets So up first on today’s countdown we have a fairly recent discovery that occurred in Norway. In January of 2018 a group of archaeologists who study glaciers recovered over 2000 different artifacts from the edges of one of Norway’s glacier, and in this massive discovery scientists are able to gain a better understanding of the ancient mountain populations in Norway. As part of the Glacier Arcaeology Program that started back in 2011, multiple objects – into the thousands, and dating as far back as 4000 BC, have been found. Including wooden skis, bronze errors, swords, clothing and even pack horses. The items all remain remarkably intact, as ice is a great preserver of time. 9 The Dino and Human Footprints So up next we have a story that was so crazy that it actually shocked me a little bit! And that’s saying something, considering I see at least 10 crazy stories a day! Haha, anyway – check this out. In April of 2017 a guy named Matthew Bennett was doing some digging around on a white salt flat in New Mexico, looking for fossilized footprints. When he found them, he was shocked – because he noticed something that he certainly wasn’t looking for. Check this out. He found a series of footprints from a a ground sloth – which is a big, bulky animal – who have large feet and curved claws. It’s what he discovered inside of the sloth though, that took him aback. There was a set of human footprints nestled directly in the footprint of the sloth. What does this mean? Well, it’s hard to say since this happened at minimum 11,000 years ago. 8 The New Way to See Up next is a recent scientific discovery that could soon change the way we all see. Check this out. It’s tentatively called a ‘bionic lens’, and experts say that when it’s worn it gives a person greater than 20/20 vision. Pretty cool, right? Well, that’s not all. Users who’ve already worn the lens for a short while have even said that this has given their sight an entirely new spectrum of colors that simply are seeable without this aid. How cool is that? It’s exciting to hear stories like this, when we begin to consider that the future may be a bit more – dare I say – futuristic than we may have previously understood. Super sight? What’s next, super hearing? Super taste or touch? Also, when they say, brand new colors – I don’t know how I feel about that because, well because I feel like colors have been around forever. 7 Big Cat Hey, how are things going so far? We hope your enjoying yourself! Especially if this is your first time visiting! We’ll switch things up a bit as the Scottish wildcat conservation project was in operation in Scotland, video of what’s being called the largest wildcat ever seen was taken. Watch as this absolutely monstrous wildcat – which is estimated to be 4 feet long – climbs down this log. Kev Bell, one of the field workers on the project, stated that he’s seen between 10 and 15 of those cats – called the Clashindarroch Beast – during the course of his observations. These are some of the rarest animals in the world, and normal sized wildcats come in at an average of just 2 feet long. 6 Is That Alien Asleep? 5 ?? 4 ?? 3 ?? 2 ?? 1 ?? Background Music: [No Copyright Music] Mystery - GoSoundtrack Ending Song: [No Copyright Music] Missing Someone (Vlog Music ) - Dj Quads : For Copyright Issues, Please Feel Free to E-mail me: _ Thank you SOOO Much for watching this video! Give it a like if you liked this video, share it with some of your friends and of course, do not forget to subscribe for the Best Lists!
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