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Friday, February 1, 2019

Arcturian Energy Devices, UFOs, and Orbs Over Lake Ontario

Jody Maas is the President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers. He's been involved with the crop circles at New Credit Reservation in Hagersville and also led a Sunrise Ceremony there. He has participated in many sweat lodges and was one of nine people chosen internationally to speak at a gathering about helping the earth during a two-day sweat lodge ceremony. Jody held a gathering in Lowville where he activated a power centre with the aid of 85 people during the ceremony. Jody uses a variety of implements in his dowsing practice. He works with crystals and standing stones, ‘L’ rods and pendulums. He is active in house clearing and harmonizing the energies of spaces. Jody works with what he calls the ‘Trinity Energy’. Jody has been receiving information from spirit for many years specifically Arcturians-“Transmissions from the Group”. Information comes to Jody in real time taking the form of pictures and impressions, which he then uses to create crystal devices. These devices range from crystal power rods to pyramids large enough to sit in. He continues to further his research and offers his services and workshops. He is currently working on his first book. http://www.arcturians.ca

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