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Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Description: Alright folks, welcome back to the best entertainment channel on YouTube – The Supreme! If you didn’t know, we provide daily, video content for you – even over the weekends and on holidays! Today we’re gonna mix it up just a little bit, and provide you with a tops list that you won’t forget -, called – Why Hollywood Won’t Cast These 10 Actors Anymore – and we promise to try not to hurt anybody’s feelings! Want to become part of the Supreme Team? Make sure to subscribe down below with notifications ON so you don’t miss anything we post each day! Let’s get rollin! 10 Tobey Maguire Ok so up next on today’s not-so-glamourous list we have one of my favorite childhood superheroes – Tobey Maguire. Well, he wasn’t a superhero – he played a superhero, you know, the original Spiderman trilogy that started all the way back in 2002. So anyway, after Spider Man 3 was released, Tobey just kinda faded into the oblvivious black of Hollywood cast-offs. But why? Well the irony of Tobey’s most famed role unfortunately seems to be the one thing that typecast him right out of being featured in the big screen classics. In 2007, when the third installment of the famed movie series released, Maguire was an A-list celebrity with a capital A. But then – Spider Man 3 was horrible, with a capital H! More than that, people attribute his extreme gambling habits as yet another reason why people don’t connect with him as much anymore. Plus, that boyish face and soft voice leaves a lot to be desired if he’s ever to play in a role that requires a manly man to be present. 9 Roseanne Barr Up next on today’s list of blacklisted Hollywood actors we have Roseanne Barr, most famously known for her 90s sitcom that just got a reboot – albeit, a short lived one – called Roseanne. Yeah, real creative. Haha I’m kidding, but it’s not really a big secret as to what happened with Roseanne and her career. Not only is Barr a very outspoken supporter of current president Trump, which rubs some people the wrong way, but hey it’s America – to each his and her own. But most of America, Hollywood included, turned their back on the middle aged comedian who tweeted something not-so-nice back in May of 2018, which unfortunately for her was right around the time her show was rebooted. The tween, which was focused around a Senior Advisor for former president Barack Obama, was considered racist by a vast majority of the country. 8 Mo’nique It’s not very often Oscar winners can say that they believe they’ve been blacklisted by Hollywood after winning such a prestigious award, but that is something that Mo’Nique - the star of the late 2000s film Precious – claims that she definitely has been. Monique Angela Hicks got her big break into television with a show called The Parkers, that ran for years between 1999 and 2004. Anytime a sitcom runs for that long, you can usually expect the cast members involved to sustain nice acting careers, as 5 years in tv is almost a lifetime. But her truly career defining roll was in 2009, when she played the heart wrenching role of an abusive mother in the film Precious. So, what happened after the popular sitcom and Oscar winning movie that could’ve landed her on the dreaded blacklisted Hollywood list? Well, according to Mo’Nique, who claims that this sentiment is according to the director of Precious Lee Daniels, she didn’t quote ‘play the game’ when it comes to how the way the Oscars wanted to handle the campaign for her popular movie. 7 Mel Gibson Now our next feature on today’s list did land a pretty big directing gig back in 2016 with a movie called Hacksaw Ridge, he’s undoubtedly been removed from the list of potential jobs in Hollywood since his height in the Lethal Weapon flicks from the 80s and 90s. Not only did Gibson endure a very public drunk driving situation, he also publicly said some very disrespectful things to the Jewish community, which also has soured the higher ups in Hollywood. Do you think that Gibson will ever return to the glory that he once endured? Because I must say - while I completely disagree with a lot that Gibson has said over the years, I don’t know that I get a warmer feeling when I catch some old Murtaugh and Riggs moments while scrolling through the channels at home! 6 Cee-Lo Green 5 ?? 4 ?? 3 ?? 2 ?? 1 ?? Background Music: [No Copyright Music] Mystery - GoSoundtrack Ending Song: [No Copyright Music] Missing Someone (Vlog Music ) - Dj Quads : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-c-gGRYKUs For Copyright Issues, Please Feel Free to E-mail me: Top5Supreme@Hotmail.com _ Thank you SOOO Much for watching this video! Give it a like if you liked this video, share it with some of your friends and of course, do not forget to subscribe for the Best Lists!

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