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Thursday, January 17, 2019

What You're About To See May Surprise You...

Description: Hello there ladies and gentlemen! Welcome back to your favorite entertainment YouTube channel – The Supreme! My name is Matty Willz and today we’ll be taking a look at some of the most mysterious and unexplained creatures ever caught on tape – with today’s title – What You’re About to See May Surprise You! 10 The Boney Alien So up first today we have something pretty weird, and we figured hey – why wait around? Let’s just hop into the strangeness of the world and the internet haha. So check this out, we’re in Managua – which is the capital and biggest city of Nicaragua, where this video was captured in January of 2019. So check it out. In a lagoon a man is recording some video footage, and everything was fine and well until this strange creature here was caught on camera! What the heck is that!? My best guess would be extraterrestrial – there is no way that this creature is of this world. It has an extremely large head, a bony, white torso, and short stumpy limbs that appear to be both leg and foot combined. And then, without warning it just waddles over to the edge and then just jumps off! The camera operator turns and runs around trying to find out where the creature had slipped off to – never to be seen again. 9 The Sea Monster of Partamina Pier In late December of 2018, on the pier of Partamina in Indonesia. A local was out shooting some video from his smartphone when he noticed something out on the water. He claims it was very large, very fast – and definitely unlike any sea animal that he’d ever seen before in his life. The actual footage is limited but go ahead and check this out. You can see here that the animal is at least 200 meters away from the pier – then just mere seconds later it’s in a completely different area. Now obviously I question whether or not this animal is a shark or a dolphin, but according to the person who shot the clip claims that the animal – get this – didn’t even have any fins. So, what the heck could this be? Make sure you let us know your best guess down in the comments, and we’ll go ahead and gear up another clip for you! 8 The Midnight Mystery Let’s keep this train moving right along as up next we have another unidentified, mysterious creature caught on camera after dark. We’re not exactly sure where this footage was shot, but check it out. After midnight a YouTuber grabbed his camera because he heard some strange noises in the middle of the night. After doing a little investigating, this is what he discovered. What – the heck – is that? Humanoid in figure with red, glowing, evil looking eyes – what do you think this could be? Some have suggested that it could be Bune the , who supposedly is one of the most powerful dukes in – and also sometimes appears as a dragon with 3 heads. What do you think? Is this video prove the authenticity of this infamous devil? 7 The Baby Mothman So our next clip was originally posted by a YouTuber named Danica DeCosto who claims that her son has found a strange and mysterious animal living in the bushes of their front yard. And to be completely honest, there are almost no words for what they saw – so let’s just show it to you right now. Check this out. This thing was found in the front yard of a Texas home. What in the heck is this thing? It looks like some sort of caterpillar, but it has a huge head and very large black eyes. Has anyone ever seen anything out there like this before? Because I for one can’t even imagine seeing this in person! Anyway, it was also suggested that this could in fact be a baby mothman. Have you heard of it? 6 The Grey Alien from Great Distance 5 ?? 4 ?? 3 ?? 2 ?? 1 ?? Background Music: [No Copyright Music] Mystery - GoSoundtrack Ending Song: [No Copyright Music] Missing Someone (Vlog Music ) - Dj Quads : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-c-gGRYKUs For Copyright Issues, Please Feel Free to E-mail me: Top5Supreme@Hotmail.com _ Thank you SOOO Much for watching this video! Give it a like if you liked this video, share it with some of your friends and of course, do not forget to subscribe for the Best Lists!

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