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Friday, January 18, 2019

Ancient Pyramid Technology Finally Explained!

Pyramid technology is a profound technology, perhaps the most profound technology available, which is why high civilizations that preceded ours spent the enormous social resources they did to build their pyramids. Tom Clearwater shares his incredible insight into the nature of our own reality and how pyramids and tesla coils can help accelerate our own human potential. Here are some of Tom's notes that he sent me the night before the interview that will give you some idea of the topics he gets into: pyramids encode Phi ratio and Pi and so on, and quite possibly constants like the speed of light. I think the meaning of their action is brought out only with a polar analysis matter is polar, is a polarity Tesla coils operate on polarity this shows that matter interior is counterphase, ie where polar realities are spatially coincident, which contrasts with exterior reality where polarities are spatially separated the Meyl effect implies that there exists a type of vibration that corresponds to spatial coincidence as the very interior reality of matter itself (Meyl's peer-reviewed experiment - https://www.k-meyl.de/go/Primaerliteratur/ABBE14_proceedings.pdf) because matter is spatial noncoincidence, or what we call spatial extension, and because matter is a polarity, space is therefore defined, at its most basic level, as polar separation polar nonseparation, or polar coincidence, is accordingly holographic, which is absolutely nonspatial so matter’s interior is a holographic non-spatial reality, a scalar interior, if you will because the reality of this interior is non-spatial, it does not exist inside matter, which is the great mistake that everybody makes the idea of “existing inside” is a spatial conception, where non-spatiality for sure does not reside It is a very small leap from this understanding of a holographic non-spatial interiority to represent exteriority as vibrating or radiating in and as its exterior reality both locally and non-locally, because that connection is necessarily implied by the nature of matter’s interior I, therefore, take the liberty to assume that all matter radiates its wholeness reality to all other matter, including radiating locally on an inverse law basis, where this local effect will be seen to decrease as the inverse of the distance from the radiating source so in Tesla coil operation, you have this wholeness configuration generating wholeness waves that in their action combine, giving the particular results in the Meyl experiment for instance this wholeness, to be a little more precise, is polar, meaning the waves are themselves polar (longitudinal) whose effect accordingly reaches into the polar structure and reality of matter itself, which is the wholeness of that matter, its constitution your awareness is ONE, just as your life is ONE, just as your wholeness is ONE your reality in all these respects, in every respect conceivable, is a unity, and that unity functioning IS your interior so when we talk about Tesla coils operating in a unity functioning using the combinatorial wave function, we are talking about accessing the life function itself as the very unity of what any life is and must be a pyramid accesses that life function, the unitive interior of matter, or of space itself, for matter is space, by counterphasing its radiations pyramid geometry is fundamentally square in having four sides, where radiations from any two opposing sides will be counterphase in the place they meet in the middle between the sources of those radiations this middle connotes the place of counterphase action, which function is actually carried in the naming of pyramid as pyramid, which means, literally, “fire in the middle.” Interview by Mitch Fillion http://www.neardeathfilms.com @neardeathexperiment on instagram

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