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Thursday, January 3, 2019


Description: Oh, hello there! Welcome back to the best entertainment channel found anywhere on YouTube – The Supreme! Today is no different than any other day, as we’ll be brining you a fresh new video about some of the most mysterious situations and events – with today’s tile – 10 Most Unbelievable Events Science Can’t Explain! Want to become part of the Supreme Team? Make sure to subscribe down below with notifications ON so you don’t miss anything we post each day! Let’s get rollin! 10 The Big Swirl So up first today we have a very unique sighting of a heard or reindeer in Kola Peninsula, in Russia. Check this out. This overhead shot looks crazy, doesn’t it? These reindeer are all – for some unknown reason – walking in circles, over and over and over again. The crazy thing is that this weird behavior occurred in not only wild reindeer, but also seemed to affect reindeer that were confined to pens, as well. No one has been able to explain why this is happening, especially science, even though there are a few different theories out there. One floating around is that this is the best way for the heard to stay warm and beat the cold, but that still has yet to be confirmed. But what do you guys think? Please take your best guesses to our comment section, as we’re still trying to figure it out! The Devil’s Sea Up next on today’s countdown we have another weird event, but this time it’s happening in the water – and it’s called the Devil’s Sea. Located in the body of water that borders Osaka Japan, Manila Philippines and Guam, forming a triangular shape – much like the more infamous, however just as deadly, Bermuda Triangle. The Devil’s Sea, which is also known at the Dragon’s Triangle, this area sees ships and planes disappearing at roughly the same pace as the more known Bermuda. Also, another weird fact is that the Devil’s Sea is found almost exactly opposite of the Bermuda Triangle, adding further intrigue as to exactly what’s happening in that weird world of water. Scientists have tried to explain away the mysterious disappearances, but skeptics remain – well, skeptical. What do you guys think is going on here? Perhaps some kind of government testing? 8 Rujim el Hiri Alright folks let’s keep things moving right along here, today. Along the same lines as the Stonehenge in Southern England and the big ol’ spheres found in Costa Rica – here’s yet another mysterious find on earth, that scientists and researchers still have no idea what the real deal is. Check this out. The Rujim el Hiri is located in Israel, and there are several concerning factors that have stumped scientists and historic researches for decades. For starters, this great big wheel is constructed of tons of rocks. Literally. 44 thousand tons, to be exact. Also, this cite dates back to around 3000 bc, which means that these stones have been sitting in this exactly location for thousands and thousands of years! What do you think the purpose of this sight is? Scientists used to believe that a burial chamber was buried at the center of this design, but there is some skepticism as to what the purpose truly is for the vacant spot – as there were no bodies found in the underground tomb. 7 The Dragon Blood Tree Alright folks let’s take a quick turn from the unexplained events and structures, and focus on a very mysterious plant – called the Dragon Blood Tree. Now, first impression when I hear the word Dragon Blood – I’m thinking mythical creatures and a time period similar to when King Arthur around – but that ain’t where we going today. The Dragon Blood Tree is very unique for several reasons. Only found on Socotra Island, this tree is unique it’s it shape – as it sort of takes on the appearance of an umbrella. Also, if you were to ever cut the tree open, then this weird red sap would ooze out, just qualifying it to be named ‘dragon blood’. Climate change over the last 20 or so years have reduced the number of trees dramatically, so if you ever get to see one in person – well you may just want to consider yourself very lucky. 6 NAGA Fireballs 5 ?? 4 ?? 3 ?? 2 ?? 1 ?? Background Music: [No Copyright Music] Mystery - GoSoundtrack Ending Song: [No Copyright Music] Missing Someone (Vlog Music ) - Dj Quads : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-c-gGRYKUs For Copyright Issues, Please Feel Free to E-mail me: Top5Supreme@Hotmail.com _ Thank you SOOO Much for watching this video! Give it a like if you liked this video, share it with some of your friends and of course, do not forget to subscribe for the Best Lists!

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