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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Why Are They Trying To Keep This A Secret... !?

Why Are They Trying To Keep This A Secret... !? Description: What’s up Supreme family, I’m Matty Willz. So, before we get started with today’s video I have a quick question for you – how many of you out there love knowing secrets? Yeah, who loves when you’re in on something that someone around you isn’t in on? I guess that’s not so bad, huh? Well, what about when you aren’t in on the secret, and your friends or family are? Not so fun is it? Today’s video is Why Are They Trying to Keep This a Secret! Want to become part of the Supreme Team? Make sure to subscribe down below with notifications ON so you don’t miss anything we post each day! Let’s get rollin! 10 Google Earth Alien Structure Up first on today’s list we’re gonna travel up to space. Well, we’re just gonna start up in space – we’ll end up coming back down to earth folks, believe me. Anyway, how many of you have heard of Google Earth? It’s an ability that any of us can use so long we can connect to the internet, and it gives you the power to view any address on the planet. Literally, you can look anywhere! Now most of my friends use it to view old address like possible the house we grew up in, or an old job. Some people use it to look out at remote area of the planet – and that’s ok too. So check this out - you may have seen a few different Google Earth images here on Top Supreme, and today we’re going to start with another one. This apparent alien megastructure was found in in Giza, Egypt, back in 2016. 9 Rob Chapman’s UFO Sighting Ok guys check this next one out – we’ll travel out to the UK where a pretty well known guitarist named Rob Chapman took a break from his regular Youtube postings of how to play the guitar about his music – to post about a video that was sent to him from his friend – that features one, maybe 2 different ufos. The video opens with Chapman talking about an experience he had as a kid, when he saw his first ufo – which probably lends to his interest in the sightings into his adulthood. But this video could be actual ufo footage, and if it is – we can all thank this British guitarist. Ok check it out – these lights can be seen at quite a distance – and it’s pretty evident that these aren’t random lights in the evening sky. You can see them fly up and down – before bursting into what appears to be fireworks. 8 Progress Spacecraft UFOs We’ll keep things moving right along here as we bring you a ufo sighting, that for all intents was never supposed to be made public. And it all came from a livestream from NASA itself. Check this out. On August 7th of 2016, a livestream from The Progress Spacecraft showed not one, but two different UFOs flying by before just – all of a sudden – disappearing. The abrupt disappearance of these two orbs have caused many to speculate the NASA has attempted to edit the footage, in an attempt to stave off mass hysteria. And if you’ve been to our channel before, then you know that this isn’t there first time trying to pull this stunt. So – why do you think they don’t want us seeing this kind of footage? If there is something up there, especially if it’s close to earth – don’t we all have a right to know? It’s pretty bold, in my opinion, to just assume that common people aren’t smart enough to digest this information without freaking out rearranging our lives. 7 Ask Astronaut Scott Kelly Alright so this next clip is pretty cool, as it’s the result of a Q and A session with retured astronaut Scott Kelly. In the interview we get some pretty good answers to some questions that we all may or may not be too embarrassed to ask. Like this first one, when someone plainly asks – ‘what do you do all day?’, and this was his response. Or here’s another one, ‘what was the food that you craved the most?’, to which he responded like this. All in all the interview was pretty good, as it’s cool to get to have a conversation with someone who’s been up in outerspace multiple times. I don’t know about you, but I look at traveling to the outer edges of our earthly limitations like some kind of sick ride at an amusement park – because there’s no way you can tell me that it isn’t the most thrilling ride in any type of vehicle! 6 That’s a Huge Alien Structure 5 ?? 4 ?? 3 ?? 2 ?? 1 ?? Background Music: [No Copyright Music] Mystery - GoSoundtrack Ending Song: [No Copyright Music] Missing Someone (Vlog Music ) - Dj Quads : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-c-gGRYKUs For Copyright Issues, Please Feel Free to E-mail me: Top5Supreme@Hotmail.com _________________________________________________________________ Thank you SOOO Much for watching this video! Give it a like if you liked this video, share it with some of your friends and of course, do not forget to subscribe for the Best Lists!

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