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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Stubborn puppy needs to be carried from vet's office

Georgia is a gorgeous 4 month old Bernese Mountain dog with a mind all her own. It is typical of this breed to lay down and refuse to move when they simply don’t want to. They can be as stubborn as a spirited donkey when the mood strikes them. She has a patient and loving owner named Eric who can laugh at her stubborn streak. Georgia has a beautiful home on a country farm, complete with fields to roam and woods to explore. She even has 9 of her brothers and sisters to play with. She should be excited about the idea of going home.<br><br>But Georgia simply loves coming to the veterinarian. Dr. Kristy and the staff truly love animals and it shows. They shower Georgia with affection and treats and Georgia feels like a true diva when she is there. It’s a unique veterinary clinic that has found remarkable ways to reduce an animal’s stress and make them more comfortable with their treatments. People are encouraged to bring their fur babies in to visit regularly, taking away the association of going to the clinic with vaccinations and nail trims. They get so many delicious treats during these procedures that many animals don’t even mind the less pleasant aspects of their visit.<br><br>It’s no surprise when it’s time to leave and Georgia plops down in the doorway, refusing to budge. It’s amusing to the staff. They see it all the time and they realize that it’s a sign that they’ve done their job well. They also love Georgia and her beautiful face is irresistible. When she finally gets her feet under her and starts to walk, it looks like she’s on her way. Then she plops down again at their feet, eager for a last little bit of affection. Everybody’s hearts melt and she knows she has them all in love with her.<br><br>Finally, Eric decides that he will not convince her to get to her feet and he scoops her up in his arms. But Georgia is not the usual puppy. At 4 months old, she already weighs about 40 pounds and stretches almost to Eric’s knees as he carries her out the door. Everybody is laughing at this point, including Eric, as he goes out through the door and loads Georgia into his car. Stubborn as she is, you can’t help but love that face! Source & embed code: https://rumble.com/v6ry28-stubborn-giant-puppy-needs-to-be-carried-from-the-vets-office.html. For licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.

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