According to what Bigfoot Evidence stated on their blog, The Temagami Cottage Bigfoot Photos have been debunked and are possibly the clearest photos of a real bigfoot ever taken. Temagami is a beautiful wilderness region in Ontario Canada. Individuals claiming to have seen Bigfoot describe it as a large, hairy, muscular, bipedal ape-like creature, roughly 6 ft –9 ft tall, covered in hair described as black, dark brown, or dark reddish. Some descriptions include details such as large eyes, a pronounced brow ridge, and a large, low-set forehead. The top of the head has been described as rounded and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male gorilla, with a strong, unpleasant smell. The enormous footprints for which the creature is named are claimed to be as large as 24 inches long and 8 inches wide. Proponents of Bigfoot's existence claim that the creature is omnivorous and mainly nocturnal.
Get 68% off NORDVPN and a month for FREE, as well as an additional gift! Use promo code: topfives We were overwhelmed with the response to our viewers submissions, so much so that we have compiled a couple of bonus videos. So sit back, hit the lights and enjoy another October installment of Scary Images and creepy encounters sent in by our viewers, and we'd just like to say a big thank you to all of you who have sent in stories we very much appreciate them. Our content isn't always ad-friendly, to support and also get exclusive access to our documentaries and documentary series, please take a look at our Patreon: ► To submit any creepy personal stories or send in videos/photographs you may have caught over the years and can't explain, please email 👉 Our other channels 👇 Cold Case Detecitve: TRUE CRIME WarsofTheWorld: MILITARY HISTORY DestinationDeclassified: ALIENS & UFOs Music by CO.AG: Thanks for watching. DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. If you are, or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please email us at Copyright © 2020 Top5s All rights reserved.
Under all the candy, plastic Jack O’ Lanterns and mail-order costumes there is some sense of wonder, tinged with a bit of fear, about Halloween.The main stories of Halloween are well-known to most of us, but here we look at five of the lesser-known aspects of the history of Halloween. We hope you've enjoyed the creepy marathon month this year! Hit the lights, sit back and enjoy. Our contentis isn't always ad-freindly, to support and also get exclusive access to our documentires and documentary series, please take a look at our Patreon: ► To submit any creepy personal stories or send in videos/photgraphs you may have caught over the years and can't explain, please email 👉 Our other channels 👇 Cold Case Detective: TRUE CRIME WarsofTheWorld: MILITARY HISTORY DestinationDeclassified: ALIENS & UFOs Music by CO.AG: Thanks for watching. DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. If you are, or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please email us at Copyright © 2020 Top5s All rights reserved.
From a gilded skull with teeth to mysterious fires caused by a painting, here are 10 haunted artifacts scientists can’t explain! Follow us on instagram! Subscribe For New Videos! Check out these videos you might like: Unbelievable Animals SAVING Other Animals! 🐯 LARGEST Animals Ever Discovered! 🐙 Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives! 🐻 10. The Begging Bowl The “begging bowl” is an ornately carved skull used in Tibet. Also called a kapala, it is used for special rituals and to put offerings. This one is a highly decorated and gilded monkey skull. Tibetan monks once used all types of skulls, including those of humans, to appease angry spirits, using them as offering plates for wine, bread, and even blood, which were believed to drive the evil spirits away from the holy place. 9. “The Hands Resist Him” Created by artist Bill Stoneham in 1972, The Hands Resist Him is a painting depicting a boy and girl doll standing beside one another in front of a glass door. From behind the door, several hands are pressed up against the glass leaving eerie shadows as if they were trying to reach the children. 8. Busby’s Stoop Chair A haunted oak chair, known as the Busby’s stoop chair and the Dead Man’s Chair, is reportedly responsible for so many deaths, its owner had to get rid of it and donated it to the Thirsk Museum in England. 7. Ruby A haunted baby doll named Ruby came to the Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult from a family who had treasured her for generations as an heirloom. During Ruby’s time spent with her original owners, they became convinced that the doll was causing their children to suffer from chronic illnesses. 6. “The Crying Boy” The curse of the crying boy began during the 1950s, when Italian painter Giovanni Bragolini, created a series of portraits of a tearful little boy in honor of World War II orphans. These paintings were popular in England, where they were mass-produced and sold throughout the country. 5. James Dean’s Car On September 30, 1955, actor James Dean died in a car crash while driving his Porsche 550 Spyder, which he affectionately called Little Bastard. He had purchased the car and had it customized just a week earlier. That day, the actor drove his new ride to a Los Angeles restaurant, where he dined with his friend, British actor Alec Guinness. 4. Basano Vase The dark tale of a 15th-century silver vase called the Basano Vase started when a bride in Napoli, Italy received it as a wedding gift. But she never made it to the altar -- legend goes that someone murdered her on her wedding night, with the vase in her hands. The Basano Vase was passed down through the woman’s family, and everyone who owned it seemed to die unexpectedly. 3. The Hope Diamond However beautiful and valuable it may be, the Hope Diamond has a sinister past that includes a reputation for causing death and misfortune to many of its former owners. The 45.52-carat gem, worth an estimated $200-$350-million, was likely mined in India, then traveled around the world and through numerous hands before ultimately ending up at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, where it resides today. 2. The Anguished Man Considered to be one of the world’s most haunted artifacts, a frightening oil painting called The Anguished Man was created by an unknown artist and at an unknown time, allegedly using paint with human blood mixed into it. 1. Woman Of Lemb The Woman of Lemb, also called the Goddess of Death, is a small, pure limestone statue that was unearthed in Cyprus in 1878. It’s one of hundreds of similar statues of varying sizes and shapes that have been found on the island, but oddly, there is no archaeological record of the excavation of the Woman of Lemb statue, including who found it. #hauntedartifacts #unexplainedartifacts #hauntedobjects #originsexplained
Chester Moore is one of the most widely recognized outdoors journalists in the United States. He has served as Executive Editor of Texas Fish & Game magazine as well as Outdoors Editor for the Port Arthur News and Orange Leader newspapers. He has sold stories and photographs to more than 100 publications. Individuals claiming to have seen Bigfoot describe it as a large, hairy, muscular, bipedal ape-like creature, roughly 6 ft –9 ft tall, covered in hair described as black, dark brown, or dark reddish. Some descriptions include details such as large eyes, a pronounced brow ridge, and a large, low-set forehead. The top of the head has been described as rounded and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male gorilla, with a strong, unpleasant smell. The enormous footprints for which the creature is named are claimed to be as large as 24 inches long and 8 inches wide. Proponents of Bigfoot's existence claim that the creature is omnivorous and mainly nocturnal.
Estamos locos estos romanos por Paco Álvarez Ponente: Paco Álvarez Estamos locos estos romanos no es un sesudo libro de Historia ni una colección de latinajos. No es tampoco el ensayo definitivo sobre la Hispania Romana. No es un libro de Historia, es un libro de aventuras. De la aventura de la creación de una civilización capaz de cohesionar a las salvajes tribus hispanas. Estamos locos estos romanos narra, en tono divulgativo y ameno, la increíble y épica aventura histórica a través de la cual, las tribus del “salvaje oeste” del mundo mediterráneo, es decir, nosotros, nos convertimos en miembros de la civilización más “civilizada” de la antigüedad. Estamos locos estos romanos busca las huellas de esta conversión y evolución, no en unas excavaciones, no en las academias, sino en nuestro alrededor, contando de la manera más didáctica posible, cómo nuestros abuelos se hicieron más romanos que los romanos. Estamos locos estos romanos trata sobre la manera en la que tras doscientos años de guerras continuas y salvajes, en las que nuestra piel de toro esta algo así como el frente oriental en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el lugar a donde los legionarios venían a morir, se convirtió de pronto en Eldorado, en el paraíso terrenal, en la tierra de promisión donde el mejor aceite de oliva, el mejor garum y el mismísimo oro, corría por los sueños (y por los bolsillos) de los romanos, es decir, de nosotros. Librería Tercios Viejos Dirección: Calle María Panes, 4, 28003 Madrid Teléfono: 918 65 61 86 Compra on line Si vas a COMPRAR en AMAZON no te olvides de entrar a través de nuestro enlace de AFILIADOS. A tí te saldrá a precio AMAZON y asi AYUDARAS A MANTENER DIVULGADORES DEL MISTERIO. SIN PAGAR UN EURO MAS EN TUS COMPRAS AMAZON Y si tienes dudas, pregúntanos Siguenos en:
From spiders that do cartwheels to some of the deadliest on Earth, here are 10 of the most bizarre and venomous spiders in the world! Follow us on instagram! Subscribe For New Videos! Check out these videos you might like: Unbelievable Animals SAVING Other Animals! 🐯 LARGEST Animals Ever Discovered! 🐙 Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives! 🐻 10. ‘Flic-Flac’ Spider The ‘flic-flac’ spider is highly entertaining! Like a gymnast it flips and twists to move quickly along the desert sands!! Discovered in 2009 by scientist Ingo Rechenberg, after whom the species is named (Cebrennus rechenbergi) and officially described in 2014, the flic-flac spider is best-known for its ability to “cartwheel,” or somersault, away from predators. 9. Sydney Funnel-Web Spider Out of the 40 known funnel-web spider species, the Sydney funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus) is known as the deadliest, because it is involved in the most human fatalities. Native to urban areas and forests in eastern Australia, the creature doesn’t hesitate to bare its powerful fangs, which are capable of penetrating nails and shoes. 8. The (Mostly) Vegetarian Spider Bagheera kiplingi is a jumping spider species that lives in Latin America. Its name was clearly inspired by the Jumgle Book!! Its distinguishing characteristic, out of roughly 40,000 known spider species, is its mostly vegetarian diet. 7. Black Widow Spider The term “black widow” includes several species, who share a major common trait: extremely toxic venom. Black widow spiders come from the Latrodectus genus, which encompasses black widows, brown widows, and other, similar species. Found in temperate regions worldwide, these nocturnal, half-inch (1.27 cm) long creatures are easily identified by their bright, hourglass-shaped marking on their abdomen. 6. Scorpion-Tailed Spider Endemic to Australia, the scorpion-tailed spider (Arachnura higginsi) is a small orb-weaver measuring just 0.63 inches (16 mm) long, meaning you might have to gain an up-close look to notice what’s unique about the species. 5. Brown Recluse Found primarily throughout the southern and central United States, the brown recluse (Loxosceles reclusa) is considered one of the most venomous spiders in the country, and it’s also the most common brown spider species. 4. Fishing Spiders Whether you call them fishing spiders, raft spiders, dock spiders, or wharf spiders, chances are, you’ve encountered them near the water if you live along the East Coast of the United States. Outside North America, these creatures can be found in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand as well. 3. Brazilian Wandering Spider Also called armed spiders or banana spiders, Brazilian wandering spiders belong to the genus Phoneutria, which translates to “murderess” in Greek. The name accurately reflects the spider’s status as one of the most venomous on Earth, with a bite that can be deadly to humans, especially children. 2. Spitting Spiders Spitting spiders exist all over the world, with specimens in northern Europe usually being found in houses, with those in southern Europe often turning up underneath stones outside people’s homes. Spitting spiders capture prey by firing venom-drenched silk at their target. Shooting from the animal’s fangs in a zig-zag pattern at a top speed of 62 miles per hour (100 km/hr), the twin streams of silk are not only poisonous, but are also covered in a natural, extremely sticky glue. 1. Cyclocosmia First described in 1871 by Austrian naturalist Anton Ausserer, Cyclocosmia is a genus of trapdoor spiders consisting of four species, which are known for having a distinctive truncated, disc-shaped abdomen. They are also known as the Chinese Hourglass spider. #venomousspiders #bizarrespiders #venomouscreatures #originsexplained
From possible dinosaurs hiding in the swamps to hairy beasts so smelly they will make you faint, here are 10 of the creepiest cryptids in the world. Follow us on instagram! Subscribe For New Videos! Check out these videos you might like: Unbelievable Animals SAVING Other Animals! 🐯 LARGEST Animals Ever Discovered! 🐙 Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives! 🐻 10. The Goatman The goatman is an enormous humanoid cryptid, half-man half-goat measuring around 7 feet tall!! There have been reports of sightings in Alabama, Louisiana, Maryland, Texas and several other places. In Maryland legend goes that he was once a man who kept goats who was lonely and angry and went crazy when local teens killed his beloved goats. Some legends depict the Goatman as a mythical beast, or cryptid, and might be related to the Chupacabra. 9. Emela-Ntouka Hailing from West Central Africa, including the Congo’s Likouala swamp region and possibly parts of Cameroon, the Emela-Ntouka is a massive, ferocious cryptid that reportedly kills anything it crosses paths with. Known to locals as the “Elephant Killer,” the hairless, single-horned creature is roughly the same size as an African elephant -- around 13,230 pounds (6,000 kg) -- and resembles a rhinoceros in shape and appearance. 8. Mothman The Mothman of Point Pleasant, arguably one of America’s creepiest legendary cryptids, originated in Clendenin, West Virginia on November 12, 1966, when a cemetery worker spotted a massive creature passing overhead, swiftly passing from one tree to the next. 7. Jorōgumo The jorōgumo is a type of yōkai, or supernatural monster or spirit, in Japanese folklore. The name itself literally means “binding woman” which is fitting given that it is often depicted as a spider that takes on the appearance of a beautiful seductress. It uses its looks to entice and ultimately devour young men. According to legends, when a spider lives to be 400 years old, it gains magic powers that allow it to grow and shapeshift, helping it to hunt for humans. 6. Mapinguari In its original form, the Mapinguari was an Amazonian shaman who discovered the secret to immortality. Displeased with his discovery, the gods turned him into a hairy beast that reportedly wanders the border between Brazil and Bolivia to this day. 5. Jersey Devil Legend holds that the Jersey Devil was the unwanted 13th son of Mother Leeds, one of earliest settlers of southern New Jersey’s Pine Barrens. Unable to afford to raise the baby, Leeds and her husband offered the rejected child to the Devil before his birth in 1735. 4. Mongolian Death Worm With a name meaning “large intestine worm,” the olgoi-khorkhoi is a dark red, four-foot (1.2 meters) long cryptid resembling a giant earthworm and originating from Mongolia. Also known as the “Mongolian death worm,” it reportedly lives below ground in the southern Gobi Desert, only surfacing during summer and when the ground is wet. 3. Iliamna Lake Monster Commonly known as “Illie,” the Iliamna Lake Monster resides in a small fishing village next to Alaska’s largest lake and is a staple of local mythology. Measuring somewhere between 10 and 30 feet (3-9.1 meters) long, the aquatic cryptid resembles a long marine creature, unlike a whale or seal, with a long tail, distinct fins, and a square-shaped head, which it reportedly uses for inflicting blunt force into small boats and other structures. Native legends describe it as a large beast that roams the waters. 2. Monkey-Man Of Delhi In May 2001, claims circulated of a half-man, half-monkey creature appearing on the streets of New Delhi, India. Known as the Kala Bandar, which is Hindi for “black monkey,” the cryptid reportedly came out primarily at night and attacked dozens of people by clawing and biting at them. 1. Ogopogo Nicknamed “Oggy,” the Ogopogo, or Okanagan Lake Monster, is a lake monster of Canadian folklore, said to inhabit Okanagan Lake in British Columbia. Its legend dates as far back as the 1700s, with origins tied to First Nation tribes, who spoke of a “water beast”in the lake. The creature is often depicted as a multi-humped, serpentine sea dragon with green or black skin and the head of a horse, snake, or sheep, according to the BBC. #creepycryptids #cryptidsightings #halloween #originexplained
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